Link had finally cornered Ganondorf. He had beaten the first three challenges in the final battle: he defeated the possessed princess, incapacitated the demon boar, and chased Ganondorf down on his black steed. There was only one more round left, a dual between Link and his opponent.

It did not go as Link hoped it would.


Chapter 1: The Final Battle

It is the fight battle between Link and Ganondorf. Link had defeated the mind-controlled Zelda and overcame the demon boar, but the third round was a race across the plains as Link and Zelda tried to defeat the losing Ganondorf. But, when should have been a final duel between the two warriors is reversed and soon Link finds himself no longer the victor.

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  • Chapter
  • 9,194
  • 35 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 2: Second Thoughts

Humiliated, Link is forced to follow Ganondorf back to the castle. But even as he tried not to think about his rape, he was already planning his escape.

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  • Chapter
  • 1,898
  • 7 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 3: Spread Them

Ganondorf decides to show off his newest conquest by forcing Link to give him a blowjob in the courtyard of Hyrule Castle.

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  • Chapter
  • 3,687
  • 14 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 4: Bathing

Ganondorf's humiliation of Link continues as he forced his victim to tend to him while he takes a bath. But, Ganondorf has something more in mind than just a simple rape.

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  • Chapter
  • 3,022
  • 11 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 5: Going to Bed

Ganondorf had one more round planned before Link's first day as a sex slave was finally over. He could pray that it would be tender and romantic but the small warrior wasn't that lucky.

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  • Chapter
  • 2,856
  • 10 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 6: The Morning After

Link's horror resumes in the morning when Ganondorf wakes up and forced Link to give him a blow job. However, the Gerudo has more in mind for Link's future.

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  • Chapter
  • 4,295
  • 16 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 7: Top or Bottom

Ganondorf gives Link a choice before they leave the castle, top or bottom. There are no good choices, but the third implied one was far worse. Link couldn't go out in public naked, but could he survive with just a bottom? And what did Ganondorf had in mind for him to wear?

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  • Chapter
  • 1,234
  • 4 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 8: Wooden Swords

Ganondorf parades the almost naked Link around Hyrule Castle Town but then, to Link's surprise, takes him into a weapon shop to purchase a new sword.

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  • Chapter
  • 2,834
  • 10 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 9: Telma's Bar

Ganondorf heads over to Telma's Bar to make a point by publicly humiliating and then fucking Link in front of everyone.

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  • Chapter
  • 3,994
  • 15 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 10: Return to the Castle

Coming back to the castle, Ganondorf is in one of his tender moods. Unwilling to disturb it, Link goes along and finds himself in an unexpected situation.

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  • Chapter
  • 3,990
  • 15 minutes
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 11: Finally Done

After an epic fuck session, Ganondorf reminds Link that the moblins are going to have him tomorrow.

  • Chapter
  • 488
  • 1 minute
  • 2021-02-21

Chapter 12: Hand Off

Link woke up in the arms of Ganondorf, a not entirely comfortable situation. But before he could break free and escape, the moment he dreaded came to pass: Karasa came to collect him.

  • Chapter
  • 3,132
  • 12 minutes
  • 2023-02-05

Chapter 13: Celebration

Link is presented to the bokoblins and moblins as a reward for a job well done repairing the palace. But he isn't the only Hyrulean about to get fucked, there were others including a notable young woman who was willingly there.

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  • Chapter
  • 2,214
  • 8 minutes
  • 2023-02-05

Chapter 14: Linkle

Much later, Link has been properly fucked and abused. But his humiliation wasn't over as three more have their chance to enjoy his body. To his surprise, one of them is the blonde Hyrulean he had seen before.

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  • Chapter
  • 2,439
  • 9 minutes
  • 2023-02-05

Chapter 15: Freedom

Link's time with the moblins and bokoblins ended without a bang or a scream. It ended with an empty hall and Link left to leave on his own, without fanfar or even acknowledgment.

  • Chapter
  • 2,149
  • 8 minutes
  • 2023-02-05
  • 2023-04-02

Chapter 16: The Forest Boss

Naked except for a sword, shield, and a collar, Link races into battle to help the man who had defeated and raped him. He didn't know what would happen, only that he would suffer from even trying.

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  • Chapter
  • 4,934
  • 18 minutes
  • 2023-02-05

Chapter 17: Defiance

Ganondorf drags Link back to the palace to confront Karasa letting the Hyrulean warrior escape to interrupt his battle, but unexpected defiance sets Ganondorf into a rage.

  • Chapter
  • 1,829
  • 7 minutes
  • 2023-02-05
  • 2023-04-16

Chapter 18: Private Words

Ganondorf has some private words for Link about public displays of defiance.

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  • Chapter
  • 3,310
  • 12 minutes
  • 2023-02-05
  • 2023-04-07

Chapter 19: Round Two

Link's night becomes a hell as he is strung up and abandoned by Ganondorf. But it isn't long before he is visited again, this time his captor has something far crueler in mind.

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  • Chapter
  • 2,358
  • 9 minutes
  • 2023-02-05
  • 2023-04-09

Chapter 20: About Face

Ganondorf finally releases Link from his bondage. Instead of anger and rage, Link is surprised as the larger man is gentle and kind.

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  • Chapter
  • 2,998
  • 11 minutes
  • 2023-02-05
  • 2023-04-16

Chapter 21: Pushing It

Link's anxiety continues to grow as he is used as nothing more than a pleasure slave for Ganondorf's lust. While pleasurable, the Hyrulean needed more and that required him to disobey the Gerudo. And what better way would be to wake up Ganondorf with a blowjob and some defiance.

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  • Chapter
  • 2,703
  • 10 minutes
  • 2023-02-05
  • 2023-04-15

Chapter 22: Leaving the Room

Link finally leaves the room to help Pigelo with pulling out Karasa's sword.

  • Chapter
  • 1,842
  • 7 minutes
  • 2023-02-05
  • 2023-04-26

Chapter 23: Bokoblins

Link enjoys a little hospitality by the moblins and bokoblins: dinner and a gang bang with a friend for desert.

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  • Chapter
  • 2,817
  • 10 minutes
  • 2023-02-05
  • 2023-04-17

Chapter 24: Heading Out

Link and Linkle head out for their next adventure, the Water Temple.

  • Chapter
  • 1,013
  • 3 minutes
  • 2023-02-05
  • 2024-07-25

Chapter 25: Campfires

Link and Linkle spend a little quality time around a camp fire.

  • Chapter
  • $5+ patrons
  • 3,384
  • 13 minutes