The village of Nissar was the poorest of the nine villages that formed a circle around the Bordeli Forest, a dark patch of woods twenty miles across. No one was allowed into the forest but the adults didn't bother telling anyone why. It was simply “forbidden” but Rin couldn't help but look at the line of dark trees curiously and wonder what was in the forest that needed to keep others out.
Even in the brightest of days, the forest was dark with heavy shade trees and deep underbrush. Rin couldn't find a trail even if he wanted to. He didn't want to. At the end of the day, the forest was nothing but an edge of blackness in the fading light of the sun.
A feeling that someone was watching him crawled over his shoulders and along his scalp. Rin pushed his dark curls off his head and discretely scratched before turning toward the village bath house.
While most of the houses didn't have running water or even rune toilets, the village had managed to save up for a communal bath house heated and cleaned by magic. It was a long, squat building with the richest of decorations, which was another way of saying the door had a hanging sign on it. Everyone usually bathed in shifts, with those in the field getting right of way when they staggered home.
Now, coming up on the ninth bell and nearly midnight, the building was empty and hollow. Steam wafted from the windows and underneath the door, but no one splashed inside. A ringing filled the air from where a ladle tapped against the railing leading up to the door.
For as long as he could remember, Rin's parents would only allow him to bathe near midnight. It took him a while to realize why, but it was because of his secret. Everyone else thought he was a girl, though in reality he wasn't female but wasn't quite male either.
Looking around at the empty village, he slipped inside and locked the door. His summer dress clung to his body from the moisture as he entered the changing area, the light fabric adhering to his rounded ass and slender legs. He sighed before picking up a basket and found a nearby bench to set down his robe for later and take off his slippers.
The dress came up easily, tickling his skin as he pulled it up over his head. Despite the warmth and humidity of the changing area, his sensitive nipples grew hard and stood out like two rounded points, responding to the fabric dragging across them. Pleasure sparked along his senses as he finished removing the dress. Folding it, he set it in the basket and looked down at his underwear.
There was only the smallest of lumped to indicate his real gender. He sighed and then hooked his thumbs around the elastic. It took a bit to work it over his firm ass. The fabric stretched tightly before slipping down his white, almost flawless skin.
Rin kept his attention focused on the lump that rose against the fabric. His breath quickened as the elastic traced over the ridge and then it popped out.
His secret, he was almost a man. Even with his slender body, his cock was tiny. Not even a centimeter long while soft and just as wide. The head was squat, almost flat. It always looked as if he used to have something longer, but someone had cut it off.
Rin hated his cock but he hated what else was missing even more. Leaning forward, he slipped his underwear off and tossed it into the basket. He set the basket on the shelf, grabbed a towel, and then headed into the rinsing area.
The long, narrow room had a sheet of water pouring down each side of it. The slight tang of magically-cleaned water filled the air and the hiss of falling water beat against his body.
Rin ducked his head into the right waterfall. The soft water pummeled his body, sluicing down his thick, dark curls against his neck and shoulders. He smiled just to enjoy the drop of water from his lips and the moist gap when he opened his mouth.
With his eyes closed, he walked the entire length of the room, rubbing his body to get the dirt and mud off. The water caressed him, tickling the crack of his ass and the tiny nub of his cock. When he finally came out the other side, his body glistened with water and his cock was as hard as it could get.
He didn't bother with a towel but simply walked naked into the soaking area. It was a large, heated pool. Steam rose up from the surface and the water remained mirror smooth. He hesitated only for a moment before placing one foot in the shallow area.
Ripples ran out from his touch, disappearing in the steam-shrouded end of the pool. His breath quickened for a moment and then he continued his path into the water, plowing a way to the deeper end. The searing depth of water rose up along his shins and thighs, sending shivers of pleasure along his body as it outlined his hips and then lapped against his cock.
At the far end, he found a spot to sit. Cupping his cock, he sank down into it, moaning as the water rose up to over his narrow waist and then to his sensitive nipples. He curled his toes as the heat enveloped his nipples, the sparks of discomfort only lasted for a few seconds.
Rin tightened his grip on his cock and his palm ground against the bottom ridge of his tiny length. It felt good to touch himself, but he never managed to cum when he tried to masturbate. A blush rising in his cheeks, he caressed the skin underneath his length.
His other secret, he had no balls. He didn't know if it was a cruel joke of his birth or something else, but only pale skin greeted his questing fingers as he trailed back along the sensitive skin toward his ass. As he did, his nipples grew harder and he blushed.
While he had never found joy while caressing his cock, touching his only opening did bring a rush of pleasure. He rubbed his finger against the wrinkled opening. It grew slick under his touch, a combination of the soft water and the fluids that oozed out when he was excited. He never heard of anyone else who's asshole grew hot and liquid when touched, only pussies did that, but his tight opening grew slick when he caressed it. He enjoyed the forbidden feeling as he stroked his most private of holes, enjoying the secret pleasures.
He was tight and his asshole resisted his fingers. He enjoyed increasing the pressure on it, feeling the muscles tighten, and then the slow reluctance as his finger started to slip in as the slickness seeped out from his insides. He shook with the effort to get even one finger inside, but he never dared to delve deeper than his first knuckle. Even the pressure of the tiny digit was enough to bring a flush to his cheeks.
After a few seconds to teasing his ass, he pulled away. He heard the others talking about an orgasm from touching themselves, but none of them ever referred to their assholes as a possibility.
With a flush, he brought his finger to his nose and sniffed it. It didn't smell like ass, but sweeter. The liquid that came out of him was salty and sweet, a far cry from the scents he normally expected.
A cloud gathered over him. Of course, the other teenagers talked about having large cocks and tight pussies instead. All of them were full men and women. He had sneaked glances at them over the years and he was jealous of the dark hairs that covered their sexes but also the full lips and hanging balls. Things he could never have.
Leaning back, he trailed his fingers back along his perineum ridge and then around the base of his cock, the hairless skin giving no friction beyond a shiver of pleasure.
Rin enjoyed the water, idly stroking his cock and wishing he had something larger. His mind focused on the other manhoods he had seen. Most were stolen glances, filled with jealousy, but one welled up from his memories.
It was Pieter's, a swollen length over two hand-widths long. At the time, it was plowing into the village elder's daughter, Merci, but Rin couldn't help but think about the entire glistening length and the two large balls that hung underneath it. He wanted to be Pieter at that moment, to have something to be proud of. To his discomfort, he also wanted to be Merci, bent in half underneath Pieter and feeling every centimeter of the large cock as it pounded into his body.
Rin's breath quickened again as he imagined Pieter's cock, both having and taking it at the same time. It confused him, he didn't know which one he wanted more, but the combined fantasy was enough to bring his cock to its full hardness and his asshole to clench with desire.
Stealing a look at the empty area, Rin fought the urge to finger his asshole again. He pulled his fingers back and tried not to think about being impaled on some cock.
It was late and his father would be bringing the flowers over to Scoville early in the morning. The richest and largest village was on the exact opposite of the Bordeli Forest. It would take four hours to go around for the farmer's market, but they needed the income from selling butter and cream from the farm. They only started selling flowers last year, but it almost doubled their income and earned them enough money to afford Rin's new dress and fresh blankets for the winter.
Reluctantly, Rin slipped into the deeper area of the pool and dipped his head under water. When he surfaced, the liquid sluiced through the thick dark curls of his hair and plastered them to his back. Seconds later, the curls took control and it peeled off his body to bounce back to either side of his face, framing it.
He took another swipe of water along his body, one down his ass to wipe away his excitement, and then got up. It was going to be an early morning and he needed to go to bed.