Link followed Ganondorf up the spiral staircase that lead to the Gerudo's bedroom. Every part of his body felt disgusting, from the crying cum on his face to the stickiness that dripped between his legs.

His hand ached from carrying his weapon at his side. Without having a sheath was cumbersome. It also felt surreal carrying a sharpened wooden sword while dressed like a slut.

Ahead of him, Ganondorf easily strode up the stairs. As he did, he stripped off his leather outfit and tossed them aside. The heavy thumps of the armor were followed by groans of relief.

Link glanced at the heavy leather as he passed them. He didn't have any covering of his own. More importantly, if he pulled off the golden belt, he'd only be wearing the iron collar.

For a moment, he considered waiting until Ganondorf was at his most vulnerable and then attacking, but he knew the warrior was always waiting for an attack.

The fear that Ganondorf was going to reveal that he knew what Link was thinking stopped him. He forced his thoughts away from violence and toward the freshly repaired stairs. The moblins and bokoblins had done a startling amount of effort in only two days. Nearly the entire castle had been repaired, with the smell of freshly cut wood mixing in with drying mortar. Only the main gate and the top of one tower remained.

Seeing the nearly finished castle brought a different type of dread. He could feel to moblins and bokoblins staring at him as Ganondorf and he entered the castle. They were thinking about raping him, fucking his ass and mouth for endless hours.

The idea of being handed over to the Karasa and the others sickened Link. It wasn't unlike the dread he felt coming into Telma's Bar.

For some reason, the intimate brutality that Ganondorf had been inflicted on him seemed to preferable to the vague threat of those creatures.

If he was lucky, the moblins would encounter some problem. If he wasn't, then he could only hope that Ganondorf wanted to keep Link for himself instead of letting him be raped.

His stomach twisted in discomfort. He tightened his grip on his sword to avoid dropping it but made sure he kept the point well away from any threatening gesture.

Ganondorf stopped at the door to his suite and looked back. “Thinking about tomorrow, huh?”

Link looked up, the dread rising up. Even without words, he knew that Ganondorf was going to hand him over to the moblins. Like the bar, there was no compassion, only cruelty.

He shrugged. “I did say Karasa could have you when they finished. At this rate, they should be done by noon tomorrow. You agree?”

There was no reason to resist the inevitable. Link sighed and nodded.

Ganondorf pushed the door open. “Well, better get stripped down and into the bath. As much as I think you look like a fucking cunt with all that cum on you, I'd rather not be rolling around in it tonight when you're in my bed.”

Link did a double-take.

Ganondorf had said he was mercurial when it came to his moods. He would treat Link with kindness in one moment and cruel in the next. There was nothing Link could predicate that would tell him when it would change.

Link didn't have much time to respond. If he was going to be raped tomorrow, he might as well enjoy whatever comfort Ganondorf would grant him that night.

He took a deep breath and headed up the stairs.

Ganondorf smiled as he held the door open above Link's head. “That's a good fucking slut.”

Link's cock hardened at the thought. He ducked his head as he came underneath Ganondorf's muscular limb and then headed into the center of the room. He wasn't sure what to do, but it felt right.

Ganondorf set his massive sword down on a table. “Put your sword here,” he said before heading toward the bath. Like his armor, he stripped off his clothes and tossed them aside without a concern. By the time he reached the tub, he was naked. His jet-black skin shimmered in the air as he lifted one foot into the tub followed by the other.

Link's eyes followed the half-hard cock that swung between Ganondorf's legs. Even though he had been repeated fucked in public, he found himself craving the hardness as it tore through his body. His mouth or ass, it didn't matter, he wanted it inside him.

He couldn't really call it rape either. Despite losing to Ganondorf, there were many times that Link could have resisted. The Gerudo had given him many opportunities to run away when he turned his back. Or had given him a weapon; Link had won more than a few fights by out-surviving his enemy by attacking once and then falling back repeatedly. He could have fought for his freedom.

