This is pretty interesting as an article about someone who sank into the mindset of being a Pick-Up Artist (PUA), a guy who “scores” by getting as many girls to fuck him as possible.
The above linked site is horribly written. As you scroll down, it brings up advertising images that cause the entire document to reflow. I had to scroll back up, but it was well-written and on a topic relevant to me.
The problem is, he didn't keep quiet about it. He wrote a blog under a different name in an attempt to keep it separate from his day job (running a coffee shop). On his podcast, he talked about the girls he fucked and scored them on various attributes.
It didn't work out.
When someone, no one is sure who, linked the coffee store owner to the PUA, things went to hell for him. Finding a casual date listed in some entry that scaled you on appearance, fucking, or even attitude is a dehumanizing thing.
In some ways, I see some relations to rape. There are people who dismiss it:
Some Ashevillians took a boys-will-be-boys attitude, arguing that Jared and Jacob were just talking the way men talk when women aren’t around.
And there are others that will get very upset about it. There were protests in front of his store which he eventually closed. He made some effort to turn his world around and make apologies, but for someone who was so methodical about embracing the PUA mindset, how could you accept anything he does as being anything other than a sociopathic gesture to get people to stop yelling at him?
The men found themselves shunned from their other community as well: The manosphere turned on them for their public apologies. “They revealed themselves as fearful little men scrambling to be PC and do damage control,” one poster wrote on the Red Pill sub-Reddit. “The apology was pathetic and he tried to paint himself as a victim. It’s like if your girlfriend caught you masturbating would you scramble to hide the evidence and apologize or would you look her straight in the eyes, without stopping and ask if she’s going to help you finish or go away?”
Of course, that respond showed someone else with the same mentality, that emotionless view of women as nothing more than fuckbait. But then again, you have people killing women because they didn't accept an offer of a date (last year near me or the guy shooting women because he doesn't have a date).
The dehumanizing view of women is terrible. They are over half the population in this world. No one, male or female, should be treated that way. And I include almost every politician, CEO, and stockholder on this planet who views people as nothing more than numbers, costs, or line items on some spreadsheet.
This view of people (women and minorities more than cis-gendered white men) is a poisonous way of thinking. You lose that connection to reality which has gotten easier with the uprising of the Internet, mobile phones, and disconnected relationships.
Jared had uncomfortable conversations about his personal life with his family members. “You know,” his grandmother told him, “we’re women too.”
Another aspect of the article which I found interesting was this:
If Jared had studied his foundational text more closely, he might've been able to predict what happened next. By the end of The Game, Strauss has a revelation: The systematic, quantified pursuit of women tends to make men bitter and resentful.
It is true. The more you study things, the more you lose the emotional side of it and focus on the details. I see that occasionally with my writing, I'm losing the joy of writing stories because I tried to make money off them. One of the things I did was drop the short stories on Amazon as not being healthy for me and just try to enjoy writing sex. Maybe a few novels that I will sell, but not trying to make a few more bucks off some formulaic piece of crap because I want to be able to pay a credit card off.
Still have to pay off the credit card, but I'm trying to find a different income that doesn't require me to sell my happiness.
The last bit is the fact he was outed. I'll admit, this frightens me the most. I like to write topics that I want to keep separate from my “day job” because of the consequences. The idea that someone will link them together (and a few have) absolutely terrifies me because I won't be able to take care of my family.
More than once, I've actually considered shuttering the t'Sade byline entirely. No grand “I'm leaving” speeches, just disappearing one day and ignoring any messages that pop up. I probably won't, I love writing these stories, but it still frightens me.