Together, they walked into the final chamber of the Water Temple. It was a massive room, easily a hundred meters to the side. Except for a platform along the side, it had waist-deep water with a sandy body. The platform had pillars rising up to the ceiling, about fifty feet and well outside of the range of even the two hook shots working together.

Link narrowed his eyes as he peered around. It looked like a trap to him, or at least somewhere waiting underneath the surface waiting to attack.

“Holy fuck,” gasped Linkle. She pointed to the center.

A mound of sand dominated the center of the chamber. Five large tentacles, each one about a meter thick, rose up from the mound and idly stretched out to wrap around the pillars. One of the tentacles went straight up and had threaded through a large ring mounted on the ceiling. The end of it flopped over.

On the end of the tentacle was Ganondorf. The large man was naked, his body glistening pitch black in the blue light shining down from the ceiling. His legs were slack except for a tentacle that was driving up into him from behind. Undulations appeared to be driving the tip of the tentacle between his sheets with every thrust causing his legs to bounce open and reveal his stretched hole being violated.

His wrists were held above his head but it was hard to see his expression as another tentacle was driving down into his mouth, straining his jaw as it fucked his throat. Even from a a distance, Link could see the writhing of the tentacle in Ganondorf's throat and stomach.

But the thing that caught his attention with a bluish glow that surrounded Ganondorf. More accurately, it was glowing from the bulge in his stomach.

“What. The. Fuck,” gasped Linkle.

Link caught sight of movement. His eyes focused down where a glowing sphere, the same blue as the glow coming from his lover's stomach, rose up along one of the tentacles. His eyes followed it as it traveled along the distance, up through the loop in the ceiling and then down.

“Is that… is that going into him?”

He nodded as he watched watched it travel along the curve before it was push up the tentacle the short distance until it was pressed against Ganondorf's asshole.

There was a grunt of discomfort, barely auditable with the tentacle violating the Gerudo's throat.

The glowing egg was shoved deep into Ganondorf's asshole, the light flashing even through his dark skin before it was jammed into his already packed intestines.

Even Linkle's breathing froze as they watched the eggs boiling inside Ganondorf's body. It looked like there were thousands of them, tracing the lines of his organs to his belly. More of them were stuffed into his throat, filing him to the brim.

Ganondorf's cock, the massive shaft that had dominated Link's ass on more than a few occasions, was a full mast. As the eggs were packed deeper into his body, it jumped twice before a rope of cum shot out from the end.

The white droplets splattered into the pool below, disappearing into the hazy liquid as Ganondorf's hips continued to jerked violently.

“He's being bred like a little bitch, isn't it?” whispered Linkle.

Link felt a surge of anger. Even if Ganondorf was evil, this was inhumanly cruel. No one should be violated in that manner repeatedly, to be dangled helplessly above some beast while their body was used as nothing more than a receptacle.

He stormed forward. His iron boots dug into the sand and every step was harder as he sank down, but his anger forced him forward. He drew his sword and shield and prepared to attack.

An arrow shot out from behind him, Linkle. It flew across the distance and slammed into the tentacle right above where another egg was being pushed through it.

The room shuddered violently. Almost instantly, the water level began to rise as the sand boiled and shifted.

Link sank down to his knees in the ground but then his boots slammed into a metal platform of some sort that was rising above the sand. He ran faster toward the center of the room as he was engulfed with water.

Linkle fired another arrow before she was swallowed up by the water. Then she swam past him, turned slightly, and fired her claw shot at a tentacle.

The water began to swirl around him, spinning around in a vortex.

Linkle let out a scream of bubbles as she was tossed around.

Link started for her, but then saw the creature rising above the surface. It looked like a giant mushroom, except with ridges of feather-like protrusions that waved around. Underneath them was a massive eyeball, easily ten feet across.

A target.

He charged forward and hammered it with his sword. The blows dug deep into the fleshy surface as the eye spun furiously in all directions. Then it snapped onto him.

The rising water suddenly stopped. A blast pushed him back, ejected from teh creature as it shoved him away. The eye dipped below the surface, shielding it from his attack.

Link's boots scraped on the metal grill. He bore down, fighting the current.

Above him the water level dropped rapidly.

Linkle surfaced. She bobbed for a second, then reached up to fire her claw shot. It shot across the chamber to the one of the tentacles wrapped around a pillar. Then she was flying out of the water.

Link started to take off his boots, but then he saw the eyeball spinning around again. He hesitated and then looked up at Linkle who was hacking at the tentacle. Hunks of flesh and purple blood rained down.

The creature howled, shaking the chamber.

The water began to rise again as did the creature's eye.

Link grinned grimly. He could trust Linkle to handle the tentacles above while he dealt with the creature's core. He tossed his shield onto his back and held his sword with both hands. Stomping forward, he forced his way past the buffeting water.

As soon as the current plucked Linkle from the pillar, the eye was exposed again and Link was ready.

With both hands, he slashed as rapidly as he could. Blood clouded the water around him but he attacked blindly until the creature's water blast blew him away and the creature sank back into place.

The water tugged down him as the upper levels were exposed.

He fought against the current as he watched Linkle use her claw shot to take her to the next pillar. She was cutting before she even hit the ground.

Link's gaze focused on Ganondorf's body. He was twisting violent in the center of the room, his swollen body glowing as his rock-hard cock swung around like a top. Even in the middle of combat, the creature was still raping him.

He growled and stormed back to the creature. This time, he pulled out a trio of bombs and prepared to light them. He got the timing of the blows right. He attacked the eye rapidly, but stopped a few seconds shy of the final blow. Lighting the bombs, he tossed them into the gap underneath the eye and then attacked rapidly to cause the eye to plunge down.

