Many, many years ago, I wrote a novel for Dolcett Girls Forum. It was a different life, I really don't go there anymore, but I figured it's been long enough that it is time to polish it up and slowly post it.
The other reason is because I originally had an intent of polishing it up and selling it, but then Smashwords and Amazon pretty much made an erotic snuff piece against their terms of service. So, I waited too long and lost the chance (before it got eventually banned).
I'm going to do this slowly over Sundays, much like Puppy Mill. That will give me a chance to clean it up, handle a couple of the stupid mistakes I made, and generally handle my improved skill over time.
Side note, I haven't really been around. I haven't liked it, but having two children makes it hard to pay attention to the online world. Not to mention, I feel just slightly uncomfortable writing erotica and violence with a kid on my lap. Just me, I'm sure.
Dolcett Girls 01: Down the Street
There isn't any sex in this chapter, just setting up the creepy house I grew up in and used for inspiration for this story.
Oh, side node. If any pages disappear, that is my fault. I kind of let this site “bit rot” and it took a bit to get it going again.