David woke up and stretched. The sheets slid along his skin. He felt his feet pushing into cooler material, but then his foot pushed against someone's thigh. He woke up with a start, sitting up sharply.

Olivia sat at the foot of his bed, crouched over his computer terminal. Her red-rimmed eyes stared helplessly at the screen as she tapped frantically through the commands.

He yawned, “Olivia?”

She looked over to him, a devastated look on her face. Her naked breasts heaved as she tapped on the screen, moving through the menus after hours of memorization and desperate looking.

“I-I can't go back. I tried to order clothes and it won't let me do it. I really can't do anything, can I?”

He shook his head, “I'm sorry.”

“What will happen?”

“Well, I'll take you home and you'll join my household.”

“W-What about my mother? My sister?”

“I can't do anything for your sister, someone already bought here. As for your mother, she'll get a weregild for you.”

“But, they said at the auction place, that they wouldn't get anything. B-Because I was a property sale.”

David shrugged, “Normally, yes, but I sent her a weregild for you last night. It seemed right.”

Olivia seemed surprised. “You sent blood money? You didn't have to.”

He smiled. “I did, actually, it wouldn't be right any other way.”

“You did that? That means they'll get a lot of money, right?”

“Yes. About eight hundred million dollars.”

“That's a lot of money.”

Olivia stared down at the screen for a long time. David watched her carefully, pushing himself up so his back pressed to the cold headboard. She glanced at him a few times, then set down his terminal with a sigh. She ran her finger along it one last time, then she wrapped her arms around her chest.

“I… I…” She swallowed before she finished, “I don't know how to be a slave.”

He chuckled. “Remarkably, it isn't that hard. I'm not exactly a harsh master. I suspect most of the things I'm going to do will come naturally.”

She focused on him through her eyelashes and pushed back her hair.

“What are you going to do to me?”

David regarded her, then casual asked, “What do you think I'll do?”

“Are you going to rape me?”


Olivia let out a sigh of relief, but David continued, “But, I am probably going to fuck you at some point.”

Her eyes widened. David chuckled. He flipped back the blanket and stood up. Olivia stared at his naked body, then looked away sharply. David saw a blush appearing on her cheeks. She peeked over at him, then away.


“No,” said David, “right now I'm going to get some breakfast and we're going swimming.”


“I'm hungry, come on.”

He dressed quickly, pulling on shorts and a t-shirt. When he finished, he waited by the door. Olivia sat on the edge of his bed, looking around.

“I, um, I don't have anything to wear. All my clothes were sold.”

“I know. Come on, I want breakfast.”

She stood up slowly, obviously uncomfortable. On her feet, she tugged on her collar. David shook his head, then opened the door.

“Come on, Olivia.”

He walked to the elevator. Pressing the button, he turned around to see Olivia inching down the hall, jumping at every bump and door opening. He held the door open, then slipped an arm around her waist. She trembled on his touch, but he didn't do anything besides hold her.

A pair of teenagers got into the elevator as it went up. A boy and a girl, obviously brother and sister. They stared at Olivia and the naked teenager blushed hotly. She tried to turn away from them, but David's arm kept her from turning.

She whispered to him, “David? What are you doing?”

He leaned over and smiled, “Try ‘master’.”


“Master. I like being called master.”

She hissed at him, “Why are you doing this?”

He turned her head toward him and spoke softly. “This is going to be very hard for you, I know, but the sooner you accept this, the sooner life will be easier for you.”

“Can't you just, I don't know, treat me like a girlfriend or something?”

David pulled her close enough for their lips to almost touch. Across from the elevator car, the two teenagers watched with gaping mouths. David felt a little thrill and smiled at them, then returned to Olivia.

“All those movies and books, where the slave falls in love and they live happily ever after? And the slave never acts like a slave again? It never works.”

Olivia frowned and whispered, “What? Why?”

“No matter how much you want it, no matter how much I treat you like a normal person, you have no more rights. You can't use the computer, you can't own anything more, you can't even make another money transfer unless I explicitly give you permission. Just pretending you are normal means that every single thing you do, for the rest of your life, you will need me to start and finish it. Do you know what means?”

Olivia started to tremble.

David spoke softly, “You can never have a normal relationship again, Olivia. It isn't a matter of love. I'm your owner. And, I'm not going to pretend otherwise simply because it doesn't help anyone, especially you. I saved you from a nasty owner and I will never beat, snuff, or torture you. But, you are my slave and I expect you to act like one, do you understand?”

She whimpered. David squeezed her and repeated himself. “Do you understand?”


He waited. Her mouth worked silently, then her body slumped.

“Yes, master.”

“Now, let's eat.”

The elevator opened on the thirtieth floor, the same restaurant that Deborah and he enjoyed. The maitre'd looked at him, not even seeing Olivia, and brought him to the table. David gestured for a chair to be brought for Olivia, but he ordered for the teenager. Olivia watched with growing despair, watching how no one looked or even acknowledged her. The wait staff even gave David her food, which David handed over.

Olivia hesitated before eating. David smiled, “Go on.”

They ate in silence. David watched Olivia as he ate. She constantly looked around at the others, a blush high on her cheeks. He didn't feel guilty as his eyes roamed down her body, admiring her perky breasts or her narrow hips. She caught him looking, then blushed even more.


“Nothing, I think you are pretty.”


“Yes. Sexy, actually.”

She smiled, the first in a long time, and ducked her head. They both finished their food and David brought her down to the hotel pool. It was unoccupied since the beach attracted more of the people. David simply stripped off his clothes and dove into the water. He swam to the far end, then gestured for her to join him.

Olivia slipped into the water, the collar around her neck weighing her down, but she swam strongly over to him. Hair wet, she looked at him. David gestured for her to just swim and they swam laps in the pool. Occasionally, their legs would brush in the water, but David made no attempt to touch her.