He glanced down at his erection. No, he loved submitting the Ganondorf. It was humiliating though. He was supposed to be the hero in the story, defeating the dark-skinned man and bringing peace to Hyrule.

“This is bothering you, isn't it?”

Link looked up at the almost tender words. He nodded.

Ganondorf leaned back, bubbles glistening on his chest. “Me too. I'm suppose to be torturing that ass of yours. Making you scream in agony as I rape your ass or choke on my dick. But you…” He frowned. “You aren't doing either. You just quietly take it and that little sissy dick of yours stands up and begs for more.”

Link's hardness jumped. With his cheeks burning, he looked aside.

“Nothing to be ashamed of wanting me.”

Link glanced at him and then away.

“Come into the tub.”

Reaching down, Link unbuckled the golden belt and peeled it away from his body. Flecks of drying cum fluttered to the ground as he drew the translucent fabric away from his hardness. His trembled as he rolled it over twice and then set it down.

Ganondorf was smiling as Link crawled over the edge of the tub and sank into the hot water.

It felt good on Link's skin; though he had nothing more than walk around in public, he felt dirtier than going through the Earth and Water Temples combined. He let out a soft sigh and he sank to the bottom. The water lapped at the iron collar around his neck despite only coming up the Ganondorf's abdominal muscles.

He rubbed at some of the scum that clung to his body.

“No, let me.”

Link froze as Ganondorf brought over a white cloth and began to wash Link. His thick fingers were steady as he started on Link's chest.

“I should have just broken your neck, you know. Finished you off like a proper opponent instead of seeing nothing more than that tight little ass and pointed ears.”

Link remained still, unsure of how to respond. He lifted his arm as Ganondorf washed along his ribs and then down to his hip. When the cloth came around to envelop his groin, he leaned back and spread his legs.

Ganondorf said nothing as he tenderly cleaned Link's cock, balls, and asshole. The feeling of the soap-slicked fingers against the sensitive parts brought a new, almost welcomed, surge of hardness.

When Ganondorf's fingertips brushed against Link's abused sphincter, Link expected to be impaled with a hard stroke. Instead, the Gerudo just ran a few circles around the tortured opening before moving up to wash Link's back.

“Come on, straddle my thighs. You're so tiny, I can't reach down that far.”

Breathing heavily, Link crawled up. Both of their bodies were slick with the soap. He felt obscene as he spread his legs far apart and slid back until his buttocks were resting against his victor's hips and the thick length of cock bobbed in the water just below his balls.

Ganondorf didn't grab his hips and fuck his ass. Instead, he resumed his tender washing and cleaned off Link's shoulders and chest before moving up to his face. With one hand, he cupped Link's chin and lifted his head, guiding the smaller man to lean back until their eyes were focused on each other.

With a smile, Ganondorf finished washing Link's face. “There, much cleaner. Though, it was hot to see you with cum dripping down your face.”

Link blushed. Then he felt something heavy cupping his balls. Reaching down, he wrapped his hand around Ganondorf's hard cock that had grown between his legs. His own manhood was tiny against the thickness. When he looked down, it looked like had a massive black cock sprouting from his hips.

Ganondorf tossed the cloth to the side and then picked up a bottle of thick liquid. “You have cum in your hair too.”

To Link's surprise, the Gerudo continued to remain tender as he worked his fingers through Link's long hair. Every touch was almost like a lover's as he worked the lather in and then rinsed it off.

Link remained still, pumping the black cock that jutted between his legs and enjoyed the pleasure of being tended to. It was surreal but it didn't want for it ever end; it just felt good.

However, soon he was completely cleaned and rinsed.

Ganondorf reached down to wrap his hand around Link's and pumped his cock a few times. “Your turn, Cunt.”

Link flushed as he slipped off the hard body underneath him. With the black cock towering over his head, he grabbed the wash cloth, soaped it up, and began to clean Ganondorf's thighs.

