A few hours of walking later, Merrie was exhausted but considerably more comfortable with crawling on her hands and knees. She was thankful for the padded knees on the boots and palms on the gloves. Despite binding her fingers into an uncomfortable position, she barely felt the pressure of her weight as she crawled along the trail heading back to the main house of the mill.

In the fenced-in yard, marked with white pickets, she saw a trainer she didn't recognize. He was very thin, almost skeletal, and tall. From her vantage point she thought he looked taller than Bass. The trainer wore a leather vest which doubled the girth of his thin chest. Below that, he wore a dark, flowing skirt reminiscent of warriors to the north. She could see at least four daggers hanging from the waist of his skirt, the naked blades sparkling in the light.

The trainer had a thick rope in his hand, which he swung over his head in a long, lazy circle. At the end she could see a knot, about the size of her fist, that looked stained and cruel. Bass made a grumbling noise as the rope came down in a high overhead swing and landed with a dull thud.

A scream ripped through the air, and Merrie jumped at the shrillness of the agonizing sound. She lifted her body as far as she could and froze when she saw a naked woman cowering on the ground, a number of large welts on her back. She was a brunette with large, relaxed curls, but the stark terror on her face was like nothing Merrie had seen on any of the other dog girls at the mill.

Yanking back on his rope, the trainer yelled with a surprisingly loud voice. “I said, present yourself bitch!” His voice echoed across the yard and against the walls of the house.

The brunette cried out as she pushed herself to her hands and knees. Her legs spread apart, scraping through the dirt, and she started to lift her ass just as another blow from the knotted rope came swinging down. It struck her right at the base of her spine, right above the stretched asshole with a dog tail stuck in it. The meaty thunk sent a shiver of fear and sympathy through Merrie.

Merrie was shocked by the scene before her. Despite their kidnapping and rape, Bass, Rendi, and Borias were all nice to her. But in this trainer, there was a cruelty that terrified her.

“Present!” bellowed the man. His hair, a brilliant platinum blond, shook as he swung the rope above his head, preparing for another strike.

Merrie started forward, not really sure what to do. It was an instinctive need to defend the poor brunette from being hit again.

Bass pulled on Merrie's leash, stopping her as the collar dug into her throat. Merrie looked at him pleadingly, then winced as another meaty strike fell. She felt a tear rolling down her cheek, and she tried to back away from Bass and toward the tortured girl.

“Cunt, no.”

Merrie whimpered and peeked over her shoulder. The rope was already swinging again. She turned back to Bass, and she saw a flicker of compassion.

Bass kept tension on her collar as he strode forward. “Grange.”

The trainer glanced over at Bass, but didn't stop his swinging. “What do you want?” He spoke with a harsh northern accent, which fit with his outfit. He was a warrior of some type, and Merrie felt only fear towards him.

“Where are your other girls?”

“Useless Cunt and Fuckhole are in stocks in my room. I had to punish Snuff Bait because she bit me.”

Merrie glanced over at Bait, who shook as she kept her ass high in the air. Bruises lined her inner legs and pussy. Merrie could see the poor woman struggling to remain in position, and everything inside Merrie screamed at her to rush over to comfort her.

Bass stepped in front of Grange, looking up at the taller man. “Did she bite you hard?”

“Just a scratch,” Grange's face darkened, “but the useless fucking bitch should know better.”

“It's only been a day.”

“So she's stupid. How can I fucking teach this useless cunt anything, if she can't get something simple like keeping her damned teeth off me? I'm teaching her a fucking lesson. Next time, I'll bust out her teeth and fuck the-”


“-bloody hole until she-”


Merrie flinched at the sharp growl that emitted from Bass.

Grange closed his mouth with a clamp. Then he growled back. “What the fuck do you want, oh mighty paladin?”

Bass' yellowed eyes narrowed. “I have told you repeatedly, not to call me that. I am not a paladin.” There was the briefest of pauses where another word should be, but then Bass continued, “You've punished Snuff Bait enough.”

“I didn't break her fucking skin and you know it. Useless fucking twit, not even worth the price. And you-” Grange stepped forward until their chests were almost touching. He loomed over Bass, who didn't seem perturbed enough to wipe the scowl from his face.

Bass' voice growled deeply, the air shaking as he glared at Grange. “I said, you are done punishing her.”

