I'm always on the quest for the “perfect” website. Of course, what is perfect is a relative thing since what I like may not be what everyone else loves. That doesn't stop me from trying, so I've made a few changes to how I create this site:

  • Stories and novels (but not certain posts) now use text indents instead of slab paragraphs. This means there isn't a wide gap between the paragraphs. It brings it closer to the print page (something I love) and less of the technical formatting of the Internet.
  • Chapters in the novels now have links to the previous and next chapters. This lets the reader easily go to the next chapter (and hopefully encourage them to read).
  • Minor formatting on the alert box to make it square.
  • Corrected some titles to have the proper accent characters. This mainly affects the fan-fiction section of the site.
  • Changed the base fonts to Oxygen and Droid Serif because Noto couldn't handle proper accents.