Utterly humiliated, Link walked with his head down low. His eyes were open but he wasn't seeing anything as he endlessly replayed the battle in his head. How did things go horribly wrong? How did he lose, not only the battle but everything else? His fortunes had been reversed so quickly.

Tears ran down his cheeks as he tried not to think about the globs of cum that ran down his cheeks or the ache of his stretched asshole. Every step squelched and his buttocks slid together uncomfortably.

Link wished he had a chance to put some clothes on but Ganondorf had torn them off his body. Not to mention the black-skinned warrior never stopped or slowed down to give Link a chance to find something. Instead, he was wearing nothing more than a pair of boots with cum coating his thighs.

He glanced past Ganondorf at the approaching castle. Even from a distance, he could see people walking around the entrance. There were guards, stewards, and monsters of all types. A pack of bulblins were shoving debris out of the way.

Link gulped. They were all going to see him naked, stripped and defeated. His cheeks burned with anxiety and growing humiliation. One hand reached down to cover his small cock and balls while his other stretched behind him. His fingers ran through the sticky cum and he shivered with despair. It wasn't going to make a difference. Ganondorf was going to force him to walk in front of all those strangers, parading his triumph.

He wiped the tears from his eyes. Slowly, he looked over his shoulder at the torn up field where they had just had their battle. Even from their distance, he could see the Master Sword sticking out of the ground out in the middle of field. Light from the moon somehow had focused on it, causing it to shine in a beam of light.

Just like the day he found it.

His thoughts stirred from his humiliation. He had lost before. Many times in the various temples. He had solved puzzles that had stopped everyone before, fought monsters that were too terrible to comprehend, and persevered through more trials than anyone else he knew.

This couldn't be the end for him. It was a defeat, yes, but one that he could come back from. He had to survive.

He peeked at Ganondorf's back. The dark-skinned man walked with purpose, as if he would walk through the castle they approached. His massive sword swung with every step, smacking against the hard muscles of his buttocks.

Link scanned the horizon. He had to escape. His best bet was to race for a copse of trees to his right and then hide. It was humiliating, but nothing compared to being marched naked into the castle to become Ganondorf's slave.

To his despair, his cock twitched and grew half-hard. As much as his rape was humiliating and painful, he also had experienced an intense orgasm. He had never had one like that before. The memory of his cock spraying across his chest from nothing more than a hard shaft driving into his ass brought a flush to his cheeks.

Link took a deep breath. First, run away, hide, and then return to get the Master Sword. He nodded to himself and then steeled himself. He turned back.

... to run face-first into Ganondorf's crotch. The thick bulge punched him hard and he staggered back.

Ganondorf leaned over and smiled. “Still have a bit of spirit in you, don't you?”

Link's blood ran cold. He regained his balance and looked around. Suddenly the copse of trees looked too far away and there was no way he could make it before Ganondorf caught up with him. A whimper rose in his throat as he looked back.

“The princess was the same way. Just when I thought she had finally been broken, I'd catch that look in her eyes.” Ganondorf's deep voice wrapped around Link. “There was a fire in there, one that I thought I had snuffed.”

He casually reached out.

Link cringed. When he saw Ganondorf's fingers reaching for his crotch, he tried to pull back.

The large hand snapped forward, three fingers sliding between his legs as the thick thumb dislodging Link's hand to press against his balls. With a crunch, he clamped down and dragged Link closer. “Come here, Cunt.”

Link let out a cry as he was dragged closer. The pain radiating from his cock and balls were intense. He tried to relieve the pressure but lifting himself to his toes made no difference.

Ganondorf's breath washed over his face. “Now, listen here, you little cunt,” he said in a low growl. “This is what's going to happen.”

He closed his hand around Link's groin, three fingers catching his buttocks and his thumb spread out across Link's small cock and balls. With steady force, he rolled his thumb back and forth crushing the tiny testicles with brutal force.

Link let out a sob. He twisted helplessly, trying to break free. One hand dropped down to grab Ganondorf's wrist but he couldn't move the thick cord of muscles even an inch.

Ganondorf smiled cruelly. “I'm going to take this cunt home and I'm going to use you until I'm exhausted. Then tomorrow, I'm going to take my time and break your spirit until you are nothing more than two holes to fuck whenever I want. I'm hoping your spirit lasts because I'm really looking forward to hearing you cry for a long time.”

Ganondorf slipped his middle finger down, tracing the line between Link's tight, firm buttocks.

Knowing where the tip of the finger was probably going to go, Link gasped and reached back. He grabbed the finger and tried to stop it but it slipped out of his grip before nestled against his recently violated asshole.

Link shook his head. He pleaded with his eyes, begging not to be penetrated again.