“Fuck off, Bass. You said I could train these fucking holes any way I want.” Grange's head snapped around. “Snuff Bait! Get your useless cunt over here!” As he yelled, he looped the rope around his hand.

Bait was as close to the ground as she could get as she crawled over to Grange. At his feet, she tightened up and bowed her head. Her lips pressed against his boots and she held herself there. A moment later, she looked up at Grange with her fear-filled gaze.

Grange ignored her look and reached down. He wrapped his fingers around her collar, his knuckles squeezing the space between the metal and Bait's throat. His long arms let him almost stand without pulling her off the ground, but he yanked up until she was balancing on her knees. Without even a glance back at Bass, he dragged his charge into the house. “Come on. Fuck.”

Merrie stared at the door, feeling torn, terrified and sympathetic for the poor Snuff Bait.

Bass grunted, but said nothing. When he picked up his leads, Merrie noticed he didn't hold them as tight as before. “Come on girls, let's get you fed and do a bit more training before the dog show.”

Instead of leading them directly into the house, he took them to the fenced in area with the dog houses. Merrie had seen them the night before, and crawled faster to get a closer look. There were eighteen little houses, each one barely large enough for a dog girl to crawl into. Most of the houses were empty, hollow places that looked uninviting. Four of them, the ones that she saw a bitch inside earlier, had pillows on the ground and a short curtain draped over the door.

Merrie wondered what it would be liked to sleep outside. She knew that it was only a matter of time before it happened, and she felt a thrill of anticipation.

At the far end of the dog houses was a large, cleared out area filled with mulched wood. The smell of cedar and pine filled the air, masking out the hint of urine that teased her senses.

Bass stopped at the edge. “Go ahead and pee.”

None of the three ventured forward. His words reminded Merrie she had to pee, but she didn't want to be the first. She squirmed underneath his attention, nature pressing at her bladder.

Bass gestured with his hand. “Come on Cunt, I'll help.” As he wrapped Sama's and Licker's leads to a large hook, he wrapped Merrie's leash around his hand. With an encouraging tug, he stepped out onto the wood chips.

Merrie felt the pressure around her neck, and took a step forward. It reminded her of Grange's brutal tugging. She felt the soft, spongy ground underneath her boots, and a fresh smell of cedar rose to her nostrils. Shaking, she crawled out, careful to avoid the glistening areas. He led her to the middle and she came to a stop when the pressure on the lease ceased.

Bass squatted down next to her. “Now, Cunt, let me get this.” His fingers reached behind and she felt him caress her labia. The fear she felt from Grange faded in an instant as he teased her pussy, trailing his fingertips up and down until she felt moisture beginning to gather on his tips. His thick fingers pushed into her pussy. He slid them back and forth, and she rocked her hips to match him.

“Good girl.”

Merrie let out a gasp of pleasure as the collar activated. She spread her legs a bit more, holding back as he continued to stroke her pussy with deeper strokes, plumbing her sex before he withdrew his dripping fingers.

“Here you go.” His hand reached up and pulled the dog tail out of the way. She could feel it angling inside her body, forcing her to lift her ass higher. The warm summer air teased her nether region, a light touch compared to Bass' tender fingers. “Go on, Cunt, be a good girl.”

It was easier the second time. She took a deep breath and relaxed. A moment later, she felt the urine coming and the hiss of it hitting the ground.

“Good girl.”

She never had an orgasm just going the bathroom, but between the collar and Bass' words, she almost collapsed to the ground when it hit her. A strong hand held her up on her hands and knees, pressing into her belly and holding her in place until she could recover her balance.

“Very good girl.”

As Merrie moaned from the compliment, Bass ran a hand along her pussy and flicked the last few drops of pee free. He gave her head a pat before he stood up. In his hand, he held the lead lightly between his fingers and walked back to the others.

She followed him, and sat down just as he had taught her, as he tied her leash to the hook. Bass gave her a quick smile, removed Licker's leash, and led the teenage girl into the bathroom area. Merrie watched as he squatted next to Licker, whispering sweet words into her ear. Licker's body jerked and shuddered as he called her a good girl, but she still fought his command for minutes. It was almost palatable when her will broke and she peed for him.

Merrie crawled over to Sama. Sitting down next to the slender woman, Merrie rested her head on Sama's shoulder.

