How are there hundreds of identical monsters in the world? Why can they be slaughtered by grinding adventures and there still be more to fight? There is a reason, a secret reason of how those monsters populate those areas: breeders.


This is a novel chosen by my patrons and is available for those readers. This novel may never be released to the public.


Chapter 1: Birthing Chamber

Erlea was born like most Honningbies and creatures in the world, released from her honey-filled chamber almost fully grown and already able to talk. Another bee, Saroia, greets her before going to find others that were hatching.

  • Chapter
  • 1,209
  • 4 minutes
  • 2019-08-01

Chapter 2: A New Friend

While waiting like Saroia told her too, Erlea explores her new surroundings until Miere, another Honningbie shows up. They learn a little bit about the world until Miere notices that Erlea's wings were damaged.

  • Chapter
  • 1,536
  • 5 minutes
  • 2019-08-29

Chapter 3: Testing

Once Saroia gathers up the various Honningbies who were being hatched, she takes them to the testing chamber to introduce them to Billie, a beetle Kaver warrior, and to tests their magical powers to see where they fit within the hive.

  • Chapter
  • 3,051
  • 11 minutes
  • 2019-09-26

Chapter 4: One Tender Kiss

Erlea, Miere, and Lazia were happily strolling to their duties at the outer walls of the hive. However, what led into a forbidden dare turned into horror when a group of goblins attack.

  • M+FF oral 1st preg nc rp
  • Chapter
  • 3,302
  • 12 minutes
  • 2019-10-24

Chapter 5: The Talk

Erlea gets a talk from Saroia about the nature of being a hunter and breeder, complete with warnings of what happens if she loves Miere too soon.

  • Chapter
  • 3,192
  • 12 minutes
  • 2019-11-21

Chapter 6: Just a Little Lick

Erlea returns to her chamber and into the arms of her friend, Miere. However what started as an innocent make out session turned into something far more serious as Erlea found herself helpless to her lover's advances. Would her adventures be over before they started?

  • FF oral anal sub nc
  • Chapter
  • 3,703
  • 14 minutes
  • 2019-12-19

Chapter 7: A Little Pregnancy

Erlea and Saroia are heading over to the only other summoner in the hive, Nilli. However they come up to the bee being raped by two rats.

  • MMF reluc preg
  • FF
  • Chapter
  • 4,535
  • 17 minutes
  • 2020-01-16

Chapter 8: Amends

While Erlea learns how to summon creatures, she accidentally passes out and falls off the top of the hive. She recovers enough to avoid damage but the brief moment of danger brakes the tension between her and Miere.

  • Chapter
  • 2,733
  • 10 minutes
  • 2020-02-13

Chapter 9: Preparation

The Kandra Hive was in danger. No bee had returned to report what would happen. Realizing that danger may be coming, Saroia orders Erlea to her room to prepare for battle.

  • Chapter
  • 1,095
  • 4 minutes
  • 2020-03-12

Chapter 10: Invasion

Erlea woke up to a battle. Black Shucks were invading and easily winning as they cut through the Honningbie guards.

  • M+F+ rp viol sn
  • Chapter
  • 3,828
  • 14 minutes
  • 2020-04-09

Chapter 11: The Book of Horrors

Erlea races to Nilli's chambers to get the black book that may save the hive from the invading Black Shucks. However she wasn't expecting a room full of unlabeled focuses and spell components nor was she expecting what horrors she would let loose once she found it.

  • MF tease
  • Chapter
  • 3,535
  • 13 minutes
  • 2020-05-07

Chapter 12: Among the Rubble

Erlea woke up after her plummet from the top of the hive. To her horror, every part of her body was in agony and she was in a deep puddle of ooze that burned her skin.

  • M+F rp preg 1st
  • Chapter
  • 4,875
  • 18 minutes
  • 2020-06-04

Chapter 13: Ambush

Erlea woke up giving birth to a goblin child. She was never expecting it to be a gloriously pleasurable experience nor how she would feel about losing her virginity to a mere monster.

  • F preg
  • Chapter
  • 1,950
  • 7 minutes
  • 2020-07-02

Chapter 14: The Queen's Chamber

Erlea and Billie arrive at the Queen's Chamber as Saroia is making plans for their final stand. There are only a few hundred Honningbies left in the hive and every one is willing to give their lives to save the queen.

  • Chapter
  • 1,459
  • 5 minutes
  • 2020-07-30

Chapter 15: Cararas

The Shucks finally made it to the Queen Chamber and the hive was prepared with their final defense. What could hundred point bees do against a four hundred point monster much less their champion who would slaughter them without even trying.

