Link's horror resumed when he heard a deep, guttural groan as Ganondorf woke up.

Instantly, Link was aware of his naked body sprawled out across the cold tiles of the floor. His skin was sticky and clammy. He started to plant his hand on the ground to push himself up but his wrists were still bound together.

Everything came rushing back at him: the fight, his loss, humiliation, and rape. His cheeks burned as he lifted his head and peered around him at the tiles and bedding around him.

Over the night, the puddles of cum had dried into hazy spots on the ground. He could still feel some of it clinging to his body, sticking and flaking. It made his skin crawl.

He brought one leg underneath his body and pushed himself into a sitting position. He had to blink a few times to clear his vision to see that he was still on the ground between the massive bed and large tub. On top of the mattress, he could see the formerly neat blankets and sheets had been torn up and twisted around.

Link shifted to a more comfortable position and felt the faint suction breaking where a few spots of cum were still moist against his pale skin.

With another groan, Ganondorf sat up. A sheet slipped off his muscular shoulder and chest to reveal his chiseled body and powerful frame. The contrast of white against his dark brown body was startling, like a silhouette in the light. He idly scratched the bottom of his neck, right below the bottom of his red beard.

Link wasn't sure how to feel. Part of him was angry at his loss and desperately wanted to lash out. All he needed was a sword—any sword—and the fight could resume right in the bedroom. The other part felt like he had lost and his position was right where he was, naked on the floor and humiliated in his defeat.

Ganondorf yawned as he looked around the room. He looked bored but there was a sharpness to his gaze. Slowly, his attention circled around toward Link.

Link cringed, inching back on the tiles. He thought about ducking his head underneath the edge of the mattress but it would have been a futile gesture. He instead sat up, his blond hair sticking to the dried cum on his shoulder.

Their eyes met.

A cold shiver ran down Link's spine.

Ganondorf smiled broadly. “I thought I smelled a cunt in the room. For a moment, I thought it was that bitch princess but I know the smell of her pussy anywhere. No, you're the boy who rescued her, aren't you?”

He hiked up one knee and leaned forward. The muscles on his powerful body flexed. He dropped his hand from his chest to rest on his knee.

Link took a deep breath.

“You really don't say much, do you? There were more than a few times last night I was sure you were going to yell or cry, but nothing more than a whimper and a gasp.”

Link shook his head.

The dark-skinned man suddenly smiled. He planted his hands on the mattress and pushed himself toward the edge and Link. Sheets pulled over his thick legs as he freed himself.

A feeling of dread rose up inside Link. He tensed as he watched the dark-skinned man come to the edge and then dropped his feet over the edge. The rough soles smacked against the hard tile.

Ganondorf continued forward until his massive cock and balls slumped over the edge of the mattress. The thick length of pitch-black shaft swung down. It looked like a dead snake or a thick vine but far thicker than anything he had seen before.

The memory of having it rock-hard and shoved into his ass brought a shiver of fear, disgust, and desire flowing through Link. As much as he hated the idea of being raped, there was something pleasurable about being dominated by such a manhood.

He blushed hotly. When he felt a tingle growing in his balls, he shifted his body to trap his small shaft between his thighs before it got too hard to hide.

Humiliation burned in his cheeks. He wasn't supposed to get turned on by Ganondorf. He was the evil of the world, he had kidnapped Princess Zelda and was going to destroy everything.

“You seem confused….” He chuckled. “I don't know your name.”

Link peeked up at Ganondorf's face.

The Gerudo chuckled and leaned forward. “I mean, I know what I'm going to call you, Cunt. It just means more knowing that I'm ignoring your real name. But, you aren't going to tell me, are you?”

Link shook his head. He tensed himself for a strike.

Ganondorf threw back his head and laughed. “Damn, a scared sissy and you still won't open your mouth to say anything. This is going to be new.”

As fast as the humor started, it stopped. “Though, you were also the closest that anyone had come to ever defeating me.”

He scraped his balls, rolling the thick orbs over his fingers as he worked his fingers through the red hairs that covered his testicles. “A couple blows different and I'd be on my knees in front of you, eh?”

