Link scrambled to keep to his feet as Ganondorf dragged him through the front gates of the town. His naked body burned from not only the cuts and abrasions from the fight but also the bruises from his captor's violent fucking afterwards. Cum coated the inside of his thighs, adding smears of mud and small leaves to coat his still sore ass. His feet ached after being dragged from the battle site to the front gates.

On both sides of the road, he could see the town folks watching with shock and surprise. There were a few with smiles, but a lot more had pity painted across their faces. He could almost feel their disapproval at his naked body and helplessness. With his feet scuffing on the harsh ground, he considered the choices that brought him there.

No matter how he thought about it, he had made the right one. If he fled, then Ganondorf would have destroyed villages. If he didn't help with defeating the forest boss, then more people would have died or been homeless. What was his life against hundreds of others?

Though, despite the burning in his rear and the humiliation, Link would have made the same decision as before.

The thick fingers jammed into Link's iron collar flexed and Ganondorf's knuckles dug into the Hyrule's throat. With a grunt and a flash of the Triforce of Power, the Gerudo threw Link ahead of him.

Surprised, Link stumbled a few steps before landing heavily on the flagstones surrounding one of the town fountains. He winced at the pain, but he knew that the injury was only a small sliver of the heart icons that he had used see during his adventures. He panted for a moment and then looked up.

Dozens of moblins and bokoblins stood in a crescent before him. Karasa stood in the center, his thick arms crossed ahead of his chest as he stood proudly. Next to him, Pigelo sat nervously on the edge of the fountain. He looked like he was trying to hide behind Karasa.

Ganondorf let out a rumbling breath, almost a growl. His armor creaked as he crossed his own arms. “You lost something,” he growled.

Karasa's ear twitched. “He escaped.”

Link didn't know what to do. A thin trickle of cum bubbled out of his ass and ran down his thighs. It splashed onto the cobblestone. He closed his eyes and tried to keep the blush from coloring his face and ears. After a second, he opened it up and watched the conversation above him.

Ganondorf grunted. “You let him. You didn't think I could do it.”

Karasa's jaw tightened. “Why would I do that, my lord?”

“You doubt me, Karasa. You should not.”

“You are my lord and master, I would do no such thing.”

Ganondorf said nothing for a moment as he worked his jaw. Then he unfolded his arms to pull out Karasa's sword from his belt. “It's interesting that he somehow also got your precious sword. I know what this means to you, Karasa, and you wouldn't have let him escape with it. Your father made this, didn't he?”

The moblin's shoulders tensed. “You know how skilled he is. Who am I to defeat him.”

“He's a fucking cunt, a tiny shit of a man. Are you saying a boy managed to defeat you and the other bokoblins by himself.”

Link's cheeks burned as they talked about him as if he was nothing more than an object. He squirmed and tried not to think about the hundreds of eyes staring at him.

Karasa tilted his head.

“Well?” Ganondorf said, brandishing Karasa's weapon. His voice was low and a growl. The Triforce of Power flickered with his thoughts, growing brighter with every second.

A prickle of wariness ran along Link's spine. He could almost hear the music in the back of his head shifting from the jaunty tune of the village into the opening chords of a fight. He pushed himself to his knees and leaned back, his posture shifting from one of humiliating submission into a readiness.

There were no weapons near him. Ganondorf had his hookshot hanging from his belt, but opposite of Link.

Ganondorf's face twitched in a snarl, his red hair standing up as he did. He raised the sword above his head. “You let him go! There is no other way!”

Karasa stepped forward with a glare of his own and one hand raised as if it would stop the blade. “That ‘boy’ as you said has killed hundreds of my kind. He spent a week in the forest temple and I can't tell you how many of my kin died for a couple rubles. I don't have any love for him, but he is not weak.”

“He's pathetic!”

“He almost defeated you!” roared the moblin.

Then, in the stunned silence, Karasa's eyes widened. “F-Fuck.”

Link was already launching himself when Ganondorf's Triforce flashed to life. He surged to his feet and stepped forward as Ganondorf held up the sword and then brought it down in a killing blow aimed for Karasa's head.

The moblin clenched his eyes, waiting for death.

Link threw himself forward, slamming his shoulder into the soft paunch of the moblin.

Surprised, Karasa stumbled back. The back of his knees caught the edge of the fountain and Pigelo. With a cry, he fell.

Link spun around to face Ganondorf, standing where the moblin was there less than a second before.

The sword flashed as it came down.

