After the sun rose, it only took them a few more hours to find the hidden entrance to the Water Temple.

“You know, it's pretty obvious once you know what to look for.”

Link grinned and nodded.

They had just swung over a narrow chasm that was almost the perfect length for their hook and claw shots. Linkle looked over her shoulder and then ahead of them at the towering stone pillars leading down the stairs. A faint breeze wafted up, bringing the smells and sounds of running water.

Linkle tapped her clawshot against one of the hard nipples peeking out of her tunic. “I get the sense that we're going to need to use these a lot.” She rolled her eyes. “You ever notice that every time you go into these, you just happen to need whatever tool you just picked up?”

He shrugged and headed toward the stairs.

She hurried after him, tugging on her blue tunic to cover her bare pussy again. With a faint blush on her cheeks, she reached out to take his hand.

Link jumped at the touch, then gave her a bright smile before intertwining his fingers. Holding hands, they continued down th stairs into the first room.

The chamber was mostly empty except for two crates in the center of the room. There were two grills in the nearest corners with small fountains of water spraying out of them. The other two corners had identical boxes, heavy-looking stone cubes banded with metal. On the far side was a metal grate blocking their way into the next chamber.

“Wow,” she said in a deadpanned voice. “I'm so confused how to solve this overly complicated puzzle.”

Link gave her a sarcastic look and pulled his hand away. He circled around one of the cubes before pushing on it.

It was heavy and he had to strain to push it even a meter.

Linkle's finger trailed up along his bare ass, pushing up his tunic to tease his ass crack. One finger teased his sphincter before she pulled away. Then she planted her hands on the crate next to his and added her weight.

Between the two of them, it moved easily across the room. From there, they were able to push it along a gutter into the corner with one of the columns of water.

As soon as the cube covered the grill, the spray of water stopped.

Linkle giggled and hopped back over to the remaining box. She planted her hands on the side and strained to push it.

Link admired her taut buttocks peaking out from underneath her tunic. As he approached, he returned the favor by using two fingers to spread her cheeks apart and using his middle finger to run the length of her moist slit before tapping against her asshole.

She let out a coo of pleasure. “It's going to take us a long time to solve this one, isn't it?” She gave him a once over. “Good thing we don't have someone big and beefy to help us, we would be fucking so much we'd never get to saving your daddy.”

Link looked at her nonplussed.

“Please, you know there is a small part of you that is saving him for a very big part of him.”

She wasn't wrong. He shrugged and helped her move the box over the remaining grate.

As soon as they finished pushing it into place, machinery came to life and the gate opened. They entered into the next room with a more complicated, yet related puzzle.

It took them two more chamber before they encountered their first enemy, a jellyfish floating in the air.

“I got it!” Linkle cheered as she rushed forward. She had an iron sword, not unlike his. Swinging it around, she sliced into the creature.

It managed to snap out a tendril. The end connected to Linkle's bare thigh.

There was a snap as the air electrified and she fell back, losing her balance as she landed ass-first in a shallow puddle of water. Her knees quivered as she tried to push herself up.

Link stepped down on the ground between her legs and finished defeating the jellyfish. Following through, he brought himself over, spun around, and then sheathed his sword in the time it took for the jellyfish to fall to the ground in two parts.

Linkle panted as she look up from the ground. Her knees were lewdly spread, exposing her wet pussy. Her hair was frizzled and scorch marks covered her body. She glared at him for a second and then shook her head. “Show off.”

He held out his hand to help her up.

“Next time, I'm going to solo those things. You don't get to kill all of… oh, a rupee!”

He spotted a small heart on the ground and kicked it over to her. She cupped her sex as she lewdly bent over to touch it.

“Oh, that's the stuff….” she let out a moan as the scorch marks faded. As they did, she pushed two fingers into her pussy and stroked hard a few times before pulling out her dripping digit. Straightening up, she sucked her fingers clean before grinning at him.

Link adjusted his hardness and they gestured for them to continue.

