Every time Janice woke up, she prayed it was to end the horrible nightmare that she had been thrust into. She didn't know how long she had been in the container, there was no clock other than the constantly fluctuating numbers monitoring her. It felt like hours if not days since she woke up.

She had managed to doze off, but each time it felt like she woke up sooner. She had caught up on her sleep and now there was nothing to pass the time besides waiting.

Trapped and almost blinded, she couldn't help but focus on the sounds and sensations of her body. Her stomach gurgled and ached with the desperate need to eat but her concerns were further below. The pressure on her bladder and sphincter had increased steadily since she had woke up.

At first, it was just a discomfort, but in the last hours, it felt like she was about to explode. Tears burned in the corner of her eyes as she strained her buttocks, flexing muscles with all her might to keep from expelling and fouling her container.

Her efforts to pull her arms and legs free had left her weak. They felt like limp noodles, aching with every attempt to flex or tug on them.

A dribble of pee escaped her.

She gasped and clamped down on her muscles even harder. She was losing her battle with her own body and despair colored her thoughts.

“N-No,” she gasped with a hoarse voice. Screaming hadn't helped either plus the pressure holding her ribs in place made it difficult to take a deep breath.

A wave of pressure began its build-up inside her colon. She strained to shake her head. She couldn't hold back much longer.

What would happen? Would she be in a pool of her own feces for days? Could she drown in urine? What was going on? Why were they doing this to her.

“P-Please?” she whispered. “Please don't do this. Don't make me do this.”

The numbers didn't change.

Another squirt of pee escaped.

She sobbed as she pulled back.

The pressure built up, increasing into an agonizing wave.

Janice couldn't do it anymore. She tried to release her bladder without relaxing her sphincter. The dribble of urine splashed along naked flesh before the searing hot liquid ran past her strained sphincter.

She clenched her stomach and it sprayed out from her body. The sound was loud in the container and the acrid smell flooded her senses.

Overwhelmed, she tried to stop but her need was too much.

Then she lost control of her sphincter. It exploded out of her, coating her legs and choking her with the smell.

Janice sobbed as she gave up, emptying her body until the pressure relented.

Humiliated, she sobbed as the flow ended and she was forced to realized she was trapped covered in her own shit and urine.

A wet gurgling noise filled the container, surrounding her with the first new noise in probably hours. With a wet churning sensation, the entire container shook faintly as water sounded like it was coming inside.

Tepid water jetted against her leg. It felt like knives at first but then into a pressurized shower as it started at her belly and moved down, blowing off her mess from her body.

The sounds of fans rose up and fresh air blew across her skin. The noise accelerated and turned into a heated stream that chased after the water sprayer.

Whatever was cleaning her came did three passes, washing her top and bottom in three passes with a final one sluicing out the valley between her legs.

The places where the cushions pinned her became more obvious and she could imagine her position. She was on her back, legs slightly spread apart so they weren't touching. The clamps were at each joint with thicker ones somehow pinning her hips in place so she couldn't even twist them.

The water jet stopped and she was surrounded buy billowing air that danced across her skin, trying drying her.

She felt sad that it wasn't cleaning her face, at least to remove the crusty part of her dried tears, but at least her bottom half no longer felt disgusting.

When the fan stopped and the air cooled, she was plunged into a startling silence. It was deafening that she could only hear her heart pounding in her ears and her breath coming out in ragged gasps.

She clenched her muscles and relaxed. At least she didn't have to go now.

The relief didn't last long as the long darkness continued. She didn't know if it would ever end, but there was nothing for her to do, nothing to move or action she could perform. The only thing was moving her fingers and toes in the empty space and wait for her nightmare to end.