Even the tender effort of cleaning was getting him harder. He blushed as he dug his fingers into the hard muscles and scrubbed away of dirt and fucking from the man who had conquered him. What he wanted to do was feel the hard shaft inside him again, but he resisted cleaning the cock until he was done soaping up Ganondorf's chests, shoulders, and even face.

Finally, his attention focused on the cock that he craved. With a moan, he used his soapy hands to get it slick before pumping with both palms. Ganondorf was too thick to hold one-handed but the two hands with intertwined fingers created a steady pressure that Link could use to bring Ganondorf pleasure. He leaned into his strokes, pumping up and down until he heard Ganondorf breathing deeply and the cock glistened with pre-cum.

Link's own shaft was achingly hard. It moved with his strokes, the hard point thumping against Ganondorf's balls and drawing up the hard shaft until he shifted directions and moved down.

Ganondorf reached out and cupped the side of Link's face. He said nothing as Link stroked his entire length.

Link kept going until he felt Ganondorf throbbing underneath him. It felt good to know he was bringing the other man to a cusp of pleasure.

Ganondorf tapped him. “Clean the balls,” he ordered.

Link nodded and moved his soapy fingers down to roll each massive testicle in his palm. He make sure to clean every wrinkle of the heavy sack. As his body slipped deeper into the hot water, he felt the urge to kiss the hard shaft against his cheek.

With a smile, he did. It was soft against his lips. Link sank further into the hot water until it was up around his neck. He cupped and cleaned the dark-skinned man's balls before moving tho the narrow bridge of flesh between Ganondorf's testicle and his asshole.

Ganondorf chuckled. Then he rolled over. As Link stared, he lifted his hips out of the water until he was on his knees and bent over the edge of the tub. Soapy water ran down his black skin as it sheeted away from the pair of firm buttocks. “Clean it,” he ordered in the same tone.

Link felt a tremble of excitement as he soaped up his cloth and washed both globes of Ganondorf's hard ass. It was just as muscular as the rest of him but with the Gerudo kneeling with his legs spread, it was easy to even gingerly run the cloth against the pink sphincter he found.s

“Use your fingers.”

Growing harder by the moment, Link reached up and used his thumb along the wrinkled opening. He ran his soapy fingertip along the individual folds that puckered up.

Ganondorf's cock seemed to grow harder. With his other hand, Link stroked it slowly as he rubbed his finger along the black man's asshole.

“Deeper. Use your thumb.”

Link was breathing hard as he eased his finger into the tight opening. It was hard and muscular and hot. But Ganondorf moaned even louder. Soon, Link was pumping his thumb in and out of the opening as he stroked the cock in matching strokes.

The hard globes of Ganondorf's buttocks tightened into rock-like hardness and then relaxed. “Oh, that feels good.”

Watching his finger pumping into the tight hole, Link was inspired by something inside. It looked and smelled clean after the bath. What would it feel like underneath his lips?

His cock almost exploded with excitement.

Slowly, Link eased his finger out from the clenching hole.

Ganondorf let out a low moan that ended in a growl.

Licking his lips, Link continued to pump the black cock as he screwed up his courage. Then he pressed his face against the tight hole and kissed it.

It was as if he electrocuted Ganondorf with a spell. His cock jumped in Link's hand and his muscles tightened. “Oh, fuck!”

Encouraged, Link kissed harder against the pucker. He opened his mouth and let his tongue snake out, to run along the clean-tasting hole. When Ganondorf's cock jumped in his grip, he lapped at the sphincter. With every stroke, he worked the tip of this tongue deeper into the tight opening.

Ganondorf moaned and spread his thighs further apart. “Just like that. Keep going. Deeper,” he gasped as his hips rocked back and forth.

Link obeyed, flushed with excitement as he rimmed the tight hole until his tongue and chin ached. The cock underneath his hand felt like a burning brand as he pumped it. He wasn't sure if the dark-skinned man had cum already but just bringing him to an edge of orgasm was more than enough.

