Link sat on the edge of the tub and watched the streamers of bubbles circling the drain before being sucked into the dark hole. In many ways, his own thoughts felt the same but the spiral of anxiety and worry lead to a pit of darkness that he couldn't fathom.

Ganondorf left two days earlier and there was no sign of his return. In the distance, storm clouds had gathered over the area where the warrior had gone, but the storms remained fixed in place as if to indicate that something had gone wrong.

Link's mind kept going back to the fight with the Forest Boss. Ganondorf was powerful but he get lost in the fight. Most of the massive creatures in the temples required puzzles to reach and tricks to defeat. He had no doubt Ganondorf would eventually defeat him—the Gerudo did have the Triforce of Power—but how long would it take and who would get hurt along the way.

He groaned and lifted his wrinkled toes from the water. It felt wrong lounging around in soft blankets and taking baths. The pampered pleasures were nice for a period of time, but he needed the roughness of sleeping on the ground or the scrape of battle to truly enjoy them. At the moment, without anyone to share, they were just empty motions.

Yet he couldn't make himself leave the room. He glanced at the door and wondered why he didn't want to. It wasn't fear that did it, he could have pushed past that easily. Even the idea of being humiliated by following Ganondorf's rules brought a flickering of lust.

His staying was something else, a desire to obey. It brought a different type of thrill at the idea of Ganondorf being surprised that he was still waiting. But, his spiralling thoughts also wondered if there would be disappointment. It was clear that Ganondorf enjoyed punishing Link as much Link enjoyed the moments of disobedience. However, he wasn't with Ganondorf for those very acts of defiance.

Link sighed and stood up. He circled the room to stop at his broken wooden sword. After Ganondorf had left, Link had moved it to a table. The shattered blade left him feeling empty, it had been a long time since he didn't have a weapon and now the Master Sword was unavailable and his childhood weapon utterly destroyed in a fit of anger.

He ran his finger along the splintered wood before he continued his pacing. He lithely jumped up on the bed and walked across it. The urge to throw himself was fading as quickly as Ganondorf's scent did. The maids came every day to change the sheets and blankets and, with each change, a little of Ganondorf's presence faded.

After circling the room twice, Link decided to stop at the window. It gave him a view of the city and the courtyard. If he was lucky, he would see Ganondorf returning.

But, as he approached, he could still see the clouds over the water temple and his hopes broke. He sighed but continued, leaning on the sill to peer down at the entrance of the castle.

The usual bustle remained, maybe subdued without Ganondorf present, but there was always deliveries to be made, guards being sent out to patrol, and the occasional random person. His eyes flickered down to the fountain.

Pigelo stood on the edge of the fountain, his small body straining to pull Karasa's sword free. Around his feet, there were piles of discarded tools. Broken hammers, chisels, and boards all showed the day long effort the bokoblin had been struggling to free the weapon.

Link frowned. The sword obviously meant a lot to Karasa if Pigelo had been spending at least four days trying to free it. He had seen Karasa also trying, but the moblin hadn't tried in days.

In that moment, a decision had been made.

He had to go down and help.

It was the right thing to do.

Link pushed away from the mirror and hurried over to the dresser with Zelda's clothes. He could have just dressed in his own clothes, but they were nowhere in teh room. Ganondorf's wouldn't fit his slender frame and weren't an option. But the idea of wearing Zelda's clothes had stuck in his head and he already knew he was going down wearing nothing but a pair of her silk wrapped over his manhood.

By the time he pulled out a black thong, his cock was hard. He smiled to himself as he enjoyed the realization he was going to obey Ganondorf and utterly humiliate himself before the others. It brought a surge of lust as he slipped into the soft material and pulled it up; Zelda had the an insignia of the Triforce on the front and it wrapped over the ridge of his erection when he pulled it into place.

It felt strange having the thin material up between his taut buttocks. It also clung to his body. He looked at himself in the mirror, twisting back and forth as he admired what he saw. His lithe but muscular body looked good in Zelda's thong and he could almost imagine the look of lust in Ganondorf's eyes.

Link's cock was harder than ever as he opened the door.

On the other side, a maid took one look at him and then gasped with surprise. She stepped back as Link inched himself forward out of the room and into the hallway.

He could feel the Triforce of Courage along his senses. The delicate power was a caress along his back, a whisper of breath as he took one step and then the other.