  • MF viol rp sn
  • Chapter
  • 9,865
  • 37 minutes
  • 2020-08-27

Chapter 16: Revenge

In the aftermath of the battle, only three breeders survive. Soon, it would be two once Erlea gets free of Billie's grip and she killed the beetle girl for betraying her.

  • Chapter
  • 1,435
  • 5 minutes
  • 2020-09-24

Chapter 17: Directions

After scavenging what they can from the burning wreckage of their home, the survivors have to find their way. Will they seek shelter or immediately chase after the creatures that slaughtered them?

  • Chapter
  • 1,429
  • 5 minutes
  • 2020-10-22

Chapter 18: A Taste of Honey

In the middle of the night, Erlea is woken up by Miere as they switched who is staying awake to guard against monsters. After a brief shock, they have a chance to finally reconnect after everything had gone horribly wrong at the hive.

  • FF oral anal
  • Chapter
  • 3,906
  • 15 minutes
  • 2020-11-19

Chapter 19: Webbed

Erlea quickly recovers from being thrown out of the shelter by Billie, but when she goes to move, she finds out that she has been caught by a spider that intended to use her.

  • FF oviposition bond drug
  • Chapter
  • 3,346
  • 12 minutes
  • 2020-12-17

Chapter 20: Laying Eggs

After hours of feeling the spider eggs rolling around in her womb, Erlea finally gets relief as she is ready to give birth. It would be the first time with eggs and she didn't know what she was getting into.

  • FF ovi drug birth bond
  • Chapter
  • 1,641
  • 6 minutes
  • 2021-01-14

Chapter 21: Crushed Dreams

Erlea wakes up after the second round of being impregnated by the spider. This time, it was Billie and Miere that had found her, not monsters looking for a third round.

  • Chapter
  • 1,036
  • 3 minutes
  • 2021-02-11

Chapter 22: Red Goblin

As the three travel, Billie is still furious and Erlea struggles with her own emotions as she wonders what she could have done differently. However, her thoughts are interrupted by a scream of another breeder being attacked.

  • M+F oral rp preg viol
  • Chapter
  • 4,262
  • 16 minutes
  • 2021-03-11

Chapter 23: Aftermath

Waking up after her goblin pregnancy, Erlea had a quiet moment with the breeder she rescued.

  • Chapter
  • 986
  • 3 minutes
  • 2021-04-08

Chapter 24: The Mohiran Branches

Erlea and the others finally make it to the moth city, The Mohiran Branches. Before she gets comfortable, though, she has to tell the city elders exactly what happened to her home and hive.

  • Chapter
  • 1,202
  • 4 minutes
  • 2021-05-06

Chapter 25: Considerations

Erlea has to wait for the Falene elders to make a decision about helping her. When they do, it is Tira's duty to offer what little help the Mohiran Branches can give the reluctant bee leader.

  • Chapter
  • 1,087
  • 4 minutes
  • 2021-06-03

Chapter 26: Affinity

Tira has some questions about Erlea's goblin affinity, the one thing that excites the bee beyond anything else. However, Tira's line of questioning leads closely to risking everything for both bee and moth.

  • M+FF cons oral
  • FF
  • Chapter
  • 3,369
  • 12 minutes
  • 2021-07-01

Chapter 27: Decisions

Erlea and the others have to decide what to do about Miere and her affinity. Do they go back and retrace their steps to the other hive or do they push forward, risking a week bee to the lusts of countless monsters?

  • Chapter
  • 1,788
  • 6 minutes
  • 2021-07-29

Chapter 28: The Slime Forest

They are finally to the second zone, the Slime Forest. The difference between the two zones is stark and obvious, but they quickly find out that there is danger for breeders in every zone.

  • MF+ oral anal bd nc rp preg
  • Chapter
  • 2,972
  • 11 minutes
  • 2021-08-26

Chapter 29: The Stink Eye

Erlea woke up from being impregnated by the slime but no way to escape. She is stuck in mud and muck, pinned helplessly as the creature came back to violate her again.

  • MF monster preg rp viol
  • Chapter
  • 1,448
  • 5 minutes
  • 2021-09-23

Chapter 30: The Steaming Swamps

When Erlea finally recovers, there is already a new battle brewing.

  • Chapter
  • 1,478
  • 5 minutes
  • 2021-10-21

Chapter 31: Shelter

Despite their best efforts, the four breeders couldn't get out of the zone before night and it is up to Erlea to find some way of shelter to avoid being caught again.

  • Chapter
  • 1,659
  • 6 minutes
  • 2021-11-18

Chapter 32: Drawbacks

As they finally relax from their ordeals, Erlea realizes she needs to work on the Honningbies' fatal flaw, their wings. How do you stop something that has been bred into the bees? Tira has an idea.