Ganondorf's balls squeezed together and then he suddenly pulled away. “Enough,” he gasped.

Link pulled back, his tiny form dwarfed by Ganondorf as the other man stood up. He was panting. Gingerly, he wrapped his hand around his own cock and pumped; he almost came from just a single movement.

“Dry off and on the bed.”

Ganondorf looked at him and then crawled out of the tub. He draped one towel over the edge before grabbing a second to dry himself off.

Flushed with excitement, Link obeyed. As soon as he was only damp from the tub, he crawled up on the soft mattress. His tiny ass swayed in front of Ganondorf, but it felt good to hear the moan that followed.

The only thing that diminished his excitement was the heavy collar around his neck. It felt like a weight pulling him down as he crawled up over the soft blankets until he reached the pillows.

Unsure of Ganondorf's intentions, he remained on his knees and turned around.

The other man was crawling on the bed after him. His black skin looked like coal against the bright white blankets and sheets. “On your back,” he ordered.

Link slipped his legs forward until he was on his back with his head propped by by the pillows. His tiny cock stood up, dripping wet and glistening with his pre-cum.

“Didn't dry this, did you?” Ganondorf said as he ran a finger along Link's length.

Link moaned and shook his head.

“I'll punish you for that later. But first, I want a taste myself.”

Eyes widening, Link didn't resist as Ganondorf grabbed both of his ankles and lifted them apart. Link slid off the pillow as his body was folded nearly in half; the position caused his hips to rise up and expose the tiny opening of his asshole and his cock.

Ganondorf grinned and then hooked Link's ankles on his shoulders before bowing his head. His hot breath washed along Link's length, sending little pulses of pleasure jumping along the rigid length.

Then, Ganondorf lowered his mouth further until his thick lips caressed against Link's balls before moving further down to his asshole. The red beard tickled his skin only moments before the thick tongue pressed against the tortured opening.

Unable to speak, Link could only grab the pillows with both hands. The slick pleasure was incredible, something he had never felt before. As Ganondorf shoved his tongue into Link's sphincter, Link's hips rose up and he let out a cry of need that filled the room.

Ganondorf smiled as he shoved his tongue deep into Link's asshole, swirling it around, and pumping it back and forth.

Link let out as shuddering breath.

The other man pulled out. “You can come that way, couldn't you?”

Flushed, Link could only nod.

“I'd rather you come on my cock. Think you can do that?”

Another nod.

Ganondorf grabbed Link's ankles as he lifted himself. His cock slid up against the outside of Link's thigh before Ganondorf pulled back and threaded it between his legs as he knelt closer to the smaller man's jutting buttocks.

Bent in half, there was no question that Ganondorf was about to fuck him. Link moaned as he watched him get into place. His cock jumped and drooled with excitement as the thick cock was dragged back until it slipped into the valley of his buttocks and pressed against the saliva-slicked opening.

“I want you to come like a little bitch,” whispered Ganondorf. He positioned Link's feet against his chest; the difference in their bodies would make it impossible to keep Link's ankles on his shoulders.

“No touching that little sissy dick of yours.”

Link slowly lifted his hands above his head and gripped the bars of the headboard of the bed.

“Yeah, that's a little slut.”

Link pressed down, rocking his hips against the hard shaft poised to impale him.

At the same time, Ganondorf bore down on his weight. The two met and his cock slid deep into Link's stretched hole as if they were made for each other.

The warmth and hardness slammed into Link. It felt good to be filled completely, to have the thick head sliding into his guts and stretching out his insides.

“Oh fuck,” gasped Ganondorf. “You are so tight.”

His strokes weren't brutal or cruel. They were slow, but very deep as he bottomed out into Link's asshole. The length bulged up the tiny man's stomach and dug into his ribs, but it didn't matter. They just moaned as Ganondorf got into a rhythm of pumping long and deep into Link's willing body.

“Come for me,” groaned Ganondorf. “Come on my dick.”

