It was a beautiful sunny day when Link followed Karasa beyond the castle gates. He was wearing one of Ganondorf's shirts and nothing else. The long material looked more like a dress, even with his belt cinched around his waist, but it was the best he could do with the limitations that Ganondorf had given him; Link had a perverse desire to obey Ganondorf as much as possible. If anything, he knew that the dungeon puzzles required less brute force and more finesse. Armor didn't matter much, except when he missed.

Both sides of the roads were packed with people. They were staring at him, wondering what he was doing, and what he was wearing. Part of him wanted to crawl back and try to recover the remains of his tunic, but the material had been shredded and destroyed when Ganondorf first defeated him. It would have been another day to repair it but that would prolong whatever suffering Ganondorf was experiencing.

Linkle stood at the entrance. She had a mechanical device on her side along with a bow and a sword. Seeing Link, she grinned broadly. “You have a clawshot too!?”

Link held up his hookshot. It was slightly different, but close in nature.

She held up her own, the three claws glinting in the sunlight. “Nice.”

Link hooked his back on his belt.

“What's with the shirt? Big Daddy not let you go out without looking like a slut?”

Karasa turned even more red, despite a night of fucking both Link and Linkle. “Ganondorf's orders, he can wear a shirt or panties, but not both at the same time.”

Linkle raised an eyebrow and an ear. “And you are going to do that? In a dungeon?”

Link shrugged and gave a bashful smile.


Link shrugged.

Karasa sighed. “I think he enjoys it.”

Linkle's eyes twinkled. She dug into her pack and pulled out a blue tunic. It had embroidery along the bottom. “Then you might as well wear this. It's a Water Tunic. I had to blow a couple of Zoras to get it, but then they laid some eggs in my puss and they gave me two an apology.” She spun around to show off her own outfit. The blue tunic barely covered her butt and he could see a pair of tight, white panties underneath them. The cleft of her sex could be seen by everyone watching.

He felt a surge of heat as he realized he would be bottomless in something so short if he changed, his cock and balls dangling in sight no matter what he did. His thought caused him to grow harder and soon he was standing erect. His hands shook as he unbutton Ganondorf's shirt and then pulled it off.

Standing naked in front of the entire village caused a blush to burn across his cheeks as he fumbled to fold the shirt.

Linkle looked surprise. “Damn… just right now there. And with a little stiffy to boot. You really are a freak.”

Link gave her bashful smile. He pulled on the offered tunic and settled it into place. It tickled his butt and he could feel his erection tenting out the front of the material. The rush flooded him with excitement as he buckled on his belt and put the sheath with Karasa's sword and his hookshot on it. His bomb and money bag went on next.

Linkle's cheeks were colored. “I… you look good.” Her hand clenched her hip. Then, with a blush of her own, she reached down and shimmied out of her panties herself. Her bare pussy glistening in the sunlight as she balled them up.

She grinned and bounced over to Karasa to shove them into his pants. “Here you go, Daddy. Keep them safe, maybe use them to jerk off while you think of me.”

Karasa chuckled. He had spent the entire morning fucking both of them. Link's holes were still moist from the cum that had dribbled out, only a quick bath had cleaned him off before they headed out. “Be safe, Baby Girl. And take care of your brother.”

Linkle's ears flattened. “You don't get to say that,” she said in a warning tone. “He isn't my—”

Karasa silenced her by grabbing her chin. He pushed his thumb into her mouth and she sucked it reflexively. “If you call me Daddy, then I'm going to call you my Baby Girl.”

The smell of Linkle's pussy grew stronger in the breeze. She squirmed as a dribble of juices ran down her thigh.

“And until Link says otherwise, I'm going to call you ‘Little Sis’ and him ‘Big Brother,’ do you understand?”

She popped her mouth off his thumb. “Yes, Daddy… wait, he doesn't talk.”

Karasa smirked. “I guess then you better take care of your big brother so he can get to his lover.”

Linkle shot him a glare, then rolled her eyes. “Fine… Daddy.”

Link smiled broadly, he enjoyed the interplay with Karasa and Linkle has much as when he ws involved. He carefully put Ganondorf's folded shirt into his pack and looked up at the storm clouds that had gathered over the Water Temple. He was anxious to go and have an adventure.

Karasa kissed Linkle before letting her go.

She bounded over to Link. “Ready for a long, boring walk?”

Link hesitated, then wondered if Epona would respond to him even though Zelda had taken her. He put his fingers to his mouth and whistled.

No response.

Linkle squirmed.

Karasa coughed politely.

Link sighed. He shook his head and gestured for her to follow.

Then a whiney carried out across the fields.

With a growing smile, he watched as his companion came racing up. He grinned and then grabbed Linkle's waist as Epona raced pass him. Grabbing his mount's reins, he pulled both of them up into the saddle. His bare balls smacked against the warmed leather and he adjusted them before circling the horse around to charge toward the temple.

“Fuck!” screamed Linkle with laughter. “I just came! Again!”