Sama jumped at the touch, then looked at her. A frown furrowed her brow as she mouthed the words “what do I do?” to Merrie.

Merrie remembered when Sable glared at her for trying to speak. Instead, if answering with silent words, she reached up and kissed Sama on the lips.

Sama's eyes grew wide, then she closed them. She tilted her head to give Merrie better access and opened her mouth slightly.

Breathing heavily, Merrie slipped her tongue inside and kissed Sama passionately, trying to give what comfort she could. Sama let out a shuddering breath in their embrace, and turned to press her body against Merrie's. Merrie continued to kiss her, feeling a tingling excitement surging through her body.

Bass cleared his throat.

Blushing like a caught teenager, Merrie pulled away. She peeked up at Bass and felt her cheeks burning.

He only smiled and swapped Licker's leash with Sama's. “Feel free to do the same with Licker. Come on Tits, time to go the bathroom.”

As he tugged on the leash, Sama gave Merrie one last, longing look.

Merrie gave Sama an encouraging smile and a nod with her head.

Giving a hesitant smile back, Sama turned and followed Bass.

Merrie turned to Licker, wondering if the teenage girl would accept her, but Licker turned her back to Merrie and curled up on the ground. She used her bound hands to pull her hair over her face, obviously trying to make the world go away.

“Good girl,” said Bass and Merrie glanced over to see Sama shuddering with an orgasm. Bass' thick fingers plunged into Sama's pussy, sliding in and out until his fingers glistened with her juices. He jammed two fingers into her pussy before he twisted around. As he pulled out, he chuckled. “Very good girl, Tits.”

Standing up, he lead Sama out from the area, then gathered up all three leashes. “I don't know about you, but I'm hungry. How about you three?”

When Sama barked, Merrie looked at her with surprise. A smile stretched across Merrie's face and she barked herself. Turning to Bass, she sat on her rear and barked louder. She peered over at Licker, who just stared down at the ground.

“Come on.” He walked toward the main house, holding the three leads. Merrie hurried after him, almost bounding, and crawled up the stairs. She could barely feel the rough wood that tortured her the night before. She enjoyed a smile as she reached the top of the stairs and crawled over the threshold.

Inside the house, he took a right and lead them through a double-set of doors and into a huge room. It was brightly lit with dozens of glowing globes hanging from the rafters. In the far end of the room was a large table, about four meters long and covered with food. Chairs lined both sides of the table, but otherwise the room was empty of furniture.

Merrie looked around the room curiously. Between the towering windows every few paces, were hundreds of hooks on the wall. Some of the hooks had collars and leashes hanging from them. Others had pictures above and below them.

Two hooks caught Merrie's attention. Both hooks were dominated by a large “Grand Champion” ribbon, and dozens of other ribbons of blue, red, and green. Above each picture was a drawing. The closest was a young-looking Sable, a sloppy smile on her face. The dark brown hair hadn't been changed since the picture was made, but she wore a metal collar like Merrie's. It had two golden charms and a pair of copper ones. Merrie lowered her ass as she stared up at it, surprised at the timelessness of the picture. She couldn't imagine how long Sable was at the mill.

The picture next to it had as many ribbons, but the picture was of an intensely staring girl with burning eyes such a light blue they appeared to be on fire. The girl had angled cheekbones and tapered ears, a silfae. While Bass was a prime example of a thriban male, silfae were the complete opposite, mostly androgynous and slender. Humans general fell between the two, more delicate than thriban yet more primal than silfae.

Merrie's eyes trailed down to the name under the picture: Dixie. On the corner of the picture was a seal that said “Alpha”. She felt a longing to meet Dixie, if only to see what was this “alpha” business that Borias and Bass talked about. She wondered if it just meant grand champion, but looking around, she saw another pair of grand champion ribbons without the alpha designation. Peeking back to Sable's picture, she saw a second alpha seal.

“Sable was our second grand champion and first alpha.” Bass' voice sent a shiver of anticipation through Merrie. He reached out and ran his thick finger along Sable's picture. “This was twelve years ago. We make a picture when you win your first grand prize at the county fair.” He looked down and smiled, “That's at the end of summer, so about three months from now. I have no doubt you'll be up here soon.”

