Link had entered Hyrule Castle many times over the last few months but never naked and helpless. He could feel the curious and hostile eyes staring at him, people who counted on him to defeat Ganondorf and others who were trying to figure out how the dark-skinned Gerudo had brought home.

He walked with one hand covering his crotch and the other over his buttocks. A blush burned on his cheeks.

“Keep walking,” Ganondorf said in a low tone. His eyes scanned both sides of the main street of the village around the castle. His hand gripped the hilt of his sword; despite being one of the most powerful warriors in Hyrule, he still was ready for an attack from any direction.

Link spotted one of the merchant who sold him a large bag. The man had made an effort of supporting him because he was going to defeat Ganondorf. Now, there was a mask of disappointment and pity on his face as he stared pointedly at Link.

Someone whistled. Link glanced up to see a green-skinned bulblin robbing his crotch and grinning with squared-off teeth. “Got what you deserved, you filthy elf!”

A few other bulblin's around the first.

Ganondorf glanced back. “Friends of yours?”

“Friends, if you mean he hunted us down and stole our rupees!”

The other bulblins muttered in agreement. It didn't matter if Link had defeated and won the respect of their leader, King Bulblin. The other bulblins still attacked relentlessly throughout all his adventures across Hyrule.

Ganondorf chuckled, a dry and cruel tone. “Might have to do something about that,” he said quietly. “Come on, Cunt.”

Trembling with fear and humiliation, Link followed as Ganondorf strode right down the main street and into the open gate of the castle.

Inside, there were more people than Link ever wanted to see in his state. At least thirty Hyruleans were cleaning up debris. The normal-looking were working uneasily with packs of with bulblins, bokoblins, and the orange-skinned moblins.

As Ganondorf approached the front door of the castle, silence filled the courtyard. Link glanced to see everyone staring at him. Unlike in the town, the gazes focused on him were a mixture of hatred, lust, and glee. He cringed and stumbled on the rough ground.

“Keep walking,” snapped Ganondorf.

A large moblin walked up to Ganondorf. “Master,” he grunted, “the mess is being cleaned up. By tomorrow probably, then we can start repairs.” The creature turned to look at Link. His lip curled back to reveal a dripping maw and powerful-looking teeth.

“Good. Have you seen the seneschal?”

“Directing cleanup in the throne room. Some sort of large beast destroyed…” The moblin's voice trailed off. “Throne room.”

“Have him bring my old cunt's collar to me as soon as possible.”

The moblin looked at Link.

“Yes,” Ganondorf said with a chuckled. “I have a new replacement.”

“Are you going to share him like the other bitch?” The moblin rubbed a thick bulge underneath his trousers. “We'd be very grateful if you do.”

“You know this one?” Ganondorf seemed surprised.

“He's been stomping all over Hyrule, slaughtering blins, breaking into temples, and generally being a nuisance. We'd all be mighty grateful to get a shot at putting that tiny-ass little pissant in his place. Me and the boys would appreciate it greatly.” He growled lustfully. “Really appreciative.”

Ganondorf gave Link a hard look. “I might just do that. Go get the seneschal and the collar. Might as well grab a pair of cuffs while you're at it.”

The moblin thumped his chest with his fist, leered at Link who cringed back, and then bounded into the castle.

Ganondorf shook his head. “You just made a lot of friends, haven't you? I'm guessing you were also the one who has been breaking every pot and barrel in town?”

Link looked away for a moment. He clenched his hand over his groin, cupping his balls in hopes of hiding them from the bulblins' gaze.

Ganondorf walked over to a pile of splintered logs. With a groan, he turned around and sat down heavily on the stacked wood. His massive sword rang out against the wood before slicing off a long sliver. As the curl of wood hit the ground, his boots scraped against the dusty ground as he spread his muscular legs apart.

Link stood there, unsure what to do. He didn't want to look at the Gerudo, if he did, then Ganondorf might order him to approach. Instead, he scanned the rest of the courtyard, hating how everyone was working but watching him at the same time. He felt vulnerable as he stood nearly naked in the middle, the only one undressed among the warriors and repairmen.

Ganondorf cleared his throat.

Link winced. Slowly, he looked toward the Gerudo.

Snapping his fingers, Ganondorf pointed to the ground in front of him.

Link didn't need the words, the order was clear. He glanced at the gate leading out of the courtyard. There was a pack of bokoblins dragging stone blocks across the opening. He couldn't see a spot where he could run away.

Ganondorf coughed.

Dread flooding his thoughts, Link turned and shuffled over to him. The sounds of hammering, scraping, and lugging around him couldn't drown out the beating of his heart or the sick feeling in his stomach.