The image of Ganondorf kneeling in front of Link slammed into his thoughts. What would it look like to have such a powerful man with his hands bound behind his back and his cock hard? Link's shaft strained against his thighs, forcing the head up between the crack between them.

Humiliated even more, Link rocked his hips back and tried desperately not to think about it.

Ganondorf's shaft twitched and started to thicken. Link couldn't help but stare as it grew wider and lengthened. The tight wrinkles stretched out as the head bobbed lower for a moment before it started to stand up. Flecks of dried cum broke free and fell to the ground; there was more of it dusting the dark

Link licked his lips and swallowed hard. He could still taste Ganondorf's cum on his tongue. It was gamy and musky, much like the smell that was beginning to swirl in the air around him.

“You should kiss it,” Ganondorf said in a low voice.

Link looked up and shook his head.

Ganondorf wasn't smiling but he wasn't frowning either. It was that strange look on his face from the night before in the tub, that look that hinted at tenderness that Link knew could turn into cruelty in a moment's notice.

The Gerudo cleared his throat as his cock grew harder. “Kiss it,” he said without a question.

Link wanted to resist. He wanted to jump up and run out of the way. He must have enough hearts to survive a flight, or even a jump out of the window. But instead he inched forward.

“There you go, Cunt. Kiss it.”

Hating every second, Link inched forward as he strained against the bounds around his wrists. His cock was painfully hard, still from the image of Ganondorf in his same position but also from the closeness to the shaft that had destroyed his body the night before.

He stopped when he was close enough to feel the heat radiating against his face. He licked his lips and stared at it. It was so thick and hard, he wasn't sure it would fit in his mouth.

No, Ganondorf didn't say to suck on it, he said to kiss it. But even Link knew it was only a matter of time before the thick, rounded head would be pressing against the back of his throat.

He looked up. Ganondorf was watching him carefully. Link felt like he was on a precipice. His action now would determine the next few minutes, days, or even months he had as Ganondorf's triumph.

Gulping, he lowered himself slightly. He had to balance on his knees as he brought the thick shaft up against his cheek and let it rub against his skin. It was hot and smooth and getting harder by the second.

Link hesitated only for a moment, lost in humiliation and desire, before he planted a kiss on Ganondorf's cock. The taste of the manhood flooded his nostrils and he took a deep breath and kissed it again.

The heat grew stronger as the cock hardened even more. The head bumped against the front of his throat and left a little smear of precum. It was already so hot and it would only get hotter.

Link gulped and kissed again, working his way toward the base.

Ganondorf let out a low growl of pleasure.

Knowing that the Gerudo wouldn't hesitate to beat him, Link kissed his way down the shaft until his face was planted in the thick patch of red hair. He hesitated only for a moment, breathing in the musky scent, before he started his way back down toward the tip.

Every kiss, every touch of his delicate lips against the hard flesh, brought a growing dread and desire. Was he really going to kiss the tip? Was he going to open his mouth and let it slide in? Had he lost all of his dignity with his defeat?

Link knew the answer but hated himself for it.

He shifted his body until he was balancing on his knees as he worked his way down the hardened flesh to the ridge of the glans. His tongue darted out to tease behind the crown, feeling how Ganondorf's breath grew even deeper. He explored the ridge for a moment before working his way over the glossy head toward the piss hole.

His own body was aflame. His cock was free of its confines and standing up painfully hard. He could feel it dripping with his thoughts just as much as his cheeks were burning with his thoughts. Everything was hot and flushed and he didn't know how to respond or think.

His lower lip covered over the opening and he tasted precum on his tongue. The clear fluids were salty and strong-tasting, a promise of something far more.

Link glanced up at Ganondorf who was staring back at him with an intense look.

“Drink,” whispered the Gerudo.

Link gulped. He was at the next gate of his submission and terrified to step through. Every action, every time he obeyed, he would be falling deeper under the domination of the man who had defeated him.

“Drink, Cunt.”

Link opened his mouth and planted his lips. He sucked and drew in a small measure of precum into his mouth. His tongue flashed around to swirl it against his taste buds, overwhelming him with the taste before it was smeared across the inside of his mouth.

