Link stood helplessly to the side of the massive bathtub and watched warily as Ganondorf dried himself off. He didn't know what to think about the black-skinned warrior only a few feet away. His surreal situation was only more confusing by the events of the day.

In the first moments after Link's defeat, Ganondorf had proved himself the villain by raping him. Then the humiliation in the courtyard only emphasized it. But the tender moment in the bathroom messed up everything. Was Link supposed to be afraid of Ganondorf or appreciative of him? Were they still enemies? How could the Gerudo go from raping him to cradling his body? Why did he keep cupping the side of Link's face? More importantly, why was Link enjoying it so much?

He sighed softly and let his eyes take in Ganondorf. The dark-skinned warriors body was at a peak that Link could never hope to match. He was tall, broad, and packaged with powerful muscles. Every movement caused his entire body to flex; the play of toned muscles only highlighted the differences of their bodies.

Ganondorf reached down to cup his balls with one hand. He lifted one and then the other as he dried himself off. Each fist-sized ball rolled on his fingers as he finished his task. Then, he reached down to brush his cock free of the droplets of water that still clung to the deep ridges and veins.

Link wanted to break free and run for freedom. That was the right thing to do. He looked around the room, plotting out the doors and windows he could use to escape. It would difficult with his wrists bound behind his back, but he had solved far more difficult puzzles in the temples.

His eyes drew back to Ganondorf again. He hated that his eyes focused on the bulbous head of the victor's cock. He could almost feel it shoving into the back of his throat or jamming back into his asshole. He cringed at the remembered pain but at the same time, he wanted to feel it again.

Link's cock twitched and grew with his thoughts. He tried to stop it, but it kept getting harder.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts.

Ganondorf straightened and tossed the towel on a nearby chair. Turning around, he regarded Link for a long moment.

Link looked away sharply.

Ganondorf said nothing.

After a few seconds, Link's gaze slid back slowly. His attention focused on the cock swinging back and forth, a half-hard shaft that looked so thick and swollen. It almost felt like Link belonged there, impaled on the shaft. He hated it, but he also wanted it. Licking his lips, he managed to lift his gaze up to the two testicles but couldn't find the willpower to raise his sight higher.

Ganondorf chuckled. “Like what you see?”

Link shook his head sharply.

“I think you do. I bet you are thinking about this thing,” he reached down to stroke his cock, “sliding up against that tiny dick of yours? Do you want to come on it until it's all slick and ready to fuck that tiny pussy of yours?”

Tensing, Link shook his head.

“Or are you dreaming of licking it? I see your own thoughts, you want it.”

A hot blush burned on Link's cheeks and he shook even more empathically. Even as he did, his cock was stiffening with his imagination.

Ganondorf gestured with his finger. “Come here.”

Gingerly, Link inched forward. His bare feet left little wet marks on the tile ground. He couldn't help but grow more excited at the thought of what was coming next. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he did want to feel Ganondorf's cock again. He needed to have it sliding against his body, humiliating and overpowering.

The warrior watched him approach and then reached out with his left hand.

Link's heart beat faster. He leaned forward to rest his cheek against the warm palm.

Ganondorf slapped him.

It wasn't a gentle smack but a full-strength slap that caught Link's cheek and threw him to the side.

Unprepared, Link lurched toward the tub. He tried to brace himself but then he remembered his hands were bound himself him. With a sicking thud, he slammed into the hard edge and folded over it. His face smacked against the still-warm marble.

Link gasped at the pain radiating from his gut and groin. The impact had smashed into one of this balls, almost rupturing it. He could almost feel a half-heart fading away from the impact. With a gasp, he levered himself off the side of the tub.

Ganondorf reached over and grabbed him by the back of his collar. Thick fingers jammed into the space between the iron and the nape of Link's back before he clenched his fingers. The sharp metal in front crushed into Lin's throat, squeezing his trachea.

With a surge, the Gerudo yanked Link up and threw him in the other direction.

Fortunately for Link, it was the edge of the bed that caught his groin. The white comforter cushioned the blow but he still fell across it, hands flailing helplessly behind his back and his legs slipped apart on the ground; the still moist soles of his feet couldn't find purchase on the tile ground.

Then Ganondorf was looming over him. His hand grabbed Link by the shoulder and squeezed down. The powerful grip was only magnified by the glowing Triforce on the back of his hand. With supernatural stretch, he bent Link's spine back until Link's head was pressed up against Ganondorf's muscular chest.

The Gerudo leaned forward, his face twisted in a scowl. “What do you think that was?”

Still stunned by the sudden change, Link looked up with tear-filled eyes.