“Kneel, Cunt.”

Link whimpered as he lowered himself to his knees.

Around him, the sounds of work died off.

Ganondorf smiled and leaned back. “Spread your legs. Show them your tiny little dick.”

Tears burning his eyes, Link obeyed. He dragged his knees through the dust, spreading until he could feel his cock hanging down and his buttocks spreading apart to reveal his asshole to everyone staring. The humiliation was overwhelming, the feeling that he had failed everyone so powerful he wanted to cut his throat against the swords on the other side of Ganondorf's powerful thigh.

“Little more. Show them that gaping asshole. Better yet, reach back and pull your cheeks apart.”

Link shook his head.

Ganondorf sighed and sat up. He grabbed Link by the side of his face, the hot palm against his cheek. Then, with his other hand, he slapped Link hard.

Link's head smashed against the palm cradling it. There was no comfort, only a promise of more pain as the entire side of his face felt like it was on fire.

“Spread. Your. Cheeks.”

With a sob, Link balanced on his knees as he reached back. His fingers slipped on the cum-slicked edges of his buttocks before he dug his finger into the soft meat and spread them apart.

A glob of cum oozed out of his tortured asshole and ran down his thigh.

One of the blins let out a low growl. “Now that's a properly fucked ass.”

A round of growled agreements filled the courtyard.

Link's cheeks burned hotly. His taut muscles flexed to keep himself balanced on his knees with his head leaning forward and his cheeks spread apart. He tried to pull away from Ganondorf's palm but the Gerudo cradled his face as he looked down at him.

Ganondorf smiled and shook his head. “So much fire in your eyes. I love it.” He dropped his other hand to his crotch, dragging his fingers up and down the thick bulge that strained underneath his armor.

“You are so tiny for someone who got so far. I heard about you breaking into the water temple and I know you stole that damn Master Sword.”

Link gulped. He relaxed his grip on his buttocks.

Ganondorf tightened his grip on his face. “No.”

Panting, Link got a better grip of his tight ass cheeks and pried them apart again. More cum oozed out of his asshole and he could feel it tickling against the ring of wrinkled skin.

The Gerudo looked down at him and said nothing.

Link strained to keep his position.

Then, Ganondorf dug into his armor and unbuckled it. With a sinking sensation in his stomach, Link watched as he popped off plates and straps with one hand. His other cradled Link's face. Without taking his eyes off Link, he fished out the mass of his black cock. The long, thick member slumped down, smacking against Link's other cheek.

The smell of cum and sweat choked Link. It was less than hour ago that it was impaling Link's ass with brutal strokes. Now it was inches from his face. He could see the cum glistening along the thick veins and ridges.

Link tried to shake his head.

“Time to worship your new master, Cunt. Get used to this, it's going to be the only sword you'll know for a very long time.”

Link let out a shuddering breath. He released his ass and let the taut cheek snap together. Trembling, he reached forward it.

Ganondorf slapped him again. “Spread your ass cheeks!”

The crack of palm against flesh rocketed across the courtyard. Silence flooded after it.

Tears wet on his cheeks, Link forced his hand back and spread his cheeks again. He dug hard into the firm buttocks to spry it obscenely apart. Then, taking a deep breath, he leaned forward.

Ganondorf guided him with the hand still cradling his cheek.

Link let out a choked sob of humiliation as he pressed his face into the pitch-dark sack of the man who bested him. The smell of the Gerudo's musk flooded his nostrils as he dragged his lips and nose through the bristles and along the skin.

Ganondorf's balls were huge. They felt like fists as they rolled on his cheeks. Underneath the soft skin, he could feel the iron-like hardness of the cock swelling above his head.

“Kiss it.”

Link opened his mouth and ran his lips over the swell of the nearest testicle. The salty taste of cum flooded his mouth, choking him as he slowly closed his lips in small, wet kisses.

Pre-cum splashed down on his head, matting his hair against his forehead. He ignored it as it started to gather on his brow and threatened to roll into his eyes.

“Look at me,” Ganondorf said in a low voice. His cock twitched with his thoughts.

It took Link all of his willpower to look up and past the thick black shaft that separated them. Ganondorf's palm guided him until his eyes were locked into the yellow-eyed monster that had defeated him.

Unable to form words, Link opened his mouth and sucked on one ball then the other. His saliva left the skin and pubic hairs glistening as he sucked on the delicate flesh that covered Ganondorf's massive nuts.