The blast of water was interrupted by his bombs. The explosion caused the eye to swell obscenely, blocking off its attempt to dive back down.

Then it exploded.

Link turned his head to avoid swallowing hunks of fluid and flesh. He leaned into the the blast that buffeted him, barely remaining standing as the gaping hole of the creature froze.

Above him, the tentacles began to thrash violently. They jerked and strained at the pillars, snapping them off.

Even Linkle froze as they watched the pillars tumble down. Then Link gasped as he watched cracks form along the ceiling, working their way toward the center.

Large chunks of stones began to fall.

One of the tentacles tore through the air only inches above his head. He flinched and brought up his sword, cutting into it but the force yanked him off his feet and he stumbled across the grill a few steps before regaining his balance.

Linkle wasn't done much better. More tentacles were smashing through the lowering water, kicking up huge sprays that buffeted her around. She jumped from the falling pillars as she tried to reach Ganondorf in the center of teh room.

Link charged from below, cutting at the base of the tentacles. Each one was tough, like slashing into rock, but he managed to slice open wounds that sprayed foul-tasting fluids. But after only a few attempts, he realized he was only leaving superficial cuts. He focused his attacks on a single tentacle and attacked the same place, hacking and hewing until he could sever it.

He looked up but it wasn't the tentacle holding Ganondorf in place. He shook his head with disappointment and tried to identify the one holding his lover.

They were all moving around so quickly, he found it hard to track.

He stopped trying and focused on on the nearest one, chopping at it until he could cut through the thick, rubbery limb.

Along the way, he was buffeted by blows himself. He knew he was losing health, but he couldn't give up. Ganondorf needed him and Link couldn't face failing.

The third tentacle was finally the one holding the Gerudo. He cut through it at the same time Linkle had slashed through her end. Hunks of the rubbery, dense flesh slipped through the hole and Ganondorf plummeted down.

Linkle screamed as she dove after him.

Link rushed over, plowing through the water to try to catch him before he hit the bottom.

They both caught him at the same time. Link absorbed the blow in a flash of green as Linkle yanked up. Despite that, Ganondorf's body hit the bottom with a sickening thud.

Up close, Link's lover's body was covered in a thick layer of slime. His throat and ass were still stuffed with the severed tentacles and his body was glowing brightly from the eggs stuffed inside.

Link frowned as he pressed on Ganondorf's swollen belly and saw the faint outline of globes shifting.

“Shit,” Linkle said.

Link grabbed the tentacle in Ganondorf's ass. He had to use both hands to pull it out, watching as the thick ridges and suckers slipped out of the sphincter. With it came a flood of juices and the eggs that weren't completely rammed inside. Each one was about half the size of Link's fist and they poured out of the gaping hole with a splash that left them rolling along the lines of the grill.

He started for the one caught in the Gerudo's throat, but then the ground shook violently and the air pressure changed.

Linkle gasped and looked around. “What is going—?”

An explosion of water burst out of from underneath them, launching them into the air with a tsunami of pressure.

Her question turned into a scream as they were fired into the gaping darkness.

Link wrapped himself over Ganondorf to shield his body. He had to wrap his arms and legs around him.

Linkle grabbed both of them.

The darkness only lasted a second then they were in the sky. The pillar of water launched them high above Hyrule. The wind screamed as they were lifted up into the clouds.

Linkle's body began to slip away from him.

Link grabbed at her, but her water-slicked body slipped away. He started to release Ganondorf to grab her, but then he felt his lover's body sliding away.

For a moment, they stared into each other's eyes. Then Linkle reached back and grabbed something from her pack. She pressed a bundle into Link's hand. “Save him!” she screamed over the howling wind.

Link shook his head. He had to save both of them. He didn't want to lose either of them.

She jammed her foot on Link's chest, giving him a flash of her naked pussy. With a surge of strength, she kicked off him and tore herself free of his grip.

Her smaller, lighter body caught the wind and she was yanked away.

Link let out a wordless cry as she hovered in the air.

Then he saw her dig into her pack. She pulled out a strangely-shaped flute. Bringing it to her mouth, she blew into it.

Nothing happened.

Ganondorf's body continued to slip out of his grip.

Link turned to grab him with both hands, his fingers digging into Ganondorf's red beard while his other hand caught onto the only thing he could, the large balls that were perfect for gripping tightly.

The item that Linkle gave him fluttered for a moment before he realized what it was, a parachute or glider of some sort. With a gasp, he tried to ignore the rapidly approaching ground and straddled Ganondorf while fumbling with it.

He managed to deploy it only a few hundred meters above the ground. The wind caught the parachute and almost ripped out Link's shoulders with the sudden slowdown.

Link didn't care, he held onto Ganondorf as tightly as he could as their plummet was arrested and they were only falling rapidly instead of hitting terminal velocity.

Linkle's body flew past him as she continued on.

He let out a strangled cry.

She was still trying to play the flute, an ocarina. The song rang out as she played the same few chords over and over again.

Link's eyes burned as he silently begged for her to succeed at whatever she was trying.

Linkle's eyes caught his again as she played her last attempt. The musical notes hung in the air for a moment.

Then she disappeared in a cloud of glitter and swirls.

Link let out a gasp for relief.

It was short lived as they approached the ground. He saw the campsite from the night before, the perfectly arranged rocks around the spot for the fire.

Then they hit the ground with a sickening crunch that he prayed they would both survive.