Link woke up in a pile of clothes, cast-off canvas bags, and what appeared to be a sack of oatmeal. He let out a grunt as he levered himself up to his knees. While he brushed the dried semen and juices from his face, he sat back until his naked ass settled into place.

His eyes scanned the room, alert for any danger. He didn't seem much other than snoring bokoblin, Linkle splayed out in a chair with her limbs intertwined with Baggo's Mom, and a moblin with his ass stick out over a chair and rude writing written on his bare cheeks.

Pushing himself up, he climbed up on a table and looked around again. He was naked and unarmed, but no prickle of fear or danger plucked his senses. He could almost imagine a peaceful musical tune in the background instead of the more sinister dungeon sounds or one of approaching battle.

Switching thoughts, he looked around for a weapon to arm himself. After only a few seconds, he spotted a short sword tossed into a corner. Pressing his lips together, he stalked over to it. It was one of the bokoblins', a fairly serviceable weapon with a hook on the end and a stained handle. Someone had thrown a loincloth over it.

It was far deadlier than the wooden sword he had up in Ganondorf's tower.

He couldn't make himself pick it up. The first thought was the Gerudo's threat to kill others if he escaped. While Link was willing to put himself in danger to defeat the warrior, he believed Ganondorf when the dark-skinned man promised to slaughter everyone in town. His victor had an uncontrolled violence barely kept in check.

The other was honor. Except for the old man who had given him a sword with a tearful promise that terrible things would happen, Link had earned every weapon he had used. He fought monsters, solved puzzles, and rescued those who needed it. He didn't scrape a weapon off the ground and use it.

Link stood there for a moment, wondering if he was willing to die over honor but he knew the answer. If he was going to lift it above his head as a prize, he wanted… no, he needed to earn it through his hard skill.

It tore his heart apart as he turned his back on the weapon and headed toward the door leading up from the basement hall.

Like the word, he dismissed the cast-off clothes strewn around the hall. Ganondorf took pride in humiliating him.

As much as Link didn't want to admit it, he liked how Ganondorf enjoyed making him blush while debasing the Hyrulean warrior. The submission was a spice, as much as the sweeter moments. It was strange and surreal situation he had gotten into it, but he felt in his gut that he just had to wait it out.

He didn't enjoy the more vicious moods, though.

Upstairs, the halls of the castle were remarkably empty. He trailed his fingers along the beautiful woodwork and wondered if the bokoblins that made it had also fucked him. The delicate whorls of carvings, the trim along the top, all of it had a different meaning with the possibility that the creator was balls deep in Link's ass.

He smiled to himself and wondered where to go. He could return to the tower like a dutiful slave. Or walk out the back door and hope no one noticed. The latter would end up in slaughter, something Link couldn't allow.

The ground shook underneath his feet.

A prickle of fear and danger ran down his spine. Instantly, he knew that it came from the front of the town. Without a second look, he turned on his heads and trotted toward the front doors which were ajar.

He found the residents of the castle as soon as he walked out the open doors; they were gathered along the top of the wall that surrounded the castle. Many of them were peeking around the crenelation, half-cringing while careening to get a better look.

A gasp of surprise and fear rippled along the noise. A few of the maids ducked behind the bricks with screams.

Moments later, the ground rumble as another roar beat against the walls. A blast of air whistled through the gaps in the wall and rattled glass windows. He could feel the pressure wave pass over him.

There was very little in the world which could make such a powerful, rumbling roar. Link had encountered more than a few of them on his own, but they were all buried deep inside the various temples, safely locked behind traps and monsters. None of them were above the ground, not free, but it sounded like one was dangerously close.

Concern prickled his skin. He jogged forward while wishing he had grabbed the sword from the corner. Honor be damned, he almost turned back, but curiosity and concern won and he worked his way up the crowded stairs up to the top. His slender body easily slipped around the taller Hyruleans as he tried to find some spot to investigate.

Then, he came up to the familiar sight of Karasa and a knot of bokoblins that had clustered around a few of the crenelations. He stopped, remembering the day of fucking but also fighting the urge to use the space the moblin had formed to sate his curiosity.

Pigelo glanced at him and then gestured out across the field.

Following his finger, Link slipped up against the red-skinned moblin and lifted himself over the edge. His naked body shivered in the warm air that washed over him, reminding him that he wore nothing but a metal collar and a patina of cum and juices.

In the distance, something massive lifted up over the trees. Too many legs flailed in the air before the beast came down again. A shock wave rippled away from the impact, blowing past a red-haired warrior facing the creature.

It was Ganondorf. He wielded his massive sword as he hammered against the giant creature's legs. Sparks exploded with every impact but the blade seemed to do nothing to the creature, not even caused it to flinch. Bit of metal and brilliant crimson sparks flew out in all directions as the Gerudo warrior hammered blow after blow.

Well past Ganondorf, the shock wave continued to roll through the woods, knocking over trees and casting aside rocks before it burst out into the plains around the town. The wave was palatable as it tore apart bushes and grasses before it slammed into the town, shaking the ground and twisting the rocks. The gathered town people let out cries of surprise and fear as they clutched for each other.