The Gerudo's palm guided his mouth up to the rigid base of his shaft. Link obeyed, it was the only thing he could do, as he kissed along the slick surface of his shaft. He could taste his ass, cum both stale and fresh, and other overwhelming flavors as he sucked on the thick ridge. His mouth strained to open as he tilted his head to work his mouth up and down.

Ganondorf smiled broadly but said nothing. He used his hand to move Link's mouth up and down the shaft but slowly working closer to the dripping end.

Link could feel it coming closer as his body strained to keep his balance. He had to tightened his grip on his cheeks to keep them separated as he leaned more into Ganondorf's palm.

“You are such a sweet little cocksucker, aren't you?” The low voice vibrated through the shaft underneath Link's mouth.

He gulped and swallowed some of the cum that had been accumulating in his mouth. The salty burn ran down his throat, burning hot as he swallowed again before moving his mouth closer to the thick ridge of Ganondorf's helmet.

“Now, you little fuck hole, I want you to open your mouth really wide and show everyone here what a cock sucker you are.”

Link's cheeks burned hotly as he fought the urge to pull away.

The hot grip on his cheek, the palm cradling his face tightened as a warning.

Link gulped and opened his mouth widely as he lifted his body up to catch the tip of the cock in his lips. He leaned back and down, levering it until the thick spear was aimed straight for his throat. He strained to open his mouth wider but the thick head refused to easily slid in. He pushed down on it, sobbing and crying.

Ganondorf's fingers curled around the back of his head.

Link tensed, afraid of what was about to happen next. To his humiliation, he realized his own cock was achingly hard and pointed straight down. He couldn't tell, but he was sure he was dripping on the ground and everyone could see his surrender.

Guided by the firm grip of the victor, Link pushed his mouth hard down on Ganondorf's cock head. The thick head strained his lips, almost tearing them. He felt his jaw struggling to take the girth.

Then, inch by inch, the rounded helmet sank into his mouth. It caught against his teeth but Ganondorf didn't seem to even notice as he let out a low moan of pleasure.

Link forced his head down until his lips clamped down on the ridge behind the glans. He felt like he was choking, that his entire mouth was filled with something too hot to comprehend. Thick torrents of pre-cum were flooding against his tongue and dribbling down his throat.

His chest heaved as he started to gag but there was no where to go.

Ganondorf pulled him closer.

Link resisted but the Gerudo increased the pressure and forced more of his massive cock into the poor Hyrulean's lips. Thick ridges spread his lips even further apart as the head lodged itself against Link's tongue, crushing it against the bottom as it slid along the smooth roof of his mouth.

The Gerudo let out a moan as he pulled harder, driving his cock head into the back of Link's mouth.

Tears burned in his Link's eyes as he struggled. His teeth scraped against the black shaft gagging him and his stomach heaved as the desperate need to breathe rose up.

“Through your nose,” Ganondorf said. “You aren't choking yet.”

Link sobbed as he looked up with blurred vision. He had to concentrate to draw in a breath through his nose. It felt choked and weak, as if he couldn't ever bring in enough to fill his lungs. His jaw ached and his tongue couldn't move from where it was pinned.

Ganondorf stretched his thumb around to press against the bone underneath Link's eye. With his other hand, he finally brought it up to clamp on the other side, pinning Link in place. His cock surged with heat as he pushed back.

Link let out a gasp as the thick head bulged at his lips. He struggled to open his mouth enough to let it escape but the ridge of the glans was too much. It pulled out on his cheeks and lips for a moment before they split open and slid along the thick, glossy head of the Gerudo's cock.

He gasped with relief.

Ganondorf pulled him back down on his shaft.

Link's eyes widened in fear as the thick head smacked against his lips. He fought for a moment as the two hands bore him down on the cock, forcing it past his lips and into his mouth.

He only had a chance to choke a few times before Ganondorf pulled him back off.

“Breathe, Cunt. Take a deep breath.”

Eyes watering, Link took a deep breath and then opened his mouth as wide as he could.

Ganondorf smiled broadly and pulled hi down on the shaft, forcing the thick head past his lips and deep into his mouth.

Pre-cum poured down Link's throat, choking him. He squirmed and fought the urge to move. He was helpless, exposed and vulnerable. Everyone was watching as Ganondorf raped his throat and there was nothing he could do about it.

The thick head was jammed into his mouth over and over again, bruising his lips and forcing his jaw open with quick jabs that left him gasping for air. He felt dizzy as he choked on the pre-cum pouring down his throat.

Ganondorf let out a grunt and fucked his face harder. His fingers clutched Link's skull tightly, holding it firmly as he impaled Link's mouth repeatedly over the rounded head until the corner of his lips started to tear.