“That moment just now? In the tub?” Ganondorf smiled cruelly and brought his face closer. His cock slipped up between their bodies, cradled by Link's bound wrists. He could feel how hard it had gotten in only a heartbeat. It was ready to fuck again, no, ready to rape. He clenched his hands together as he felt his spine protesting from the curve he was being forced into. “That wasn't love. That wasn't tenderness, kindness, or affection.”

His breath was hot against Link's face. “That was lesson.”

Link gasped as his heart pounded painfully in his chest. He struggled to gather his thoughts, the only thing he could think of was the hardness sliding along his wrists and the pain in his body.

“I decide your pleasure, Cunt. If I want, you will enjoy every second. If I want to hear you scream….” Ganondorf drew his hips back. The thick cock began to slid down the gap of Link's arms as the swollen head moved down.

Link cringed. He knew what was going to happen next. Clenching his sphincter as tightly as he could, he grabbed the shaft with both hands in desperation to stop it from sliding down his cleft.

“… they will hear your screams all the way into town. You are my fuck toy. When I want to fuck you, there is nothing… nothing you can do to stop it!”

Ganondorf drew back his hips and his swollen cock head ran against Link's palm. It was hot and and hard but with only a hint of pre-cum. With dread, Link knew that Ganondorf intended to tear into his asshole with it but the tacky surface wasn't slick at all. If the dark-skinned warrior rammed it home, it would rip Link's tiny asshole more than impale it.

Frightened, Link gripped the cock with all his might in an attempt to stop it. Maybe Ganondorf would let him pump it enough to squeeze some pre-cum out to lubricate the tip.

His efforts were futile as Ganondorf yanked his cock from Link's grip and aimed the large, swollen head up into the cleft of Link's stretched cheeks. The head was massive, easily dwarfing the tiny opening he obviously intended to rape.

Tears burned in Link's eyes. He twisted as he tried to pull away.

Ganondorf grabbed Link's other shoulder with his free hand. The powerful grip on both drove him down into the soft surface of the comforter. The delicate perfume that flooded Link's nostrils was a painful contrast to the realization that he was about to have his ass ripped open.

Link silently begged for the cock jammed against his asshole to be a ruse. There was no way Ganondorf would—

The Triforce of Power glowed brilliantly, the only warning of the inevitable.

Ganondorf's cock punched into Link's asshole with the force of a charging giant boar. The tight ring resisted only for a second before it was torn open and the thick cock plunged deep into his body.

Link let out a unwilling scream of agony as he felt the thickness drive deep into his guts, stretching out his rectum around the thick spear that showed no signs of stopping.

Just as he felt the massive head ram his diaphragm from the inside and the girth of the shaft swelling his belly, Ganondorf reversed course and yanked his shaft out. Wet splatters of… something hit the tile behind Link before he drove it back into Link's tortured asshole.

With the Triforce glowing, Ganondorf quickly moved into deep, powerful strokes that plunged into Link's helpless body with relentless fury. “Fucking cunt!” he bellowed as his shaft ripped open, tearing it further with every stroke. Even the magical healing from the initial rape did nothing to stop the pain as he was impaled repeatedly. Each time Ganondorf buried his cock deep in Link's body, it throbbed powerfully and splattered the tortured smaller man's insides with pre-cum. Every withdrawal popped the thick head out of the gaping asshole before he slammed it home again. Ganondorf's balls slammed into Link's with every stroke, the weight feeling like repeated punching.

In agony, Link bit down on the white comforter to silence himself. It was the only thing he could do to deny Ganondorf the screams he wanted to hear.

His entire world focused on the thick shaft repeatedly impaling him. Every ridge and bump seemed to tear against hypersensitive skin, rippling along Link's ruined asshole and along his strained bowels.

Ganondorf got into a rhythm: he tightened his grip on Link's shoulders before he slammed his cock inside, there was a brief thud as the cock lodged itself as deep as possible, and then the burning sensation of having the entire length ripped out of his tortured hole. The beat was steady and brutal, ceaseless.

Then, the sharp edges of agony began to fade.

Link's eyes widened as he shook his head. No, no, he couldn't be accepting it. He couldn't enjoy it. He clamped his eyes tight and tried to focus on the pain of having his insides punched with each stroke. His sensations focused on the thud of his body against the cushions and the ache of his legs being spread painfully apart.

Something liquid painted his inner thighs, lubricating the shaft even further. The hard shaft no longer tore his asshole with every stroke; it slid along sensitive nerves, each ridge and bump painting itself in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

Soon, the thrusts were almost pleasurable as Link was forced to accept the black cock. Link's clenched teeth relaxed as a moan escaped his lips. He shook his head to fight it.

