Merrie woke up with a start. She was sleeping with her head on Sama's shoulder. On the other side of Sama, the last girl, the young one, was curled up on the bench with her head on Sama's lap. Yawning, Merrie sat up and looked around.

Night had come while they slept and the wagon was quiet. Everyone but her was dozing, including the three guards. She glanced toward the back of the wagon and, to her surprise, it was clear. It would only be a matter of slipping away and running to freedom.

“I'd hate,” Merrie jumped as Bass spoke up from the shadows in the front of the wagon, “to break those pretty feet of yours.”

“I-I wasn't going to run,” she lied.

Bass stood up from the shadows. He padded over to Merrie and squatted down in front of her.

Merrie's body tensed at his presence. Even crouching in front of her, he tower over her. She felt vulnerable and helpless as he stared at her. One meaty hand rested on her thigh and she squeezed her legs together.

“You can't stop me,” Bass said with confidence. “If I want your cunt, I will take it.”

She squeezed her thighs together even tighter. “W-Why are you doing this?” whispered Merrie. Her voice cracked as she stared into the sparkling yellow eyes.

“It's my job. I'm going to break you, train you, and then sell you off to the highest bidder.”

Merrie sobbed quietly, her body shaking. “Please don't do this,” she whispered, terrified to raise her voice. She felt her chest heaving from her breaths, and knew that it only excited Bass, but she couldn't stop.

Bass dropped his other hand on her knee. She looked down as he pressed his thumbs on her kneecaps. His arms bulged as he pushed her knees apart.

Merrie tried to stop him, but he overpowered her easily. He exposed her pussy and the thin triangle of hair above it and she couldn't do anything. Fresh tears ran down her cheeks. “Please… please don't.”

His hands ran up her thighs, forcing her legs further open. Her right knee pressed against Sama who moaned in her sleep.

Knowing where his hands were going, Merrie squirmed with discomfort and anticipation.

His hand continued to drive up until she felt his thick fingers jamming into her labia. He dragged his fingers around until he caught her clitoris between two fingers.

She gasped at the sensation and tensed.

With a grin, Bass drove his fingers down to the opening of her sex and jammed it deep inside. Merrie jumped and cringed as he forced his way into her dry sex. Curling his fingers inside her behind the bone, he dragged her to the edge of the bench.

Merrie didn't want to move, but there was no resisting his call. She felt her stomach clenching at the effort and planted one hand on the bench for balance.

Bass took his free hand to push her knees even further apart. He leaned into her, whispering in a deep, rumbling voice. “If you shut up and obey, the following months will be pleasant or at least tolerable. If you resist, then you are about to experience more pain and suffering and misery than you can imagine.”

Merrie choked back a sob. She felt his fingers driving deeper into her, stretching her opening as he plunged his digits in and out.

“Now, bitch, are you going to obey?”

When she didn't answer right away, he jammed his fingers to the knuckle inside her, his thumb crushing her clitoris. She let out a whimper.

“Are you going to obey?”

She nodded frantically, just to stop Bass. He withdrew his fingers and held up his two, sausage-like fingers. They glistened with her juices.

“Lick them.”


Bass frowned and he reached out with his other. Grabbing her breast, he crushed her nipple in his hand. “I said obey, bitch. Now, lick them clean.”

Shoulders shaking, Merrie opened her mouth as he shove his fingers into her. She tasted herself on his fingers, the tangy taste of her pussy. He pumped his fingers in and out until they were clean and glistening. She closed her eyes in humiliation and tried to get the taste of herself off her tongue.

Bass smiled and stood up. She could see his massive cock straining at his pants. She wanted to look away, but couldn't imagine anything as large as a thriban. They were larger than human males, much larger. It would kill her if he raped her, but she knew there was no escaping Bass.

The wagon came to a halt. She could see torches out the back of the wagon. And another yard, not unlike the dairy farm. She turned back to see Bass smiling down at her.

“Listen, bitch, I tolerated you speaking just now. But as soon as you get off that wagon, if I heard you say a single word, I will beat you. Do you understand?”

Merrie whimpered but said nothing.

Bass chuckled. “Learning already. All right, everyone off!”

Merrie helped Sama and the youngest girl off the wagon. Bass lined them up in the yard. It was dark and cool and she felt the moisture clinging to her body. Shivering, Merrie looked around.

The large house was three floors in height and easily the size of a city block. On one side, she could see what looked like an agility course. It had ramps, loops, and tunnels in a random assortment. Frowning, she looked at the other side of the yard, then froze. There were lines of small houses, dog houses, in a fenced in yard. From what she could see, there were easily a hundred of the smaller houses.