Tears burned in his eyes as he pressed against the shaft, sliding his lips further up the smooth head before pulling back while sucking.

More precum flooded his mouth, enough to dribble down his throat. He swallowed and did it again, parting his lips even further to take more of the suck before sucking harder. The dribble of precum grew stronger, flooding his mouth. He gulped at it as he bobbed back and forth, right on the edge of losing his balance with only a hard cock to keep him in place.

Devastated by the betrayal of his own desires, Link closed his eyes and focused on sucking on Ganondorf's cock. He rocked back and forth, his own lips sliding up and around the thick head as he gulped at the precum that filled his mouth.

A few droplets slipped out and dribbled from the corners of his mouth.

He focused on keeping his teeth away from flesh as he continued to bob and suck. His world spun around him as the flood of precum poured into his stomach, causing his insides to gurgle with his first drink of the day.

Then, a warm hand cupped his chest.

Link's eyes snapped open. He looked up to see that Ganondorf was cradling the side of his head like before. The strange, intimate look was on the Gerudo's face. It was terrifying and comforting at the same time.

Ganondorf gave a small smile. “More,” he said in a low voice.

Link stared into his eyes as he pushed himself harder on the cock. His lips strained to take in the entire crown even as he pushed himself. His knees slipped on the tile, inching back with his effort.

Ganondorf chuckled. “Come on, Cunt. More.”

With tears in his eyes, Link tried to obey. He could almost take the entire head in his mouth but the last bit resisted him.

The warm hand comforting his cheek slid back. The touch was electric as Ganondorf's palm caressed Link's jaw, the base of his pointed ear, and then resisted on the back of his head. Fingers curled around to hold him tight.

A flicker of energy rose up, the Gerudo was activating the Triforce of Power.

Link knew what would happen. He strained to keep his mouth open.

Ganondorf pulled Link onto his cock with a slow, but powerful pressure. The thick head slid deeper. Link tried to keep his teeth away but it was too much. They scraped against skin but Ganondorf didn't even flinch as he continued to force his cock into Link's strained mouth.

Just at the point that Link thought his jaw was going to break, the ridge of the crown was forced into his mouth. His teeth and lips sealed behind it as the muscles in his jaw protested the strain.

Ganondorf released his pressure but didn't move his hand.

Link's knees slipped further on the tiles. His tightly-stretched lips slipped further down the cock as the thick, swollen head shoved itself deeper into his mouth. It was hot and swollen and surprisingly pliable as it flooded his mouth.

He gulped at the precum that continued to pour into his mouth. It ran down his throat, the sensation of hot liquid only adding to the overwhelming intensity of having a cock head jammed into his mouth.

“Small strokes, Cunt. Small strokes.”

Link gulped and looked up. He tried to plead with his eyes.

There was a flicker of annoyance.

Knowing that being on Ganondorf's intimate side was the only way to get through this, Link forced himself to take more of the cock into his mouth. His jaw ached and his eyes burned but he slid back and forth with small strokes.

The annoyance faded.

To his surprise. Link felt a rush of relief. Encouraged, he took more of the cock into his mouth and slid back and forth. Soon, the skin was slick with his saliva and the movements were easier. He could take a few inches of the black shaft past the head before his jaw really started to hurt.

Ganondorf didn't seem to notice the scratches or scrapes from his teeth. To Link's relief, there wasn't even a flinch or a look of annoyance, but he knew that biting would invoke the wrath far faster than anything else he could do. As a perverse and humiliating sense of pride, he strive to keep his teeth off as bobbed his head back and forth.

His knees slipped and started to lose his balance.

Link let out a whimper as he fell forward driving a few more inches of the black shaft hard into his mouth until it bumped against the back of his throat.

His stomach heaved as he gagged.

Ganondorf moaned as his hand tightened on the back of Link's head. “That's it. To the back of the throat. You don't have to go farther, just strokes it from lips to there and back.”