  • FFF viol bd messy oral tort
  • Chapter
  • 4,244
  • 16 minutes
  • 2021-12-16

Chapter 33: The Next Zone

Tira reveals how far she would go to help Erlea break free of her drawbacks.

  • Chapter
  • 598
  • 2 minutes
  • 2022-01-13

Chapter 34: A New Zone

Erlea and the others enter a new zone with no idea of what to expect.

  • Chapter
  • 665
  • 2 minutes
  • 2022-02-10

Chapter 35: One More Hill

The new zone held untold dangers but none of them manifested. At least until they reached the top of one hill and realized they had stumbled into something terrible.

  • MF bd messy oral tort preg
  • Chapter
  • 5,190
  • 19 minutes
  • 2022-03-10

Chapter 36: Endless Cycles

Captured and bound, Erlea's life becomes nothing more than a breeding cunt, forced to give birth to orcs that she had killed.

  • MF preg bond
  • Chapter
  • 1,132
  • 4 minutes
  • 2022-04-07

Chapter 37: Broken Cycle

Erlea has resigned to her life of being a breeding slave. The only hope she has her freedom, but would her friends come for her or is she doomed to be constantly impregnated until the end of days?

  • MF preg bond cons
  • Chapter
  • 3,100
  • 11 minutes
  • 2022-05-05

Chapter 38: The Offer

Erlea woke up on the body of an amazing orc. Recovered from her ordeal, she knew that she had to continue her adventure to defeat the shucks. But would Gral have something else to offer?

  • MF oral messy cons
  • Chapter
  • 1,263
  • 4 minutes
  • 2022-06-02

Chapter 39: Freedom

True to his word, Gral let Erlea go after she had finished repopulating the orc camp. However, his offer of helping wouldn't go well with the other breeders.

  • Chapter
  • 1,777
  • 6 minutes
  • 2022-06-30

Chapter 40: Rabid Squirrels

On the way to get some food, Erlea stumbled onto a pack of Rabid Squirrels.

  • M+F viol nc nosex
  • M+FF viol nc messy
  • Chapter
  • 2,926
  • 11 minutes
  • 2022-07-28

Chapter 41: Silence

Erlea and Miere have a chance to enjoy a little time, at least as a teaser for a quiet night of reconnecting with each other.

  • FF rom
  • MFF rp nc preg viol size
  • Chapter
  • 3,806
  • 14 minutes
  • 2022-08-25

Chapter 42: Persuasion

Erlea wakes up to find an unexpected Orc Chief in the hive with the rest of the breeders.

  • Chapter
  • 2,980
  • 11 minutes
  • 2022-09-22

Chapter 43: Insights

As they consider entering the next zone, an uncomfortable conversation comes up between their newest member and Billie.

  • Chapter
  • 2,021
  • 7 minutes
  • 2022-10-20

Chapter 44: Trap Doors

In a zone of empty grasses and rocks, the monsters waiting for them aren't obvious. At least not until someone makes the wrong step.

  • MFFF rp impreg bond
  • Chapter
  • 3,279
  • 12 minutes
  • 2022-11-17

Chapter 45: Depths of Earth

There are for more dangers than the Trap Door Tentacles in the new zone, Erlea was about to find out one more of the monsters that needed a defeated breeder.

  • MF tentacle impreg bond messy vore
  • Chapter
  • 2,643
  • 10 minutes
  • 2022-12-15

Chapter 46: Bedside Manner

Erlea gets a check-up from her favorite healer.

  • FF rom oral anal rim exhib
  • Chapter
  • 1,869
  • 7 minutes
  • 2023-01-12

Chapter 47: Beetles and Blood

Erlea goes after Gral and Billie who disappeared in fears that they would be attacking each other, but the fight that she stumbled on was more of foreplay than murder and she had to stop and watching how the two would resolve their differences.

  • MF viol cons oral anal
  • F-solo voy
  • Chapter
  • 4,769
  • 18 minutes
  • 2023-02-09

Chapter 48: Realizations

Erlea comes to the realization of what will happen in Monefuck.

  • Chapter
  • 2,197
  • 8 minutes
  • 2023-03-09

Chapter 49: The Decision

Erlea struggles to find some happy ending for Miere and herself but it is difficult. They were well out of their comfort zone and far beyond the weaker Honningbie's abilities. She only needed more time to figure it out.

  • Chapter
  • 1,314
  • 5 minutes
  • 2023-04-06

Chapter 50: The Fishers

Erlea struggles to break free of her bounds while fighting the lust that assaults her mind. But when salvation comes, she realizes it comes at a price she isn't able to afford.

  • M+F oral bond preg
  • Chapter
  • 2,373
  • 9 minutes
  • 2023-05-04