Link nodded desperately. He was already close. Everything about his opponent somehow brought him closer to an orgasm. The way he used Linked, treated him, and talking to him. Every order made it hard not to come. He squeezed his insides around the thrusting shaft.

Ganondorf fucked harder and faster, pounding into Link's ass. His movements crushed Link more, adding to the pleasure. With one shaking hand, he slid his palm up to Link's hand and then clamped them to the rails with a powerful grip.

The heat and pressure added to the pleasure. Link whimpered and thrust into each stroke, taking more of the cock deep into his insides. His cock was aching and ready to explode, it only needed more strokes.

Ganondorf brought his other hand up to capture Link's. “Come for me!” he ordered as he rammed his cock deep. Every ridge seemed to strum along Link's tightly stretched sphincter. Every plunge into the hot depths of Link's body struck nerves that pushed the slender man closer.

Link gaped as he felt his orgasm rising up. It was driving by nothing more than the hard cock dominating his body and the piercing eyes that had caught his spirit. He was helpless and desperate. He wanted to be there so badly, to be commanded by the man who had defeated him.

The rest of the world seemed to melt apart until it was just the two of them. He felt every thrust that shoved deep into his body. Moaned with the ridges and bumps of the hard cock that impaled him. He wanted needed to feel Ganondorf's cum fill him, stretching his belly until it sprayed out from the junction of his body.

“Come for me!” bellowed Ganondorf. He moved into faster strokes that drove Link into the ground. “Make that little noise you make when you come! I want it! Now!”

The order pushed Link over the edge. He let out a guttural groan of pleasure as his cock exploded between their bodies. Jets of cum splashed out between them only to be instantly smeared across their clean bodies as Ganondorf continued to fuck with hard strokes.

Link clutched the rails tightly as he felt each surge of pleasure rip through his shaft. He clenched his body around the impaling cock as it pummeled into him. His growing pleasure was driven by the hardness that impaled his sensitive body.

Ganondorf came a few moments late, his cock swelling right before it flooded Link's insides with liquid heat. He groaned the same guttural moan as he pumped hot cum deep into Link's body.

The pressure built inside Link, swelling his belly with cum.

Ganondorf slowed but didn't stop pumping. He wiped the sweat off with his shoulder and then smiled. “You just keep going,” he gasped.

Link nodded. He was trembling with pleasure. The continued strokes felt sharper but no less enjoyable.

“The princess always cried when I took her like this. Sobbed and beat against my chest. It got me hard but you… you just take it. Is that your courage? Is that the Triforce?”

The thick cock grew harder inside Link as Ganondorf began to pump faster again. Every stroke slurped and splashed as the cum already inside Link started to seep out around the black shaft.

“Is this what your power is, to keep going? To take it like a bitch?”

Link moaned as his shaft grew harder.

“I can see the fear in your eyes when I take you, but there is this…” Ganondorf slammed his shaft hard. “… acceptance… that I had never seen before.” He was pounding into Link again, driving deep into the slender man's stuffed body. More cum sprayed out with every stroke.

“Every command you obey makes me want to fuck you more!”

Link nodded, tightening his grip on the bars to avoid letting them slip off. He had little option, but he tried to meet each thrust as it drove balls deep into his ass.

“All I want is to break you!”

Ganondorf let out a bellow as he rammed his cock deep and came again. The pressure flooded Link's insides, pouring out around their cock.

Link's cock was fully hard again.

Ganondorf panted and then adjusted his position. There was a flash of light from the back of his hand before he began to pump again. His cock slammed into Link's helpless body as he started to work toward a third orgasm.

Knowing that Ganondorf wasn't going to stop using him, set off Link's own orgasm. As the black cock impale his ass, he arched his back and let his own fluids add to the mess that was coating their bodies. Neither man seemed to care as rivulets of it ran over Link's chest and down his thighs. Neither cared about anything other than the endless fucking that wasn't going to stop anytime in the near future.