Pigelo grabbed Link with one hand and Karasa's belt with the other.

Link barely noticed the jerk from the bokoblin. Instead, his gaze was focused on the creature. He had fought something like it before. They rarely could be whittled down with mere blows, no matter how powerful. The massive beasts were almost invulnerable, except there was some pattern or trick that would reveal the way to defeat them.

Ganondorf wasn't fighting with any grace or precision. His blows hammered on the heavily armored legs of the beast, each blow exploding into flames and energy but otherwise only doing superficial damage.

Link's grip tightened on the stonework ahead of him.

“Shit,” muttered Pigelo. “This isn't good. That thing it too close to Guttersnipe, too close.” His hand tightened on Karasa's belt and Link thought he felt the bokoblin holding his tighter also.

Karasa let out a long sigh. “That your village over there?”

Link's eyes probed around the battle until he saw a small village nestled in a narrow valley. Even from a distance, he could see the blue-skinned creatures frantically running around as they tried to prop up falling buildings or prevent herds of sheep from escaping.

“Yeah, my mum and sisters are there. Whole pack of the bastards. Dandelion is getting knocked up tomorrow too.”

“Damn it.” Karasa shook his head. “I promised to go to that one, didn't I?”

“Yes, Boss.”

“Think we can get there in time?”

“No chance, no one can.”

On the other side, Link spotted another village close to the battle. It was Hyrulean but no less in danger of the battle that was raging back and forth. Ganondorf's power was massive, ripping apart trees and rocks, but it also threatened everything around it.

He clenched his teeth. He had to stop the fight. He may not be able to defeat Ganondorf, but a temple beast was something he had done many times before. His eyes probed, looking for the weakness.

Karasa's hot breath tickled Link's bare shoulder. “You know, I've served both Zelda and Ganondorf.”

Startled, Link look at him curiously. The conversation seemed completely out of place compared to the distant battle.

The moblin's gaze was focused on the fight. “I've seen the beauty of the Triforce of Wisdom and I've seen what the destruction that Ganondorf's Power can do.” His hand pressed against the small of Link's back, where the triangular mark indicated the third Triforce, the one of Courage.

The touch was intimate, almost like a lover's.

Link's heart pounded in his ears.

Ganondorf summoned a massive blast of power that tore apart the ground. Huge gouts of earth and roots flew high into the air before raining down on both villages.

The spider-like creature easily stepped over the hole and lashed out. The invulnerable creature slammed into him again, which Ganondorf parried but the force threw him back meters.

Even with the battle, the moblin's words continued to tickle his ear. “But they always glowed brightly when they activated but no one has ever seen yours do anything. You have Courage but you don't use it like the others. In fact, I honestly thought it was inert until last night.”

Link frowned as he tried to recall where and how he had tapped into the Triforce of Courage. He wasn't aware of it.

“We never broke you, there wasn't even a chance. You didn't really surrender either, did you?” The lips of the moblin grew closer. “I'm thinking you decided to just take us on, didn't you? To do the courageous thing and accept being fucked like a cunt and whore?”

Hearing the moblin reveal his inner thoughts, Link could only nod slowly.

“I saw that. I saw your Triforce activate, in that moment when you made that decision.” His hand spread apart to trail his claws down Link's back like a lover. “I'm seeing it now, a faint ripple of power gathering in your gut. You are thinking about courage, aren't you? Being the hero?”

Link ducked his head, then he nodded.

“We may be enemies, but my friend's sister is out there. I'm willing to bet my balls that you could do something about this.”

Pigelo leaned over. “Are you serious, Karasa!? Ganondorf will kill you if you let him go. He'll kill anyone who helps him! You know that, he won't fight with allies.”

Link looked back at the battle. He had to do something, it didn't matter if it was the bokoblin or the Hyrulean village. They were innocent in the battle and couldn't save themselves.

Confidence flooded through him. He squared his shoulders and nodded.

Karasa stared at him for a moment and then straightened. He brushed his hand along his side, pushing aside his clothes to reveal a steel sword dangling from his belt. It was a well-maintained blade, almost equal to Link's iron sword.

The moblin gave Link one hard look, and then reached out for Pigelo.

The bokoblin stared in confusion. “Boss, what are—?”

Karasa turned Pigelo back to the fight and held his shoulder. He didn't look back but his arm was clear of the sword that he had revealed.

The gesture was clear. The moblin was giving him a weapon and a chance to do what was right. In Link's mind, he could easily see the violence Ganondorf would inflict on anyone disobeying him; joining in the fight would be probably the most dangerous thing Link could do.

But it would save others.

Link reached out and yanked the sword free.

Karasa stood up and spun around. “What are you—?” he roared in mock anger.

Link shoved past him and jumped up on the edge of the stones. Without looking back, he jumped down onto a flag pole, bounced off the wall, and landed hard on a barrel. Before it could roll to the side, he hopped onto the flagstones with his bare feet. Spotting a guard's circular shield, he snatched it up and sprinted toward the front gate of the town with nothing more than a pair of stolen arms and a collar around his bare neck.