Four chambers later, they were both skilled at defeating the jellyfish, shoving crates over grates, and dodging jets of water that speared from the side walls. They had just finished another puzzle that opened up two more entrances: one was a single room chamber with a large chest, the other had monsters wandering around.

“Oh, the chest?”

Link loved opening chests, specially the big ones. Together, they walked hand-in-hand up to it and pulled it open. The insides were bright but he just reached in to pull out the contents. Then, as he always did, he held it above his head for a moment.

“Goof,” giggled Linkle. “No one is watching you open the box, so why show it off. Let me see.”

It was a pair of iron boots. Only a single set.

She let out sigh. “You know, I was kind of hoping there was going to be two of everything in the chests because there is two of us.”

Link realized that he was hoping for the same.

Linkle pouted for a moment and then shoved them into Link's chest. “Throw them into your inventory. I'll get the next pair.”

He hesitated.

“Go on. I provided the tunics, so we are both contributing. We'll figured it out once we need it, it won't be too many more rooms.”

It was exactly three before they found stairs leading into a flooded level.

“Well, that didn't take long.”

He donned the iron boots. The heavy weight bore down on him but he didn't have any trouble moving as he took a few test steps down the stairs. Further down the water-filled hall, he spotted a new opponent, some sort of spiked turtle.

Linkle, on the other hand, struggled to get below the surface. Her light body floated unless she swam down, but it was obvious that she couldn't do that and anything else at the same time. If she was attacked by the turtle, she would be helpless.

He held his hand. When she took it, he stepped deeper into the water, pulling her with.

With the tunics, they were both easily able to breath underwater but he had to grip her tightly to prevent her from floating to the surface. Even after a few seconds, he could feel his shoulder straining with the effort; it was enough to get her through the hallway but it was awkward. The situation also left him with only one hand for a weapon, with little chance to switch to a tool if he had it.

Linkle's body flashed as she swam to keep up with him, the fabric fluttering around her. He had to admit, her nearly naked body looked good whenever the fabric rippled up but he had to concentrate on aggressive animals instead of her tiny sex winking with every kick.

She opened her mouth to say something but only bubbles came out. After a second try, she rolled her eyes and reached out to grab his tunic.

The fabric pulled up, binding around his shoulders even as his cock and balls were left free to dangling in the water. He tried to move his arm but couldn't.

Link pulled her down and shook his head.

She grinned and reached down to wrap her fingers around his cock. The tips of her fingers dug into the delicate flesh as she held onto his testes.

Link's body shuddered with pain and he grabbed her shoulders, shoving her down to relieve the pressure.

She grinned and bobbed her head forward, taking his bobbing cock into her warm mouth. She slurped him clear down to his balls, then opened her mouth to take them past her lips.

Link froze for a moment, his cock twitching. It felt good, very good, but it was even worst than her using them as a handle.

To his relief, she wasn't serious as she only gave him a few quick licks before pulling off. Bubbles rose from her mouth as she looked up past his hard length at his face. She had a sly grin on her face.

Link smiled at her. It was definitely more fun adventuring with a companion.

Then Linkle's eyes grew wide. She held up a hand. Reaching up, she gripped the front of his tunic and pulled him into her body.

Unsure of her intent, Link held himself still.

She gripped his shoulder with one hand. Pushing her hips forward, she lifted herself up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. Then, before he could respond, she brought her hips forward to straddle his hips.

He felt the tip of his cock brush against her sex. It grew hard, tickling the heated skin as she wrapped her arms around one arm and his neck, clamping her body tight to his chest.

Surprised, Link looked over her with a stunned look as she nestled against him.

There was a look of peace and comfort as she smiled at him, Then she nestled her cheek against his shoulder and held tight. Then she lifted to kiss him on the cheek before returning to her position.

It was unexpected and surreal, but he had to admit he had much more freedom to move. With her head to the side, he could easily see the creatures ahead of him.

