The Pulsar was an older dance club on the south side of Chicago. Catering to a crowded dance floor and spinning chunky beats that shook the ground, Davis hoped it would also be a place to have a good time while remaining safe from hunters that prowled the more appealing clubs to the north. At least, it appeared to be. Unlike the St Louis station, the buildings are The Pulsar were clean and neat. At least the wall that Madi leaned against wasn't covered in piss.

“Someone's looking,” she whispered.

Davis tensed and then straightened. “Me or you?”

“Me, of course,” she said with a grin and a wink. “Na, white boy is looking at your ass.”

Davis' buttocks were one of his favorite parts. The tight globes bounced perfectly when he walked. His skirt skimmed right along the bottom edge, giving a hint of the white thong and his ass whenever he moved. Knowing that someone was looking, he tightened his muscles and lifted himself up by his toes.

“You are such a slut.”

He grinned. “Takes one, you know.”

Madi stretched her arms above her head and let out an exaggerated moan. Heads turned to look at her lustfully as her breasts almost came into view. She winked again and then stretched just enough for the bottom edge of her shirt to catch on one brown nipple.

“Oops,” she said and made a show of pulling it back down.

Davis laughed. He loved seeing her tease people, even more when he could watch the groups on either side of them stealing glances and furtive looks. Neither were their types, the men were more slender and fix, but that didn't mean someone else would be admiring them from a distance.

Davis' wrist pulsed. His heart almost stopped when he thought it was a HunterNet alert but to his relief is was the door guard for The Pulsar.

Madi blinked and her eyes flashed. “You too?”

Davis held out his hand. She took it and together they stepped out of line and cheerfully pranced to the front of the line.

Like most clubs, the bouncers were thick, muscular guys with t-shirts straining over their pectorals. Davis worried his bottom lip as he looked at him, wondering what it would feel like to have someone so large pressed against his body.

“Oh, yummy,” Madi said.

The guard held up an identity scanner. It was more of a formality, both of the bouncers no doubt had optical readers and the club could read their identities when they walked near the entrance. However, it was tradition to check and therefore most of the clubs still did it.

Davis went first, holding out his hand. It was tiny against the dark-skinned man who took it. A little shiver coursed through his body as the thick fingers wrapped around his elbow. His cock twitched with anticipation but he managed to keep his thoughts from causing it to grow too much.

The bouncer's eyes flickered for a moment. “And what is a pretty thing like you called?” He had a southern accent that sounded just a little forced. He also knew exactly what Davis' wrist computer identified him as.

Davis' heart skipped a beat as a flutter of nervousness rushed through his body. He gulped and smiled as sweetly as he could. “Diana.”

The bouncer winked and slowly drew his fingers away, trailing his fingertips along Davis' delicate skin. "Ladies' Night is half price, enjoy."

Davis let out a soft whimper. Too many times had a bouncer kicked him out for being a guy. It was expensive to get reassigned, even if his father would have let him. “Thank you.”

“No, thank you. We don't get such fine ladies in here that often these days.”

Next to them, Madi was practically grinding against the other bouncer. Her large breast ground against his chest as he stroked one of her arms, trailing up and down as his other hand inched down toward her hip. When she saw that Davis was done, she turned so his hand pressed against her pussy, and then slipped past him.

They caught hands again and entered the club.

Inside, the club had three stages. Two of them were unoccupied but the third had a pair of DJs working together. One of them spun through the music, alternating between two pulse-pounding beats while the other pretended to splash paint on the large display behind her. The virtual pain had images of men and women grinding against each other, their thrusts matching perfectly with the beat that pulsed inside her.

They dropped their purses at the check-in and got a security token to get them back. Then they found a narrow table to claim near the edge of the dance floor. Already, there were hundreds of people grinding amidst the flashing lights and music. Their bodies seemed to snap into place as the strobe lights light up nearly naked breasts, hips, and thighs.