After almost an hour of hard swimming, they slowed to a stop and waded in the water near the center of the pool. Olivia panted as she bobbed up and down, her breasts cresting over the surface as she did. David smiled.

“Feel better?”

She nodded and looked worried. “A little.”

“Don't worry, I'm not that bad of a master. You can ask Noami and Christina when we get home, but I don't get my jollies by hurting anyone. And just remember, your mother will be very well off with the money I sent.”

“I hope so. I wish I know what happened to her and Lauren.”

He swam a little closer and she backed up. David smiled and continued to swim toward her, pushing her back to the edge of the pool. When her naked back pressed to the side, clinking the collar on the concrete, she stopped.

“Um, master, a-are you going to fuck me now?”

David smiled, “Yes, I am.”

Still panting, she stopped swimming and reached back to grab the edge of the pool. Her movement cause her perky breasts to rise out of the water and David enjoyed how the water streamed off them, droplets forming on her tiny nipples. He reached out of the water himself, grabbing her hands and wrists to steady himself.

She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with fear and excitement. David lowered himself on her body, his legs sliding down her outer thighs. As his mouth brushed to her nipples, she arched her back to lift her breasts to him. David suckled on it, his lips moving across smooth, teenage flesh. Olivia moaned softly, her legs kicking out as he released one hand and grabbed her waist, pulling her close as he sucked and gently bit her nipples.

Olivia whimpered in the back of her throat. David raised himself to look into her eyes. “Don't let go,” he commanded, then released his other hand from her wrists. One hand on her back, he used the other to cup one breast, then slide down her water-lubricated body. Smooth, nubile skin glided underneath his palms as he worked his fingers lower. She gasped louder when he found her belly button, teasing the tiny opening before delving deeper.

He found her pussy, a deep cleft of her body and tiny folds of flesh inside. She jumped at the first touch, then leaned into his fingers as he traced the lines of her slit, caressing back and forth with three fingers. She shuddered and he watched her eyes growing misty with excitement.

David pushed deeper into her body, using two fingers to part her labia. His third flicked to her clitoris, circling around it and teasing it with his fingernail.

Olivia shuddered, her lips parting. “No one has ever touched me like—” She gasped as he drove two fingers into her pussy. Grinning, he pulled himself tight to her body and ground his hard cock into her abdomen. Pumping hard, he felt her body trembling as an orgasm rose up, but he withdrew before she came.

“Da… Master?”

He smiled and spread her legs apart. Sliding his hand along her thigh, he hooked his hands on her buttocks and pulled her away from the wall. His cock slid down her stomach and nestled into her pussy.

“Ask for it,” he whispered.

She worried her lip, then she spread her legs further, rising her hips to bring his cock in line with the opening of her sex.

“Please, master?”


“Fuck me.”

“That,” he drove forward, burying a few inches of his cock into her pussy, “I can do.” She gasped, her body shuddering with his effort. David grinned and grabbed her tighter, his hands gripping her ass tightly. Two of his fingers caresses her asshole, but he just used her buttons as a grip to pump his hips, forcing his way deeper into her tight channel.

David grunted as he drove into her, pumping until he could feel her completely engulfing his cock. With every thrust, he heard Olivia's moan and felt her body pushing down on him. She wrapped her legs around his hips, giving him deeper access to fuck her teenage cunt.

“I'm,” he grunted, “am going… to come inside you.”

She whimpered, but nodded. Water dripped from her face, her hair plastered to her neck and shoulders. David grunted and drove faster, enjoying every pulse of her body. He felt an orgasm rising up inside his body and simply vented his passions into her, pounding into her until the water splashed just as violently. When he came, he buried his length inside her and felt his cum filling her tight pussy with his juices.

Olivia let out a shuddering breath and gave a curious smile. “That wasn't so bad.”

“Afraid I was going to hurt you?”

She nodded and sheepishly looked at him. “I thought you were going to shove me underwater and suck your cock or something. Or eat your ass out.”

He grinned, “That sounds like fun.”

Her eyes widened, but David just chuckled. Seeing her frightened face, he wanted to explore her body even more. His cock surged with excitement, sensitive and aching at the same time. Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear, “Turn around.”



She gulped and released one hand from the edge of the pool. Obviously frightened, she turned around and pressed her body up against the pool edge. David swam up around her and grabbed her hips with his hands. He could hear her breathing, long and shuddering, but when he slid his still hard cock up between the swells of her buttocks. He felt the wrinkled opening of her ass and pushed up into her. His shaft still felt slick from her juices but it still took some strength to push his cock into her rectum.

“Oh, god,” she gasped, half sobbing, half moaning.

“Worried,” he whispered, “about my perversions now?”

She nodded.

“Have you ever been fucked in the ass?”

Olivia nodded again. “Once, um, master.”

“I'm going to fuck you there, then, because I love this ass.”

She looked over her shoulder at him and David drove his hips forward. His cock plunged into her tight ass, prying open the tighter opening with his hardness. She shuddered, her body lifting. David pulled her down. He felt sore from coming already, but the incredible pleasures of fucking her drove him.

Buried in her, he grabbed the edge of the pool with one hand. His lips teased her ear, “I want you to finger yourself. Come for me.”

She hesitated, but released the hand next to his. He pumped into her ass, easily sliding in and out despite her attempts to clench her muscles around him. It only increased his pleasure. He could feel her jerking as she fingered herself. Holding her from behind, he watched as she closed her eyes, threw back her head, and bore down on her own pussy. The water splashed around him and he kept on driving into her until she let out a long wail of pleasure and her body spasmed around him.

He smiled and slowed down, willing to leave his aching shaft buried inside her.