Hours later, Link was ready for the temple to be done. They had finished the first half quickly, but the second had far more difficult fights and puzzles that required both of them to reset everything more than once to get through.

The mid-point had involved a brutal gauntlet of traps and monsters, all while stomping along the bottom of a flooded chasm. Fortunately, there were a few places to catch his breath though half of the time they were fucking frantically to handle the urge.

Linkle gasped as he stepped up the stairs. Dripping wet, she slipped off him and crawled up on her hands and knees the last few steps into the air. “I'm telling you, you get really hard when you're killing things.”

Link rolled his eyes. He hadn't really thought about it, but he was sure having a Hyrulean beauty grinding her bare pussy on his cock every time he killed something wasn't helping with his erections.

She flopped over and took a long breath. “Oh, that was brutal. When we were balancing on that ridge….” Her voice trailed off as she turned her head.

Link followed her gaze to a cluster of pots sitting on the edge of the platform. He grinned and lowered his hand to his hook shot even as Linkle was grabbing for her claw shot.

They both fired, shattered the pot. There was a flash of rupees from Linkle's chest before they were drawn back.

“Ha, I win! You owe me a blowjob!”

Link never liked pots. There was something about them that begged him to smash them. To his surprise, Linkle had the same urges and they had left no intact pot or wooden crate behind. Even when they spotted a few in some corner of a room, it had become a game of who could smash them first. He grinned and checked his hook shot to make sure there was no water inside it.

She giggled and leaned back. “This is fun.”

Link nodded. He knew that they had a goal of saving Ganondorf, but the playful banter and closeness with Linkle had made the experience a lot more fun. After spending so much time alone, Link wondered if some of his desire to save the king was because Ganondorf was one of the few people who could understand his needs. He glanced at his current companion; he suspected that Linkle wouldn't remain with him long, she was driven to adventures in the same way as him. She would have been a good wielder of the Triforce of Courage, she had the spark.

“Hey, look at that.” She was pointing above the stairs.

Link turned his head and peered up.

There was a massive stone door with some sort of octopus-like creature engraved on the front of it. It was easily three times large than any other opening the temple.

“That's the temple boss, isn't it?”

He nodded. He spotted a red and white target near the door, a place for them to aim the target. It was high above the ground and he doubted his shot would reach.

The muted explosion of Linkle's claw shot punched him in the chest as her chain shot out from the ground. It barely made it half the distance before falling down into the water they had just emerged. She sighed and retracted it. “Had to try.”

Link glanced at the ceiling. They were in a long hall with ledges along the top. Some of them had perfect places to land their shots and he could see openings leading to other chambers. Even though the hall was narrow enough to zig-zag between the platforms and not touch the ground, a ridge of rocks hung from the center. It looked like it would block the straight line needed for the shoots. That meant that there were dozens of puzzles and battles left to fight, no doubt going back and forth across the main hallway until they reached the boss.

“Shit, this is going to be a grind.” Linkle groaned.

Link nodded and wondered how anyone used the temple, or how Sheik had lured Ganondorf past so many traps. He couldn't imagine the Gerudo using a hook shot, and he already knew Ganondorf wasn't capable of high jumps or feats of acrobatics. It didn't make sense to him, but the world was mysterious.

Linkle groaned as she got up on her knees. Her ass stuck out as she straightened. With a grin, she stepped over him and he turned his head to watch her little pussy and ass winking at him as she headed to the back of the hall. “I bet I can make it without going through those chambers.”

He doubted she could, but he sat up and turned around.

At the far end were a series of pools with statues of octopus-like creatures. Between them was a stone altar of some sort that was perfect for jumping on and claw shotting over to the first target. Linkle launched herself up and peered inside the door. "There are seven of those electric orbs inside.

Link winced. The orbs were the worse. They couldn't be hit, which meant he had to dodge them while fighting off other monsters or trying to rush through some time-based puzzle before everything reset. The last few chambers with them had been nearly impossible as he dodged poisonous spines being fired from the walls, a jumping puzzle that required almost perfect timing, and three orbs bouncing random around the room.

“Fuck this.” Linkle turned around and fired her claw shot.