Neither Madi nor he needed an invitation to the dance floor. They blew each other kisses and threw themselves into the fray.

Like every other time, they started with each other. It wouldn't take long before they were peeled off to other dancers but girls dancing always drew the men. In time with the music, they ground against each other, sliding their legs against each other and teasing the edges of their clothes. Just a flash of nipple, a peek of buttocks.

Davis had no attraction for Madi but the others didn't have it. He didn't bother looking around, just lost himself shaking with the beat and slowly working his way to the dance floor.

A strange hand caressed his backside. The thick fingers teased up along the fabric, sending delicious thrills through his body. They pulled back, as if burned but then soon returned to brush against one hip and then the other.

Davis dropped the edge of Madi's stop, hiding her nipples again as he pushed back against the hand.

Whoever was stroking him grew bolder. Soon there was a hand planted against his hip, no longer sliding away.

Davis backed up further, leading with his buttocks until his tight cheeks pressed against the crotch of the anonymous man behind him. He swayed his hips back and forth, exploring as much as enjoying the intimate contact. He didn't want to look yet, only enjoy the beat as his new partner thrust up against his ass. The movements were slightly behind the pounding beat but the silent desire was there, Davis could feel the hard cock rolling against his ass as it tried to nestle into his body.

He moaned and leaned back, still moving to the beat.

His partner reached around with his other hand to cup his left breast. The haptic feedback sent a thrill. Davis glanced down to see a tanned hand that easily engulfed his entire breast.

The other hand brought his ass tighter against the hard cock against his ass.

They found a rhythm together, grinding back and forth as the man thrust against Davis' backside; his intent was clear.

Davis gasped as his cock began to swell with excitement. He switched to a more aggressive thrusting, reaching over with his hands to rest them on the other man's grip. When he felt the hand on his hips start to move forward, the thrill turned into a surge of excitement. He ground harder, rocking his buttocks up and down against the cock that began to soak the man's pants.

The questing hand caressed his bare hip, teasing underneath the skirt.

Anticipation rose. He didn't know how his partner would respond to feeling a cock, which was why he didn't look back. If there was disgust or surprise, then they could part without even a look between them. However, if there was interesting, then Davis would happily turn around to let things move forward.

The music moved from one beat to a faster one. Davis moved with it, bouncing back against his partner. Across from him, Madi had found a pair of men for herself. There was no question they were interested: one hand his hand up underneath her shirt to maul her breast while the other grabbed the other. Her lithe body thrust from the man pinning her in the front the one thrusting at her from behind.

A little jealous rose up. Davis could never be tag-teamed like Madi. He only had one hole, one place for a cock to thrust into her. It felt good but he always wished he had a cunt like his beast friend.

The song transitioned to a new one, one with a fast, punchy beat. He smiled and let his jealousy go. Closing his eyes, he started to bounce his ass against the hard cock in his crack. The beat made it more intense as he felt pre-cum soaking the fabric and teasing his skin. The man was hung to say the least, one of Davis favorite thing.

The other man reached between Davis' legs, fingers questing for something intimate.

Davis' heart beat faster than the music as he waited for a response.

Fingertips caressed his thong.

The fabric gapped from Davis' hardness, his cock beginning to pull it away from his body. He could feel his own pre-cum soaking the fabric again; the quick wash in the sink after the hunter video could only do so much.

Then a caress against his sack.

The man tensed.

Davis held his breath.

The fingers reached further, crawling along the delicate skin until they encountered Davis' hard cock.

“Oh God,” came a disgusted response and the other man yanked away.

Davis let out his breath as the rejection stung. He sniffed and then forced himself to move away, stepping into the crowd to give him distance while letting the beat flood his thoughts. It didn't matter if he separated from Madi, they would find each other or not.

Another hand brushed against his hip.

Davis stopped moving and let a smile cross his painted lips. He sank into the beat, swaying his body with the pulse.

A touch.

A caress.

Another chance.