Link let out a soft cry but obeyed. He spread his knees obscenely apart to keep his balance as he bobbed his head up and down to his limits. He could feel every ridge of the hard shaft as the thick cock head slid to the back of his teeth. When he took it deeper, the heat pulsed in his mouth with a flash of Ganondorf's excitement as the thick head pressed the back of his throat.

He gagged with every stroke, but that only seemed to make Ganondorf's cock harder. His eyes blurred with his tears as kept his gaze focused on the Gerudo's eyes.

“Good Cunt. Just like that. I'll be coming soon enough looking into these pretty eyes of yours.”

Link sobbed with humiliation.

He continued to bob even past the point his jaw ached. He had been fighting for a long time, against brutal bosses and through endless traps. He could take the discomfort of a humiliating blowjob easily.

Someone knocked on the door.

Link tensed.

Ganondorf's fingers smacked the back of his head. “Don't stop,” he said, his voice harder than before.

Link resumed sucking on the cock.

Ganondorf let out a chuckle. “That's a good cunt.” Then, louder, he said, “Come in!”

The door creaked open. “Sir, I have a report….” It was Karasa, the moblin who appeared to be in charge. The creature's voice trailed off.

“Yes,” Ganondorf said with an icy tone. His hand on the back of Link's head tightened and forced Link harder on his cock. “You have something for me?”

“Sorry, sir. Normally you are down for the daily report.”

“And you were impatient?” Ganondorf's grip tightened and Link was forced onto his cock until the large head ground against the back of his throat.

Link's body shuddered as he gagged violently, his chest heaving as his knees slipped further apart. He knew that the moblin was staring at his exposed asshole and humiliatingly hard cock.

“Yes… I assumed the castle repairs were important and we need to work on the throne room today.”

Ganondorf kept Link in place.

Link strained at his bounds as he was forced to breath through his noise. It sounded loud and whistling as he fought the chocking sensation. He tried to pull his knees apart but it only lasted a few seconds before they slipped apart again.

Somehow, knowing that the moblin was staring at him only made the humiliation and excitement worse. Every twitch of his body, every movement was being seen. It was one thing for the intimate submission but with an audience, it was far far worse.

“Yes… sir….”

“How long?”

No answer.

“How long!” snapped Ganondorf. The pressure on the back of Link's head grew stronger and the cock head began to force itself into his throat. Link's orifice resisted but the pain was starting to make it difficult to do anything but flail.

“Sorry! Three days.”

Ganondorf's hand relaxed slightly. Then, he chuckled. “You seem to be having trouble focusing. You never did with the pussy around.”

Karasa cleared his throat. “May I be frank, sir?”


“The princess was a beautiful woman and no creature with balls would resist her. Those nights you gave her were beyond compare. But this guy? It's personal.”

“I bet you'd like to do something to him.”

A low growl. “Oh, yes. Given a chance, I'd hang him up by his balls and beat him bloody.”

Link tensed. His eyes focused on Ganondorf. The Gerudo wasn't looking down at all. Instead, he had a smirk on his face as he looked at the moblin behind him.

“I'd like to break every bone on his body, rip off his limbs, and then fuck his skull.”

Ganondorf chuckled. His hand gripped Link tightly but didn't pull or push. Inside Link's mouth, his cock suddenly got harder and hotter as the flood of precum doubled. “Well, this is my cunt now and I would take it as an insult if someone was going to harm my trophy.”

Link sobbed as he gulped frantically. The cock head was still against the back of his throat and he gagged as much as swallowed.

Karasa grumbled. “I'm aware of that. None of us are stupid to damage your… trophy without your permission.”

“But, I'm not opposed to lending him out for a bit less violent activities.”

Link jerked back.

Ganondorf slammed him back down on his cock. The cock head swelled immensely as it jammed against the back of his throat.

Struggling, Link's legs flailed as he tried to escape. His wrists ached as he tried to break them free. His knees slipped back and forth as he thought about being raped by moblins and the other creatures.

“Lend?” Karasa sounded interested.

“You said three days to finish?” Ganondorf chuckled. “I'll tell you what. You have to return him to me in three days.”

Link froze, his blood turning to ice. At the same time, his cock grew even harder and he heard it dripping on the tiles between his leads.