The claw streaked across the hall only to slam into the stone wall. The sound of it retracting was loud in the chamber. As soon as it was back into the shot, she held it up and carefully aimed with her tongue sticking out of the side of her mouth and one eye closed. She adjusted for a few seconds, then pulled the trigger.

Link watched as the claw shot rocketed across the hall. It clamped onto some crenelations on the far side, then yanked Linkle off her feet as the chain was pulled out.

She let out a whoop as she flew across the hall but it ended sharply as she realized she was being pulled straight into a stone wall. “Shit, shit! Shit!”

Linkle slammed into the stone wall. Fully retracted, the claw shot released its grip and she plummeted.


She hit one of the ponds with a loud smack and a spray of water.

Link stood up.

Thrashing violently, she surged out of the water and crawled out. She had a pair of biting fish chewing on her, one had clamped into her buttock and the other gnawed on her leg. She let out a scream before using her sword to cut them off. “Fucking biters! They keep going for my puss!”

He hurried over to the nearest pond and peered inside. Each one had schools of the small biting fish that hounded them in the underwater chambers. One of them launched itself out of the water and snapped in the air inches from his face.

There was an explosion to his side.

Link dodge rolled to the side, almost falling into the pool himself. He managed to balance himself before he looked back where Linkle stood in a shower of water pouring down on her.

Hunks of fish guts and heads bounced off on the ground around her. She had a furious look on her face as she pulled out another bomb from her bag and lit it. “Eat this!” she snapped before tossing it into the next pool. She stormed down the line, tossing bombs into each pool as the ones behind her exploded in more columns of water and dead fish.

Link stared at her in shock, then shrugged. He pulled out a few of his bombs, lit them, and cleared out his side of the hallway of the biting fish.

By the time the muffled explosions had faded, there were no more biting fish and they were both soaking wet.

Linkle grinned. “Best way to deal with those fuckers.”

Link had to agree.

She turned around and stuck out her ass. “How does it look?”

There was only a few scratched on her tight little ass. He stepped forward and gave her a little smack across her cheek.

Squealing with pleasure, Linkle spun around and gave him a bop on the nose. “Foreplay later. I'm going to try again. This is fun!”

He watched as she hopped back on the altar and up to the first platform. He had to turn as she launched herself across.

This time, as soon as the claw shot release, she spun and fired it at a nearby platform.

She was falling too fast and the claw shot missed.

Linkle hit the pool, refilled from some mysterious source, with a flash. She crawled out. “Almost got it!”

Link watched as she tried again and again, but it was clear that the distance was too much. As if the temple had been constructed with the claw shot in mind. There was no way to sail across the chamber and then fire to catch the second target, it would require her to fire a second one. If she had both of their shots, she would make it….

He groaned as he realized the answer. He jumped up on the altar and then launched himself to the platform.

Linkle, soaking wet from her repeated dunking, looked at him. “You want a chance?”

He shook his head. He nestled up to her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

“Wanna fuck?” she breathed with surprise.

Shaking his head again, he hooked his leg around hers and tugged her arm around his waist.

She did, her brow furrowed in concentration.

He gestured for her to fire across.

“I'm going to miss… oh!” Her smile lit up the dank room with its brilliance. They both took out their shots. She aimed and fired.

As soon as it connected, it yanked both of them off the platform.

Link was already aiming. As soon as they passed the center ridge of the room, he targeted the platform and fired.

His hook shot shot through the air as his shoulder slammed into the far wall. He tightened his grip as it connected, and then they were both yanked along the wall up to the next platform. As he stumbled for balance, he winced at the pain from the impact.

“Yes!” screamed Linkle with joy. She bounced in a circle for a moment, then peered across the room. “I think we can do this all the way to the boss chamber!”

It took them twenty minutes and only two falls before they were standing in front of the open door.

Linkle kicked a gear that caused a ladder to extend from the platform down. At least they wouldn't have to do it again if they fell. She turned around and looked up at the massive door. “Ready to rescue your boyfriend?”

She held out her hand.

He took it with a nod.

Together, they went in to rescue Ganondorf from his fate.