Merrie smiled at the compliment, but it froze on her face as reality hit her. She was kidnapped only a day before and she was just contemplating seeing her name on the wall next to Sable. She ducked her head, ashamed at herself and promising that she would fight against her abductors. But even as she thought it, she knew that she wouldn't. She never felt the same level of excitement as she did with Bass, her willingness to submit and be humiliated burned like a drug in her veins.

She thought back to her old boyfriends, wondering if that was somehow a flaw of her from the beginning. Her longest relationship, which lasted three years, ended when a robbery turned fatal. He had been a domineering man who commanded every part of her life. He was strict in her personal life, telling her where she could go and measuring out even money for groceries. In bed he had been brutal and callous, slapping her during sex, and even called her a whore in front of his friends. She suffered had with him and thought about leaving, but she didn't have the courage to leave. It was only when he was dead that she was free. The other men in her life were much the same, none of them as fierce or powerful, until she was kidnapped by Bass.

Lifting her head, she looked up at her new master's face, and saw compassion in his yellowed eyes. It was like a boyfriend, but she knew she would not be able to leave him until he tossed her away. Her eyes drifted back to the pictures. She wouldn't be abandoned+, she would be sold like a bitch on some stage. The thought of it, to her humiliation, sent a fresh tingle of excitement in her pussy.

“Are you okay, Cunt?” The leash in his hand trembled slightly as he got a tighter grip on it.

Feeling her humanity crumbling, Merrie pushed herself back on her knees and brought her hands into a begging position. She let a smile stretch across her face and slipped her tongue out to pant for him. She was his bitch, and the surrender burning brightly in her body.

Relief flooded across his face. He reached out and trailed his fingers down her cheek, like he just did with Sable's picture. His thick fingers traced the line of her throat, around the collar, and down to her left nipple, which he tweaked. The flash of pain and pleasure sent a shudder through her body. He returned his hand to her collar and unhooked the lead. “Stay in the room, your collars will shock you if you go through the door.”

He reached out and removed the leashes from Licker and Sama. Hanging them on a large hook near the door, he strode toward the table without a look back.

Licker glanced at him, then at the door. She made a hesitant step toward the opening, then a second one. As she drew closer, her collar began to buzz loudly and Licker stepped back quickly. She looked guiltily at Bass' back, but the thriban didn't turn around.

Merrie caught Sama's eyes and she gestured with her chin toward the table. Sama let out a sigh of despair but she crawled after Bass. Merrie peered over to Licker, who had a frown on her face as she stared at the door.

Licker peeked through the curtain of her dark hair from the side that wasn't bound anymore. She looked desperately for a exit, but despaired, turned her slender body away from the door, and crawled with Merrie across the room.

At the table, Bass fished out three curved stoneware bowls, and brought them over to a steaming pot. Using a ladle, he scooped out food and smacked it into the bottom of the bowl.

Curious, Merrie lifted herself up on her knees and into a begging position to get a better view. She could see the table was covered in roasted meats, steamed vegetables, and even deserts. But, there was also bones, biscuits, and plainer food obviously intended for the curved bowls that Bass was setting on the floor.

Merrie looked down at the bowl in front of her. It was filled with thick oatmeal, chunks of vegetables, and strips of meat. It looked unappetizing, but she hadn't eaten since the day before and her stomach rumbled at the smell. She licked her lips as she stared at it.

Bass set down a bowl of water next to her food. “This is how we feed you,” he said as he placed the water bowls by Sama and Licker, “you don't eat at the table, you eat on the floor.”

She looked down at the food, then over to Sama and Licker who watched her. With a start, she realized they were waiting for her. Taking a deep breath, Merrie lowered herself to her elbows and stuck her face in the bowl for her first bite. It was bland tasting and the steam stung her face, but it was food. Ravenously, she let her dignity go and ate as quickly as she could. A moment later, she heard Sama and Licker doing the same.

A hand stroked along her back, but when she started to look up, Bass guided her back down to her lunch. “Good girl, you are a very good girl.”

The waves of pleasure coursed through her, and she felt the sharp edge of it as Bass held her head down. As she felt his fingers working their way around the tail in her ass, she spread her legs. His thick fingers rubbed against her slicked labia before he pushed one fat finger inside her sex.

Moaning into her food, Merrie found it hard to eat and enjoy the pleasure as he chanting “good girl” over and over. Her collar hummed with magic, and her legs grew weak from the pleasure that dominated her thoughts. She was a good girl and she desperately wanted to feel him inside her, fucking her, pounding her, dominating her.