“You offering us inspiration?”

Ganondorf smirked. “Completion bonus. You get to borrow him as soon as you are done and not a moment before.”

Link whimpered, his body trembling.

Karasa cleared his throat. “We finish in a day?”

“You get this cunt for two days. You finish in an hour? Three days. You take three days, then hours or even seconds before you have to return him.”

The cock in his mouth was growing hotter. He could feel it starting to tremble. Ganondorf was about to cum.

Link gulped and sobbed, tears running down his cheeks.

“If we can't hurt him, what can we do?”

Ganondorf finally looked down with a cruel smile. “This sissy is having trouble deep-throating. It's just too tight for my cock. I'm guessing you could do something about getting him balls deep with enough inspiration.”

“And his ass?” There was no mistaking the lust in Karasa's voice.

“It's a bit tight for me. Think your boys could loosen him up? Teach him the proper way of being a sissy? I'll give a bonus if he can take my entire shaft to the base on the first try.”

Link tried to shake his head. His body burned with humiliation and despair.

Ganondorf smiled down at him. “We have a deal, Karasa?”

“Yes, sir.” The moblin sounded more than encouraged.

“Good. Now get out of here.” Ganondorf's cock surged with heat. “I need to finish fucking this cunt's face.”

The moblin left without another word.

Ganondorf grabbed Link's head with both hands. He let out a grunt as he pulled his cock out and then slammed it home. There as no power besides his stroke, only the force of his will as he pumped his shaft into Link's face with little regard for his trophy's comfort.

Link let out a moan as the thick head smacked against the back of his throat and then jammed against his teeth. It thrust fast and hard, bruising his lips and his throat with every stroke as Ganondorf used him for his own pleasure.

To Link's humiliation, his cock grew even hotter. Then, with a little surge of lust, he began to spray his seed across the tiles.

Ganondorf groaned with pleasure. “They are going to fuck your ass and mouth so hard.”

Precum was pouring down Link's throat. The thrusts left it smeared across his tongue and cheeks. More of it dribbled down his face and throat.

“I can't wait to see you stuff with moblin cock from both ends, a spit roasted cunt for my pleasure.” He groaned as his thrusts increased in speed. Each time, the head punched against the back of Link's throat, the pain lessened but the pleasure increased. He groaned and continued to ram home.

Then, there was cum. It sprayed hard against Link's throat and insides. Hot jets of it seared against the back of his throat before draining down into his stomach. It felt like there were gallons of it as it leaked out from the corners of Link's bruised mouth and more of it was coursing down to filly his belly with gurgling heat.

“Fuck!” bellowed Ganondorf as he jammed his cock hard against Link's throat and let loose with a few more pumps.

He released Link and slumped back, catching himself with one hand to recline back. “You have promise, sissy. A lot of promise and I'm looking forward to seeing you properly broken in.”

Link panted with his mouth still impaled. The cock head was getting softer and he knew it would slip out in a few minutes.

“Clean me off and then take a bath. We're going out.”

Link looked with a silent question.

Ganondorf smirked. “I have a new trophy and I'm thinking it's time to parade it across town and remind everyone who the real winner of that fight.”

He leaned forward, looming over Link. The triangle on his hand glowed brightly as he grabbed Link's bonds. There was a snap sound and suddenly Link was free.

Ganondorf sat back up. His softening cock slipped from Link's mouth and thudded against the bed. “I'm freeing you because you know what happens if you run away?”

Link shook his head.

“I'm going to kill every man, woman, and child in town. Then I'm going to find your village and do the same to everyone I find.” His voice was low and threatening. Link could feel the menace and had no doubt that Ganondorf would do exactly what he promised.

Link cringed.

“As long as you are my cunt, no one gets hurt. Do you understand?”

With tears in his eyes, Link nodded.

“Now, clean me off and then get scrubbed down yourself. It's time to show you off.”

Cheeks burning with renewed humiliation, Link reached up with his hands to cradle Ganondorf's cock and balls. He opened his mouth and began to suck at the end to get the last droplet of cum that still clung to the tip.