As she watched, a woman crawled out of one of the dog houses. She was on her hands and knees. Her hair was pulled into a pony tail on each side of her head. She crawled out of the dog house and sat on her ass, like a dog. To Merrie's shock, she was naked except for knee-high boots and elbow-long gloves. Up close, the gloves looked wrong, like they had shortened fingers, but she couldn't get a good look in the dim light.

The teenage girl came up to Merrie and whispered, “Is she naked?”

Merrie nodded. “Yes, but I don't know-”

Bass grabbed Merrie by the back of her neck. He squeezed down until Merrie's knees buckled and she hit the ground. Leaning forward, he growled, “You really don't know how to be quiet, do you?”

He bore down on her, forcing her head into the ground. Bass held her down as he spoke to the others. “Now, time for your first lessons. You are not people. You are… dogs, bitches. Even you,” he pointed to the guy, “are a bitch. And bitches don't speak. They don't talk, say words, or do anything besides bark, whine, and whimper. Do you understand?”

Merrie heard a few say “yes” but most of them were silence and cowed.

Bass shook his head and gestured to the ones who talked. Guards rushed up and grabbed them. Like Merrie, they were forced down to the ground as the armed men shoved their heads down.

A pair of naked women crawled up on their hands and knees. Like the woman she saw in the kennel area, they were completely naked. Up close, Merrie could see that their hands and feet were different. The one girl had no fingers, just the palms ending with five tiny stubs. Her feet were the same, the feet were removed and there was just two stumps at the end of her legs. Looking at the mutilated hands, Merrie felt dread filling her. But, the girl was acting cheerful, her large breasts bouncing as she pranced over to Bass.

Bass dug his hand into the girl's bag, then pulled out a collar. “Thank you, Pillow Tits.”

The dog girl barked once and wagged her ass like a dog. She had a tail that matched her brown hair. At first, Merrie thought it was attached, but the tail moved naturally and she could see where it came out from the dog girl's tailbone. Pillow Tits bounced toward the nearest guard with her bag held high in her mouth.

Bass grabbed Merrie by the hair and pulled her up. Merrie's back arched to relieve the pressure, thrusting her breasts forward as he pulled her from the ground. With his other hand, he wrapped the collar around her neck. As soon as the ends met, there was a scraping noise and the collar grew snug around her throat.

Unexpectedly, he released her hair and she fell down. The ground smacked her face before she could arrest her fall. “Ow-”

Merrie's world exploded into pain as electricity coursed through her body. She screamed out and spasmed as her skin crawled with power. As soon as it started, it stopped. Panting heavily, she looked up to see everyone staring at her. “What-”

The collar gave off a cracking noise and her body was wracked with electricity again. She felt it driving through her, tightening all her muscles until they screamed out in agony. She tried to breath, tried to move but the collar twisted her into a tight, shaking ball.

When it faded, Merrie remained on the ground, sobbing from the pain.

Bass leaned over her, his breath hot. “I told you to be quiet, bitch. And now, you are going to demonstrate the second lesson too.” He leaned up. “Collars on?”

“Yes, sir!” came the guards.

“Anyone wanting to talk?” asked Bass.

Merrie panted as she looked around the yard. The naked prisoners, bitches, were shaking in fear. Two of them had thighs that glistened when they peed in fear. Four were still on the ground, one of them with her ass in the air as she sobbed into the ground. The others stood there, shaking and terrified.

“Good,” said Bass. “Now, lesson two is a bit easier. But I think some of you,” he smacked Merrie on the back of her head, “are too stupid to learn the first time.”

Merrie whimpered, tensing for the electrical discharge but it never came.

“You are bitches and bitches obey commands. The first command is ‘present’. When I tell you to present, you get on your knees and spread your legs. Put your head down to the ground. Do you understand? Oh, wait,” he chuckled, “you can't answer, can you? When I ask you a question, you bark once.”

He leaned over Merrie and grabbed her collar, hauling her up. She choked as the collar tightened around her throat. Her fingers clawed at the collar but she couldn't find purchase.

“Bark, bitch.”

Choking, Merrie tried to bark. She gasped and choked, trying to bark like a dog but unable to get wind to her lungs. He relaxed his grip slight as she forced a strangled bark out.

“Good,” he whispered. “I think I'm going to call you Happy Cunt. When I say Happy Cunt, you bark. Do you understand?”