She came on his fingers, her pussy clenching tightly on his digits. The sparks of ecstasy swam across her vision as she buried her face into her bowl, ignoring the flecks of food that clung to her face. Her moan echoed against the stone dish, but she didn't care.

Too soon, it ended, and the pleasure left her hungry for more. She lifted her face from her bowl and finished licking it clean. She felt Bass' fingers slip out of her wet pussy, and heard him move to Licker to whisper encouragement. Knowing that it was her turn to be ignored, Merrie delved her face into her water bowl and shook it around to clean off, then lapped at the water.

“Good girl, Cunt.”

The pleasure from the collar flashed through her and she smiled at the command. She was a good girl. She finished drinking, her body strumming with anticipation of another compliment, and sat up on her knees.

While she was eating, another trainer had come in. He was a slightly overweight man with frizzy hair and wide, expressionless eyes. He wore a startlingly white shirt, and black trousers. On the floor next to him were his three bitches. Merrie realized that one of them was the male, naked as the others and decked out the same. He even had a butt plug in his ass, the tail matched with the sandy red of his short-cropped hair. Another bitch had short hair also, and neither were long enough to be pulled into dog ears like the rest of the girls. Other than that, they looked just as miserable and subjugated as the others.

“Very good girl, Licker,” muttered Bass as he pulled out one dripping finger from her pussy.

Licker, cheeks burning bright, slowly ate from her bowl with a look of humiliation and shame on her face.

Bass shifted over to Sama before he glanced up at the new trainer. “Good morning, Piffin.”

“It is afternoon, Bass,” said Piffin in clearly enunciated words.

Bass smiled, his teeth peeking between his lips. “So it is. How is your training going?”

Piffin snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground. All three of his bitches fell in a rough line as he walked toward the table. Half way, he stopped and turned. “Twenty-Seven, move up.” The middle girl, with the short hair, shifted forward until he said “acceptable.”

The new trainer started to serve up three bowls of food before he answered Bass. “Predictable, given the time I've had to train them. None of them are capable of following orders with any degree of precision. Apparently, the poor education in this country has failed to teach them the difference of ten centimeters and twelve.”

Bass curled his fingers into Sama's pussy and held her head down near her bowl.

Piffin set down his bowls–Merrie noticed that he took care to space them equally apart–before he pointed to them. “Eat, you have three minutes.”

All three of Piffin's bitches crawled forward. They crouched down to eat, but Piffin stopped them. “Twenty-Eight, further apart. More. Damn it, you know this.”

The third girl spread her legs and tightened them, moving until she seemed to get to the right place. Piffin grunted, and she lowered her head to eat.

“Bass, you weren't at breakfast.”

“I got distracted breaking in one of the girls.”

“I heard the screams.”

“She isn't screaming now,” came the defensive reply from Merrie's trainer.

“Thanks to Rendi. Well, it is in the guidelines of training. Just seemed to be a bit early for you to tear open a girl.”

Bass shrugged, his hand sliding his fingers in and out of Sama's pussy as she struggled to eat. He reached out and began to stroke Licker again; the dark-haired teenager lowered herself into a present position and gave Bass access to her pussy, which he took. Merrie felt a tiny surge of jealousy that they were being fingered.

“She used the toilet without permission, walked on her feet, and tried to leave the room.”

“Ah,” said Piffin, “that would be appropriate punishment then. My apologizes.”

“How about you?”

Piffin's lips tightened into a thin line. “I fucked them before they slept.”

Bass chuckled. “With your dick?”

Piffin turned away from Bass. “One of them, the requisite three strokes. Male Seven and Female Twenty-Eight cleaned her out.”

Bass grinned at Merrie who looked back and forth between the two trainers. “Piffin doesn't really find-”

“I can explain my own quirks, Bass.”

Bass gestured with his chin for Piffin to continue. He pumped his fingers deep into Sama and Licker. Wet noises rose from their pussies.

Piffin glanced once down at his bitches, then headed toward Merrie. Merrie held her breath as he came to a halt near her. "I find imprecision to be a turn-off. Very few bitches are actually capable of understanding that, so I find Bass' rule of not letting any bitch sleep without cum inside them to be tiresome."