Link took a hesitant step forward, the heavy weight of the iron boots keeping both of their bodies firmly on the ground. A few more and he grew more accustomed to having her weight on his body, though he kept feeling his still-hard cock caressing her bare sex; it would have been only a little movement to try pushing himself into her.

Distracted by her body grinding against his, he almost forgot about the turtle.

It hadn't forgotten about him. It charged in a spray of bubbles.

Moving with remarkably speed despite the water around him, he whipped out his sword and slashed at it.

The sword bounced off the shell.

One of the spikes came dangerous close to striking Linkle. He twisted to take the stab into his arm. The cut burned through his senses as he jabbed at the creature again. When it bounced off, he realized that he needed something else to defeat it.

He didn't have many other weapons, but Linkle's words came back to him, they always needed a tool right after finding one.

Inspired, he sheathed his sword and grabbed his hook shot. Aiming it carefully, he launched it at the turtle.

The device made an exploding noise as the hook slammed into the turtle's back. It tore the shell off and yanked it to the side.

The creature spun around and prepared to charge.

He didn't have time to change weapons, so he fired again. The shot punched the creature in the face, crushing bone. There was a spurt of blood as its lifeless corpse bobbed up into the water.

Linkle's grip tightened. Her hips bobbed down and he felt a warmth wrap around the head of his hard cock. Then she pulled up.

Looking over, he saw her smiling.

A blush burned his cheeks, the heat a startling contrast to the cool water. He looked away but that didn't stop his cock from growing harder and nestling deeper into her heated slit.

Link clamped a hand on her tight ass cheek and lifted her slightly off his cock before stomping down the hallway toward the next chamber.

Underneath his grip, he could feel Linkle rocking back and forth, pushing down to get his cock again. He could feel the moan shaking her body as she closed her eyes and thrust down again.

That only made him harder.

Link almost missed when three turtles charged him. He spun around and fired his hook shot, first knocking off one of their shells and a second to end its life.

The other two turtles reached him.

Linkle jerked up on her body, picking up briefly off the ground.

Inspired, Link tucked his boots underneath him and they did a little hop as the turtles rushed underneath him.

Then the heavy weight drew him back.

Linkle's body settled into place a heartbeat later but she kept going down as his cock plunged into her cunt.

Distracted by the heated pressure enveloping him, he almost forgot about his attackers. He lifted his hook shot and fired again, missing. He managed to kill another one.

Like before, Linkle yanked him up so they could jump over their attackers. When she came down, she sheathed him fully into her cunt.

Link shuddered with pleasure as he dispatched the final opponent. His cock throbbed as he tried to regain his bearings.

She was fucking him, her hips riding up and down on his cock. Her pupils were little hearts of lust as she drove down with bubbles streaming out of her mouth.

They were both interested in other lovers, but in the intimacy of the underwater cavern, Link knew that he only only one person in that moment. Putting his hook shot away, he grabbed her hips and guided her thrusts as he walked over to the nearest wall.

As soon as he reached it, he slammed her against the wall and grabbed her shoulder to keep her from moving up. His eyes locked on hers as he began to thrust with ernest, driving deep into her cunt.

Linkle may have been using to having far larger lovers, but it didn't detract from the heated pleasure as they made fucked against the rough stones. She was tight in all the right places. Bubbles surged from the union of their bodies and her lips as he hammered into her.

No words were possible as they fucked, the water and buoyancy adding to their thrusts.

She came first and second, her entire body clenching around his cock. A cloud of her juices surrounded them until he could taste it in the water. He grinned and planted his face into the crook of her neck, suckling on her skin as he did the same to him.

Then he came, hard. He had to grip her tightly as lost his sense of balance, thrusting as rope after rope splattered into her pussy.

Linkle continued to ride himself to more orgasms before she finally slumped against him. Her body drew up from the wall. He held her firmly and leaned back, letting only his boots keep them pinned to the ground as the bobbed in the quiet pleasure of their afterglow.

They would rescue Ganondorf, but for the time being, he was happy to just enjoy himself.