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Dolcett Girls 04: Home Projects

This is actually the first sex scene of many. I remember when I wrote this in 2009, I didn't want to have a one sex scene per chapter of Mummy's Girl. I got burned out when I wrote it and wanted to do something more dramatic. This would set me down the path that lead into Derik's Luck and Puppy Mill.

I remember the workshop when I was growing up. It was an old Victorian house (the model for the house in this book) with a creepy basement. There was a closet just filled with drawers, but the old lady who used to own it had sewing supplies in it. And rocks and useless crap.

While I was writing this, I was also writing Butcher. I thought it would be cool to create a mythology of the rosewood-handled knives, which is why he has one. It is that supernatural touch, more so since they never rust or go dull.

The two projects she works on this will come up later. One of them already has a hint of what it will be used for, but the building thing does thread through the entire story. I really hope you love it when they finally get used.