“They are,” chuckled Bass, “being turned into sex slaves.”

Piffin shot a glare toward Bass, “And this country's owners of slaves have no respect for the beauty of perfection.” He rested his hands on his belly as he turned back to Merrie. “Let me demonstrate. Beg.”

Merrie lifted her hands up to her throat and spread her legs, just as Bass taught her. But, as she came to a halt, she saw disappointment in Piffin's face. Without him saying anything, she stared at his face as she adjusted her position. Her hands came up, then down until his eyes widened with surprise. She spread them apart, then shifted her knees until they felt right. As she tweaked her position, she felt her muscles burning with the effort to keep everything in the right place.

Piffin's lips parted with a shocked look on his face.

Merrie adjusted a few more times, then settled into place. It was the same position, but it felt right to her. And, with a quick glance down at Piffin's crotch, she saw a hardness tenting out his pants. With a gulp, she looked up at him and licked her lips.

“That is… tilt your ass down more.”

Bass chuckled, “No girl will ever meet your standards.”

Merrie rotated her hips until she felt the end of her tail tickling the ground. She saw in Piffin's eyes how close she was to something before he looked quickly away.

“Yes,” Piffin swallowed with a flash of discomfort on his face, “no bitch ever could…”

As he returned to his own bitches, Merrie could sense that she was almost there. A little bit more and she might have gotten the position right for him. She smiled and felt a flush of excitement; she needed to turn Piffin on as much as she needed Borias' and Bass' approval.

Sama crawled up to Merrie, and Merrie turned her attention on the girl. There was a strange expression on Sama's face as she stopped only centimeters from Merrie. Then, to Merrie's surprise, Sama reached out with her mouth and began to lick Merrie's face. Merrie opened her mouth to kiss Sama, but Sama continued to lap at her. When the brunette pulled back, there were a few flecks of oatmeal on her tongue.

Smiling, Merrie reached out and kissed Sama, who returned the kiss. They pressed their bodies together, shoulder to shoulder as Merrie's tongue slipped into Sama's mouth.

“Bass, that behavior is a week ahead of schedule.” Merrie knew they were looking at her and Sama.

“I know,” said Bass in a distracted voice.

“Do you think you pulled another-”

“No,” interrupted Bass sharply. He stood up and straightened his shorts. “Cunt, Tits, and Licker. We're going up to the room.”

Merrie broke the embrace and looked up at Bass. She knew he was frowning, but seeing his face like a dark and stormy cloud made her worry. She pulled away from Sama and crawled across the room to her leash. Behind her, Licker and Sama followed.

Bass held open the door and gestured them through.

Merrie hesitated as she remembered the threat about the door. She took a careful step past the threshold but her collar didn't shock her. A quick look up and Bass explained it.

“I'm holding the door open. Go on, up to the room.”

Relieved she wasn't going to be shocked, Merrie crawled up the stairs toward the third floor and Bass' room. She sat down by the door, knowing it was what Bass wanted, and waited for him to open the door.

It was like coming into a familiar room, but it felt like eternity since she woke up in the morning. The idea of an afternoon of sex appealed to her, even though she was tired.

Bass shut the door after Sama entered the room. “You know what? I'm actually a bit fucked out. Normally I only get one or two at the most, but three is more than I've ever done. So,” he gestured to the room, “I'll make you three girls a promise. We have a dog show tonight, where you are going to show how well you can obey commands. Winner gets… well, you'll get one of Rendi's collar charms and I get a few extra shares for the year. If you train for the rest of the afternoon, I'll let you have a good nap and won't fuck any of you until after the show. What do you say?”

Disappointed that she wouldn't be fucked–she still wanted to know what it would feel like to have Bass' cock buried in her ass–Merrie nodded, then barked once.

Bass smiled. “I knew you would Cunt. Licker? Tits? Want to avoid being ripped open for a few more hours?”

Licker barked the loudest, almost frantically. Her body shook with the effort as she barked again. Sama joined in.

Bass' smile stretched across his face. “Good. Now, there are four commands you have to know tonight, but we have thirty-one total. The first is present-”

Merrie spun around and threw herself into a present position. It was almost reflexive, but it was what Sable would have done. She held herself still, anticipation rising inside her pussy, as she waited for the words she knew would come.

“Very good girl Cunt.”

Merrie came.