Others stopped and stared as he made his way down the stairs.

His cheeks were burning brightly as he walked past them almost naked. He couldn't stop though, he had a mission to follow. But that didn't stop the gazes and noises to inflame his lust and burn his skin.

By the time he got to the front door, he could feel the patch of wetness soaking through the fabric. The faint smell of Zelda's sex mixed in with his own and he couldn't help but wondered what it would be like if they were both wearing nothing but a black thong.

Pigelo didn't notice Link until the Hyrulean was only a few meters away. The bokoblin let out a shriek and stumbled back. His foot caught on a discarded crowbar and he pitched toward the water.

Link covered the distance in a flash, jumping over to grab Karasa's sword hilt with one hand and grabbing the bokoblin's belt with the other.

Pigelo windmilled his hands for balance.

Link pulled him back to his feet. The two stood next to each other, balanced on the stone wall that kept the water from spilling out across the courtyard.

Pigelo's ears fluttered. “T-Thanks. I know it's just water, but… I was…” His eyes dropped down to where Link held onto the hilt with his left hand.

Link glanced down. It felt comforting to have a sword in his hand, even if it barely moved with the blade embedded into the rock. He thought about the power that had driven it into place, the sheer power of the Triforce and Ganondorf's rage. It would take an equally powerful force to yank it free.

A green light flashed across the courtyard as he casually pulled the sword free. It wasn't any more effort than the first time he claimed the Master Sword; the rock didn't resist him. He inspected it briefly before handing it over. By the time Pigelo's hands grasped the hilt, the light from Link's Triforce had faded into a vague memory.

Pigelo's eyes were wide with fright and surprise. With shaking hands, he took the blade. He stumbled as he jumped off the fountain. He looked down at the blade and then back up to Link. “D-Did you know you could do that?”

Link shrugged.

“Are you going to take it to Karasa?”

Link shook his head and then gestured to Pigelo.


Link nodded. He jumped off the fountain and gathered up the discarded tools and carefully stacked them up on the fountain wall. The only sign that the sword was there was a small slit in the stone.

It took him ten minutes to clean up. By the time he finished, the crowds had left the courtyard. Even Pigelo was gone.

Link smiled to himself.

With no one to humiliate himself, there was little reason for Link to get out. He considered going into town, but Ganondorf said to remain in the castle. Instead, he decided to head into the kitchen to get some food and maybe wander a little before heading back to the room.

The longing to keep running rose up. He needed to do something: spar, fight, or even find a puzzle to solve. If he was lucky, there was be some trap somewhere in the castle that could challenge him.

Brushing the dust off his panties, he headed toward the entrance of the castle.

Karasa burst out from side door. The large moblin's eyes shimmered in the light as he scanned the courtyard. Then his gaze locked with Link's.

Link tensed, unsure of what Karasa wanted.

Karasa charged.

A thousand responses raced through Link's thoughts. He stopped on the simplest and stood his ground, waiting for whatever blow came.

The red-skinned moblin picked Link up and ground him tight against his belly. “Thank you!” he said with a sob. “Thank you so much.”

Link relaxed as he was held tight. Despite Karasa's muscles, his gut was soft and comforting, like a pillow, and there was something almost cuddly about the moblin. Link forced himself to relax. Then, with a smile, he closed his eyes and rested his cheek on Karasa's shoulder.

Karasa set Link down. He stepped back and wiped a tear from his eyes. “I don't know why you did it, but thank you. I can't tell you much much losing my daddy's blade was gutting me.”

Link gave him a smile.

“Pigelo said you used your powers?”

Link shrugged.


Another shrug.

“Of course you aren't going to tell me, you aren't really one for talking, are you?”

Link shook his head with a smile.

“Can I give you anything?”

After thinking about a second, Link shook his head.

Pigelo came up behind Karasa. He looked surprise and happy. His eyes were also shimmering with unshed tears. Link continued to be surprised by the closeness and compassion that the bokoblins had for each other.

Karasa looked at him and then back to Link. “Then, if you will take a reward, will you join me and mine for dinner?” He laughed and clapped Link on the shoulder. “Gang fucking you is optional.”

Link lurched from the clap. He glanced down at the erection visible in his panties at the thought of being used by the moblins and bokoblins like before. Then, he shrugged and then gave a nod.