Ganondorf speared his asshole with his finger. The thick digit tore into the sore opening and plunged deep into the hole that his cock had opened up only minutes ago. Cum squelched around his penetration.

Shuddering, Link lifted himself on his toes. He knew that his shaft would be hard, if it wasn't for the thumb that was crushing his genitals against his hairless pubes.

Ganondorf thrust deep past the second knuckle. Then he bent his finger before jamming it deep again.

Tears burned in Link's eyes as his body shuddered with the thrust.

“This is my cunt, do you understand?”

Link clamped his eyes shut and looked away.

Ganondorf's grip tightened, squeezing down until Link thought his balls were going to rupture. “I said, this is my cunt. Do you understand?”

When Link didn't respond, the dark-skinned warrior, suddenly dragged a second finger down and rammed it hard into the tight opening.

Link let out a cry as the two fingers stretched him painfully apart.

Ganondorf thrust deep, crushing his balls as he thrust in and out of the tight right of Link's asshole. The thick bump of his knuckles felt like knives against the tortured opening. The fingers plunged deep into the his liquid depths, reminding him of his recent rape in addition to his current humiliation.

“Let's try this again, Cunt.” He force the fingers in deep, swirling them inside Link's insides. His thumb increased in pressure, stretching his victim's scrotum until it almost tore open. “Who's fucking cunt is this?”

Link opened his mouth, but the words won't come out.

“Is this my cunt?”

Desperate to stop the pain and humiliation, Link nodded sharply.

“Is this my cunt?” repeated the dark-skinned man.

Link sobbed as he nodded. He tried to twist away from the cruel pressure but he couldn't escape. He didn't know how to respond. Then he realized he was still holding Ganondorf's wrist. It took all of his effort to relax his grip on the powerful wrist; it didn't really matter, he couldn't stop Ganondorf even if he wanted to.

“And the other hand, Cunt.”

With tears in his eyes, Link forced his other hand to relax around the fingers behind him. He was just as useless stopping Ganondorf from violating his asshole as he was stopping his balls from being crushed.

“There you go.” Ganondorf chuckled as he continued to thrust his finger into Link's asshole, driving deep with every thrust. To Link's relief, he relaxed his grip slightly and pulled his thumb away from crushing his balls.

Ganondorf stared directly into Link's eyes as he continued to pump in his ass. “My cunt, do you understand?”

Fighting back a sob, Link sobbed. His entire body was pushed up to his toes and dropped down with every plunge. His cock grew harder with his humiliation, something that he regretted with every passing second.

Finally, Ganondorf pulled his fingers out.

Link fell back on his feet, relieved that the torture was over.

The Gerudo brought his hands up. They were glistening in the moonlight and dripping with cum. He smiled as he tilted them one way and then other as he kept the two wet fingers together.

Then he smiled at Link. “You know what else is mine?”

Link stared at the dripping fingers and shook his head. He clamped his jaw shut as tears burned in his eyes.

“Are you my cunt?”

The tears ran down his cheeks as he nodded, humiliated and broken.

“And then, is this mouth mine?” Ganondorf said in a low voice that promised endless tortures.

With a sob, Link hesitated.

“Is this mouth my toy to use however I want?”

Gasping, Link forced his mouth open. His body felt hot and sparkling as he watched Ganondorf bring his fingers to Link's lips. Then the hot touch of the wet fingers ran along his bottom throat.

His cock grew harder and he hated every second.

Ganondorf slid his fingers in and out, just a tiny stroke. “This is my mouth to fuck, Cunt. Anything I tell you to wrap your lips around, you do so. If I want to ram something into your throat, you do it. Understand?”

He plunged his fingers in deeper, scraping them along Link's bottom teeth until his fingertips reached the back of Link's throat.

Link gagged violently.

Ganondorf fucked the Link's mouth with his fingers. The salty taste of cum flooded over Link's tongue, swirling around as he tasted his own asshole mixed in with the Gerudo's cum.

“Now you are getting it,” Ganondorf said in a low voice. He rubbed his crotch with his other hand as he plunged his fingers deeper into Link's mouth. “I'm looking forward to see you choke on my short sword, Cunt. I can't wait to see these lips wrapped around it. I'm betting your sissy cock is going to get so hard when I'm balls deep in your throat.”

Humiliated, Link could only sob as he kept his lips wrapped around the fingers.

“Now, lick them clean.”

As much as he wanted to disobey, he couldn't. The idea of escape seemed so far away, a fantasy that was already fading under the onslaught of humiliation. He opened his mouth and ran his tongue to gather up the cum that clung to Ganondorf's rough finger. It was a strong taste but he had a feeling it wouldn't be the last time.