Merrie barked once through the tears, her body trembling.

“Maybe you can be taught.” Bass turned to the others. “Bark.”

A chorus of barks rose up amidst the tears and cries. Merrie saw that the two other girls, the two from the house, also barked once as they sat on their asses. The only difference is they were smiling as they barked.

Bass tightened his grip on the collar. “Now, Happy Cunt, present.”

Merrie knew what to do. She shook on the ground as she lifted her ass and spread her legs. Her breasts rubbed against the hard-packed ground as she sobbed.

Bass' hands grabbed her knees and forced them apart. “Further apart. I want to see that cunt and asshole of yours. If your lips are touching, you aren't spread enough. If your nipples aren't on the ground, you aren't low enough. Do you understand?”

Face in the ground, Merrie barked once and felt humiliation burn bright.

“Good girl,” he patted her on the head, “and now you get a reward.”

Merrie didn't know what he was talking about until she heard the sound of a buckle being undone. She was going to be raped, right in front of everyone. She tried to push up, but Bass slapped her ass powerfully. Her entire body shook from the impact.

“If you get up, this won't be a reward, it will be a punishment.”

Merrie stopped moving, except for the trembling that shook her body. She held her breath as she heard Bass lower his pants. His fingers dove into her pussy, forcing the lips apart. They were still slick, much to her humiliation, and his fingertips reached deep into her pussy.

She never saw a thriban cock before, and she didn't know what it looked like. But, when she felt it press against her pussy lips, she wondered how humans could ever have sex with them. It was larger than her fist and it was pressed against her hole. It would never fit and she squeezed her eyes tightly in preparation for the pain of being violated. His cock was slick and hot, oozing precum. He slid his cock head up and down her slick, soaking it in his juices.

He leaned into her and the pressure at her opening increased. She desperately tried to bear down, to prevent him from entering, but more of his weight leaned into her and she felt her nether muscles being forced apart.

“Come on, Happy Cunt, this is your reward.”

It didn't feel like a reward as he forced his cock into her. It stretched her open, more than she thought possible. Her flesh strained to contain him as the thick member drove into her.

She was almost dry, but he wasn't. She could feel precum oozing out of his tip and it lubricated his shaft as he forced it in. He withdrew a centimeter and drove it in. Pumping in and out with sharp, powerful strokes. She let out a wail and stretched out, clawing at the ground to escape his shaft.

Bass' hands grabbed her hips and he pulled her back. She felt flesh tearing and screamed out in agony. “No!”

Even as she said it, she knew she would be punished. The collar exploded into pain and she felt the electricity crash into her. Her body shook in seizure and she felt Bass ram his cock entirely into her pussy, burying the far too large member into her pussy.

She screamed out in agony and her eyes blurred from the pain. His cock was a log inside her, tearing her open, but he didn't give her respite. Powerful hands gripped her hips as he drove his cock deeper into her, ripping her open as she suffered through the last of the electrical shock. His cock was too thick, too long, too hard. it slammed against the back of her vagina with hard, brutal strokes.

Bass didn't stop or even slow. With every stroke, she felt his apple-sized balls smack against her thighs. Every ridge of his immense shaft burned in her memory as he raped her. He continued to drive into her, inhumanly hard and fast. She shook with every stroke, her breasts scraping the ground. Even with the agony that filled her, she felt a hint of pleasure filling her and felt shamed by it.

Bass released her hips and grabbed her collar with one hand. Merrie was forced back as he pulled. The tightness around her throat choking her and she felt him grow even harder with her suffering. His cock swelled with every stroke and the pounding drove her off her knees and on the balls of her feet.

With a bellow, he punched his cock into her pussy and let go. Cum flooded her insides, filling her until it poured out around the junction of their bodies. He continued to drive in slow, shuddering strokes until his cock stopped spasming inside her body.

Releasing her, Bass let her slump to the ground. He pulled out of her pussy.

Merrie felt relief as he exited her, but her body felt strangely empty. Cum poured of her gaping sex and puddled underneath her.

Bass stood up. “All right, I'm taking Happy Cunt, Silly Tits,” he pointed to Sama, “and… um… Ass Licker,” his finger turned to the young girl, “with me. The rest of you take three bitches to your room. I expect to see some trained bitches tomorrow at dinner, do you understand?”

“Yes, sir!”

“And, little bitches, I expect you to know how to shut up and present. Do you understand?”

On the ground, shuddering in revulsion of her rape, Merrie barked once. Then closed her eyes as the tears splashed down.