Janice crawled out of unconsciousness in fits and starts. Her head ached in her skull and her heart thudded into her chest. She tried to press her hand against her forehead but her limbs didn't seem to be working right.

She shook her head.

It didn't move.

There was pressure on the side of her skull but she didn't feel her hair moving over her shoulders or even the air brushing against her cheeks.

She licked her lips and tasted a strange sour metallic taste on her tongue. Pulling a face, she worked her lips trying to work out the taste. Her tongue was sluggish and everything had a metallic flavor.

Panic rose up in the swirl of consciousness and unconsciousness. She twisted her other limbs, tugging and lifting and pulling but they didn't move easily. She wasn't even sure if they were moving at all.

With her limbs unable to respond to her thoughts, she concentrated on her eyes. Each lid felt like a thousand pounds as she strained to pry it open. Tears ran down her cheeks, working around the crusty seal that kept them sealed shut.

To her surprise, shew as panting when she finally forced one open. There was a dim light around her, a red glare that seeped through the flecks that clung to her eyelashes.

She blinked harder, working her eyes open and closed until her eyes finally came into focus.

The first thing she could see was a bank of red LED displays. They were plain, like an old clock, instead of a digital display like everything made in the last few decades.

Frowning, she peered at one until she could make out a glowing phrase above the first number: heartbeat. The number was hovering in the 105-109 range. That seemed right for the pounding in her chest.

Figuring that the numbers were monitoring her, though she couldn't imagine why. Knowing the first, the others were easier to puzzle out: respiration rate, some sort of EKG, and oxygen levels.

Why was she being monitored. And why was it in her face. She blinked and tried to focus on the material next to the display. It was black and smooth, plastic.

She tried to turn her head to look around but her head still refused to move. She could feel something pinning her face. It was soft and gave slightly but still firm enough to keep her head and neck from rotating.

Whimpering, she tugged on her arm again but felt the same soft pressure kept her pinned in place.

Her breath turned into a pant as she tugged on it, exploring her bounds. There was pressure on her wrists, elbows, and shoulder. More pressure to her ribs and hips. She tugged her legs and found the same bondage.

She tried to reach out with her hands. Her fingers stretched and strained but they touched nothing. She couldn't bend them enough to claw at the restraints at her wrist nor could she find the sides. Her hands were free but she was completely helpless.

Janice whimpered and tugged harder, yanking with all her might. She strained at her legs, pulling until her muscles screamed in agony. When she couldn't, she slumped with a sob.

Every point of movement of her body was locked in place, keeping her helplessly pinned. Her thighs weren't even touching, she couldn't squeeze to bring them in contact.

She couldn't even tell if she was wearing clothes.

Twisting back and forth, she struggled to break herself free. She felt her muscles tearing like she pushed herself too much while lifting weights, but it still wasn't enough.

She couldn't free herself.

A sob tore through her throat.

Janice made one more effort to break herself free. The muscles in her legs strained painfully but she pushed herself to her very limits. A scream beat against the walls of her confinement as she strained.

Then, all the strength fled out of her. With a strangled cry, she slumped against her bonds. Sobbing, she listened to her panting as her chest heaved with the effort.

Desperate, she worked her lips for a moment. “H-Help!” Her strained voice sounded like she was in a shower with the walls too close. She cried out again but she didn't think anyone could hear her.

Sobbing, she tried to pull her wrist free again but couldn't. She alternated between pulling and screaming and twisting.

It was obvious nothing would work but she couldn't give up. Not yet, not ever.