My next piece, Economies of Scale, is now available for Patreons and other subscribers. This is a story of slavery, forced breeding, medical amputation, and capitalism.

Janice was the twin sister of a model but she didn't want to use her beauty for her job since, sooner or later, it would fade. Instead, she specialized in quality assurance and processes which made her the perfect employee for Universal Exchange. But her boss, Duncan, had some other ideas of her future and he was willing to shepherd her into the world of horror that fueled his riches.

The themes for this story were chosen by my higher level subscribers. I was also happy to see a couple of them gave more specific details which I hope have shown up to their satisfaction.

  • Amputation
  • Asphyxiation
  • Bondage
  • Dehumanization
  • Enema
  • Forced Breeding
  • Insanity
  • Kidnapping
  • Medical Procedure
  • Montage Scenes
  • Rape
  • Sensory Deprivation
  • Slavery
  • Torture

Since I'm always craving feedback and I found that asking for public comments really doesn't work because of the story content, I set up a private survey for getting your feedback. I won't share the answers but anything you give helps drive what I write. For example, a number of responses to On the Town mentioned they didn't care for castration stories, so I'm reducing the number of ones I write.

In other news, I decided to try again with a forum for everyone (including those who won't subscribe). This will give me a relatively safe place to post my stories and communicate in case I lose access to my account. The impetus was when I saw a number of my social contacts getting purged for content.

On the forum, I've set up an automatic connection to Patreon so if you are a subscriber, just use that log in. It will give you access to the private forums. For SubscribeStar and direct subscriptions, poke me and I'll add you to the list.

I'll mirror content across everything as usual, this is more of an insurance policy. That way, you can stay on your preferred network or use the forum instead.