Thick rivers of drool escaped Link's mouth as he was repeatedly impaled on the cock. It smacked against the back of his throat so many times that his stomach stopped heaving and the initial gagging faded away. It felt like Ganondorf was bruising everything from his lips to his tongue to his gullet.

Ganondorf's grunts grew louder as the thrusts accelerated. He yanked Link hard on his cock, punching the back of the his victim's throat until Link's head was spinning from the abuse.

Then, with a grunt, he came. A hot slug of cum splattered against the back of Link's throat, kicking off a fresh round of gagging. Ganondorf let out a grunt and yanked his cock brutally from Link's mouth.

Ropes of cum splattered against the smaller man's face, painting it from one side and then the other. The grip on the sides of his head tightened as Ganondorf continued to cum, spraying it across Link's forehead, cheeks, and even his eyes.

The stinging cum was nothing compared to the bruised and bleeding of his lips, but the humiliation of having the Gerudo coming on his face was overwhelming. Link tried to close his mouth, but he couldn't. The muscles seemed slack and weak.

Slugs of cum splattered against his mouth before more of it painted his face. His eyes burned as the cum seeped into the corner of his eyes. It clung to his face in thick globs of white.

Ganondorf leaned back, panting. He nodded and smiled.

Then his eyes looked up and past Link.

“The collar and cuffs, Master,” said the moblin from before. “Though I'm enjoying the view.”

“I'm sure you are, Karasa.” Ganondorf stood up, forcing his dripping cock into Link's face as he did. His hand gripped Link tightly and pulled him up.

Unsure he was supposed to keep holding his cheeks apart, Link dug his fingers in to pry them apart as he was forced into a standing position. He trembled as globs of cum ran down his face.

Ganondorf reached down to run his hand down the length of his shaft, gathering up all the cum that had clung to the black surface. Without looking down, he smeared it across Link's hairless chest before shoving his shaft into his trousers again.

Then he reached out and snapped his fingers. Karasa dropped what looked like a heavy iron collar into his palm. One end was melted and scorched, as if someone had used fire magic to free the princess from its grip. He shuddered at the thought of the heat against her delicate throat, and then tried not to think about him in the same position.

Ganondorf leaned over as he pried the collar open and reached out Link. “Don't move.”

Link shuddered as he felt the icy touch of the collar against his shoulder. The ragged opening scratched his throat as Ganondorf brought it around. On the back of the Gerudo's hand was a golden triangle, the Triforce of Power. It flickered to life, energy rolling off the corners as the black-skinned man grabbed each end of the collar and pressed them tightly together.

There was a blast of power that felt like someone had punched him in the throat. A screech of metal rang out along with a flash of heat and the smell of burning flesh.

When Ganondorf pulled his hand back, the Triforce glowing brightly, the heavy collar slumped against Link's shoulder. He used his other hand to run his finger along it, rolling the iron around Link's neck. The opening had been crushed and fused together, leaving a single piece to encircle Link's neck.

Ganondorf smiled broadly. “I love seeing a collared cunt.”

Link trembled, his arms shaking as he tried not to think about his surrender.

“Turn around.”

To his humiliation, Link obeyed. His hard shaft bounced with his movement, reminding him that he was turned on by his submission and embarrassment.

Ganondorf's finger ran down the crack of his spread-apart ass. The thick finger teased his sphincter before sliding down to cup his balls. “Little hard, aren't you?”

Link bowed his head.

“No matter, I'm sure a little sissy like you is going to have a chance to blow your load again.”

He leaned into Link's back as he fitted the cuffs around Link's slender wrists. “In fact,” he whispered, “I'm thinking you are going to cum like a little pussy as soon as I ram his cock into that tight ass of yours.”

Link shuddered as he let out a gasping breath.

There was a surge of power as Ganondorf crushed the cuffs into place, sealing them. Then, his warm hands spread out across Link's shoulder.

“The Triforce of Courage,” he said in a low tone as he touched the triangle shape that had formed between Link's shoulder blades during his adventures. “One might be able to take over the world with this and my own. Of course the princess still has Wisdom, so I can't conqueror the world quite yet.”

Link shook his head.

Ganondorf's cock pressed against his back. “Right now, though, I'm more interested in getting some of this funk off me.”

Then, he turned and walked away. “Come, Cunt.”

Link turned and looked around at the courtyard. Everyone was staring at him, shocked and amused. The blins were the worse as they rubbed their crotches and nodded at him. They wanted to rape him, just like Ganondorf did.

Feeling like he didn't have any courage to earn the Triforce on his back, Link followed after Ganondorf to further abuse.