Then stopped less than a millimeter from his nose.

Icy water splashed against Link's back as Karasa fell into the fountain.

Link stared down the blade at Ganondorf, his bright eyes blinking slowly. He should have been terrified, but a calm filled him as he remained still. Somehow, he knew that Ganondorf wouldn't attack him, but that thought hadn't registered until he was in place; he was thankful that his instinct were true but he would have done the same even if Ganondorf had cut him down.

The blade didn't waver as Ganondorf glared at him. The red light of his Triforce shone brightly as he locked eyes with Link. There was a fury and fire in his gaze, one that bore directly into Link's core.

“Fuck me,” Pigelo sputtered from the fountain, “that's the real Triforce? I-I thought it was just a tattoo.”

A bokoblin nearby gulped. “I was raping his ass last night.”

More whispers, mostly of horror and surprise. They continued but Link's focus tightened and they faded away until his world was nothing more than Ganondorf and himself.

“You really want to fight me, Cunt?” growled the Gerudo.

Link shook his head.

“Then what do you want!?” The tip of the sword moved fractionally, dipping until Link could almost feel it caressing his nose. At that distance, a single slice would have cut him open from nose to throat before he could respond.

Link remained still as he waited.

Ganondorf's chest rose and fell. His entire body wavering with the rage gathering inside him. He gripped the hilt of Karasa's sword tighter. “I will break you. I will hurt you.”

Link blinked.

“I will tear into your ass until the entire kingdom hears you scream. I will choke you on my cock until you beg to breathe.”

Ganondorf snarled and flexed his hands. The end of the sword pommel began to bend inside his grip.

Link held himself still. Inwardly, he was terrified what would happen next but he had no desire to step aside. If Ganondorf was going to lash out, better to be on Link than Karasa.

“Are you willing to suffer that much? For a moblin?”

Link nodded once.

“For the creature that raped you last night?”

One that Ganondorf had handed Link to. The Hyrulean nodded again and there was a ripple of gasps and whispers through both creature and townsfolk.

A breeze kicked up leaves to blow between the two warriors.

The Triforce of Power glowed brightly a heartbeat before Ganondorf let out a bellow of rage that shook the walls. He yanked the sword up and grabbed the tip with his hand. With the blinding light, he brought it down as if to break it on his knee.

Link shook his head once, nearly imperceptible to anyone but the Gerudo raging before him.

Ganondorf yanked the sword away, narrowly avoiding shattering the blade on his knee. Sparks burst from the tip as the sweep cut through the cobblestones. He let out a growl that shook the ground. Taking a step forward, he backhanded Link.

The world exploded into white-hot pain as the slender man flew back, knocking bystanders aside before smashing against the stucco wall of a building. He felt the hard material cracking from the impact and the entire world shuddered violently as the air was driven from his lungs.

With stars streaking across his vision, he saw Ganondorf storm forward toward Karasa.

The gathered bokoblins scattered in a panic, Pigelo surging through the water before flipping over the edge of the fountain.

Fear burned in Karasa's eyes as he struggled to stand up in the water.

Link watched but couldn't feel an immediate danger to the moblin.

The powerful warrior stopped in front of the fountain. With the Triforce still glowing a hellish red, he lifted the sword high and then brought it down into the stone wall surrounding the waters.

A burst of light blinded everyone.

When it faded and he could focus again, he saw that the sword had been impaled into the stone itself. Only the hilt and a hand-span of the blade ws visible as it shook violently.

Link's memories flashed back to when he had found the Master Sword in the same situation. He didn't know what factors allowed him to pull it free, but it had been his companion for much of his adventures… at least until he lost it with the battle with Ganondorf. He wondered where it was now, but his attention remained.

The Gerudo leaned over the sword and spoke to the terrified Karasa. His emotions had been checked, but hatred still dripped from his voice. “I do not wish to see you until you've pulled this sword free and regain your honor. Find someone else to lead the bokoblins or kill yourself, but if you grace my door, I will kill you.”

Karasa nodded. “Y-Yes, my lord.”

Ganondorf spun on his heel and stomped over to Link. His Triforce flashed with every step and Link could feel the vibrations through the ground.

Link lifted himself to his knees as the red-haired man towered over him. When Ganondorf reached down, he didn't flinch.

Ganondorf grabbed him by throat, his fingers spreading over both sides of the collar. The powerful grip crushed his throat and bent the metal. With a surge of power, he lifted the slender man completely off the ground and stormed toward the palace.