“This is you, Sissy.”

“This is your purpose now,” grunted Ganondorf.

“A fucking hole that needs to be filled.”

His shaft drew thicker as he gripped tighter, his hips driving every inch of his cock into Link's now willing body.

Losing himself in the cock that was dominating him, Link strained to push his body against it. His muscles tensed in time with the grip on his shoulder, driving back into the cock. His knees were struggling to keep up, he kept collapsing underneath the man who dominated his ass completely.

Ganondorf yanked back and Link's cock slumped off the edge of the bed. When he jammed forward, the tiny shaft was pinned to the side, aimed down toward the ground. It was painfully hard but Link couldn't adjust himself with his entire body being controlled by the thrusting shaft.

“So. Fucking. Hot!” groaned Ganondorf.

Unable to fight it, Link let out a loud moan as his cock began to spew cum against the side of the bed. The wet splattered added to the other wet sounds that filled the room. It took shamefully little time for his already exhausted balls to empty on the ground.

Ganondorf wasn't done. He continued to pound with fury, driving hard and strong for what felt like eternity. Pre-cum and other fluids smeared across their bodies as he worked toward his own orgasm with no regard of Link's pleasure. Ever stroke, though, force Link to accept his length even more, shaping and forcing his body to become nothing more than a hole to fuck.

Finally, Link felt Ganondorf's orgasm building. It was the strength of the strokes, the swell of the shaft inside him, and the growing tension in the dark-skinned man's body.

Link pushed back against the cock, squeezing his ruined muscles around the thick shaft to encourage the orgasm that would finally end the pleasure that wracked his body. He pawed his feet against the soaked ground, trying to push himself up into each stroke.

Ganondorf grunted as the Triforce grew brighter.

Link felt his rapist's strength increasing. He shuddering and moaned, gasping as he finally lifted his head up to cry out in pleasure and need.

“Fuck!” bellowed Ganondorf.

Searing cum burst inside him. It was a flood that sprayed into Link's tortured insides with the same brutal force as the rest of Ganondorf's thrust. It was as if the Triforce of Power also magnified the force of the jet of cum as it sprayed against his insides. Thick torrents of cum burst out of Link's strained asshole, spraying across the ground and puddling underneath him.

Link's cock surged again, spraying one last rope of pleasure against the cheeks.

Ganondorf drove hard and held it there, pumping cum into Link's body.

Pressed against the sheets, Link felt his belly swelling from the force. It was burning as it seemed to crawl up his body, tickling his stomach before he felt the surprising sensation of it rising up in his throat. He only had a chance to open his mouth before a thick spray of cum burst out of his mouth and nose and coated the blankets.

Ganondorf let out a moan as he pulled out. His cock popped out of Link's asshole with a loud slurp.

Link froze, his body trembling. Then he relaxed his muscles.

The surge of cum that poured out of his ass set off a third orgasm wracking through Link's body. He let out a loud moan as he shuddered with each ripple and surge that poured past his hypersensitive opening. He slipped down, smacking on his knees in a puddle of cum and blood.

Panting, he stared at the comforter as he felt more cum pouring out of his asshole. He could only remained with his knees spread as the pressure relented.

He swallowed the cum that coated his mouth and lifted his head. His entire body rose and felt as he gasped for breath.

Ganondorf reached around. There was a click.

Exhausted and sated, Link could only stare down at the chain that was attached to his collar.

Ganondorf grabbed Link's head and smeared his dripping cock across the smaller man's chest and face, wiping it clear. The smell of fluids choked Link but he was too exhausted to do anything.

“That's the best way to go to sleep.”

Reaching over, Ganondorf wrapped the other end of the chain around a bar near the bathtub. He twisted it around and then clamped down on hard on it, fusing the metal into place and ensuring Link would have no chance to escape at night.

“Cunts stay on the floor,” he said before crawling up on the bed. His cock left a smear of pink on the surface before he slumped down. He was smiling when he rolled over.

Link tried to move but the chain was too short. He only had a few feet of movement and the only thing around him was the puddle from his rape, hard tiles, and the side of a blanket. He looked over to the tub and considered it.

“The floor,” Ganondorf said from the bed.

Winching, Link slumped down against the side of the bed. His knees slid through the thick juices pooled around his body. He knew that he would be sleeping in it by the end of the night, he promised himself to resist until he couldn't anymore.

Opening his mouth, he bit down on the comforter and closed his eyes. The entire day of battle, fighting, and raping crashed into him. He was only aware of sliding down into the cooling puddle of cum when exhaustion drove him into oblivion.