As Bass opened the door to his room, he yawned. “I forgot how tiring these shows can be.” He leaned against the door and gestured for his bitches to get inside.

Merrie crawled through the door first. She was still high from getting the gold charm and it blended with the buzz of her third beer. Bass just finished taking them outside to pee and she remembered the tender way he held her tail and fingered her after she finished. She smiled and pranced as she entered the room. Finding a pillow, she turned around and sat down on it. Her newly acquired charm bumped against her throat and she felt a little thrill surge through her body. With a second thought, she thrust her breasts out and smiled broadly.

Bass chuckled as he closed the door behind Sama. “Yes, you were a good girl, Cunt.”

Merrie didn't need the collar to feel the sexual rush. She wiggled around and felt the moisture gathering at her pussy.

Bass rested his hand on Sama's back and she stopped. He squatted down and took her head with both hands. “Now, Tits, you were also very good. And, I didn't get a chance to put this on you.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the copper charm. It sparkled in the light and it looked like a dog's tail curled on itself.

“This is actually one of Rendi's more powerful charms, but the mill prides itself on this change, so they are made as copper charms. This will grow you a pretty little tail.”

Sama inhaled sharply, her eyes wide. Her fake tail bobbed as her buttocks clenched tightly. She stared at it as a soft whimper escaping her lips.

Despite having a gold charm, Merrie felt a surge of jealousy. She wanted to have a tail like Sable and knowing that Sama would be the first exasperated the irrational emotion. She wiggled in place, trying to imagine having a tail of her own. Her own ass clenched around her dildo as she tried to figure out how she could move the tail as smoothly as Sable did.

Rendi said that Bass shared the charms; maybe she would be wearing it as soon as the charm transformed Sama's body.

Bass clipped it on Sama's collar. “It will take a few days to finish and things will feel a bit… strange until then.”

A quizzical look crossed Sama's face. She squirmed her buttocks as she gave her dildo a hesitant wiggle. Expressions of pain, pleasure, and surprise crossed her face, then she sat back further than normal, balancing on the curve of her ass.

Bass kissed her forehead. “Will you be okay, Tits?”

Sama nodded, then gave a little bark.

“Good girl.”

As Sama shuddered, Bass stood up. He stepped back and smiled at all three of them. “I do have three lovely bitches, don't I?”

Merrie and Sama barked. Licker sighed, then barked a heartbeat later.

“Well, no matter how tired I am, I have to obey my own rules. None of you will sleep without cum in your bodies. But, I'm exhausted, so I'm just going to fuck…” He looked over them as he considered his options.

Merrie moaned softly at the idea of Bass' cock inside her. She squirmed at the tickle from a droplet oozing out of her pussy. She clenched down on the dildo and held her breath, praying that he would fuck her.

His yellowed eyes focused on Licker. “Licker. You didn't get any charms, so tonight, you'll get a different type of reward.”

Licker let out a whimper and inched back. Her ass lifted from the pillows as she started to get up, but then froze. With fresh tears sparkling in her eyes, she saw down.

Bass was already working his pants down. His fingers unbuttoned the fly and pushed the fabric off his muscular hips. His cock, already thick and dark, bobbed in the air as he stepped out of his trousers. “No, I'm not going to hurt you. You were good so I'm going to go nice and slow.”

Merrie's shoulders dropped when she realized it wouldn't be her wrapped around Bass' cock. She wanted to feel him inside her, needed it with a primal hunger that pooled in her gut. She knew why Bass picked Licker, she still had a pussy and throat to open up and Merrie already had the thriban's cock in two of her holes. She understood, but it didn't temper the jealousy already churning in her gut.

Bass' shirt hit the ground and he kicked it aside. “Licker, up on the bed. Tits and Cunt, you can go to sleep if you want.” He smiled to Merrie, “I suspect you want to watch.”

Pushing back her envy, Merrie waited until Licker crawled up on the bed. Then, she joined the shivering teenager. The soft mattress held both of their weights without even shifting. Sama remained kneeling by the side, peeking up from the floor with a flush on her cheeks.

Licker looked terrified as she trembled. She crawled up to the pillows and presented herself. Her pussy was already swollen, the lips spread apart with juices glistening along her labia. it was one of the first times Merrie ever saw Licker act like a slave without hesitation. Licker's knees dimpled the blankets and she jammed her head into the crevice between two firm pillows. Her slender body shook as she settled into place. Merrie could see how she kept her legs apart enough to splay the folds of her labia apart. Her nipples brushed the covers but there was a tension in the girl's back as she held still.

Merrie glanced over to Bass, who stood next to the bed. Her master didn't try to crawl on the bed. His eyes were focused on Licker and Merrie could sense a hesitation, a sadness actually, filling the thriban. It wasn't only in his face, but she could also feel it in his heart. She turned back to Licker with the need to do something. Crawling forward, she brought her head to Licker's sex. She used her nose to push the fake tail aside and ran her tongue along the length of Licker's slick lips.

Licker jumped at the first touch, but a muted moan drifted from the pillows. A shiver coursed along her body and Merrie felt a minute relaxing of the tightness in the teenager's body.

Encouraged, Merrie licked again. She found Licker's clitoris and used the tip of her tongue to circle around it. Even after a day of forced slavery by a man, Merrie realized she was getting a lot of training on pleasing a woman. It didn't take long before Licker's moisture and soft moans rewarded Merrie's tongue.

The teenage girl came with a tiny orgasm before Merrie stopped. She withdrew her mouth for Licker's pussy and ran her tongue to enjoy the fading flavor of girl juices in her mouth. She felt excited and heated herself, a desperate longing for cock or pussy clenching her thoughts.

“Good girl, Cunt,” murmured Bass. The bed shifted with his weight as he finally knelt on it. His cock dripped precum across the covers as he crawled up to Licker.

Merrie tried to get out of the way, but he rested his heavy hand against her backside, pinning her to the blanket. Merrie lowered herself to the blankets, lifting her ass to present herself. As Bass ran his thick fingers along her heated slit, she let out a long, gasping moan.

“Sable always loved watching me fuck girls up close.”

It was a statement, but Merrie shivered at the thought. The memory of Bass' cock driving into Licker's ass had dominated her mind throughout the day. It was the reason she hungered to feel him inside her and now he was giving her a chance to see it once again, up front and close. She didn't want to lose the chance, even knowing it was Licker who would get his thick cock buried inside her. She looked over her shoulder and wiggled her ass, blindly forcing his fingers back into her sex.

“Go on,” he said in a low, breathy voice, “roll over and stick your head between her legs.”

Merrie let out a gasp, and then barked happily. Rolling on her back, she looked up at the heavily muscled man towering over her. His cock was poised above her belly and she desperately wanted to pull him inside her. She fought her urges and shifted her position so she was admiring Licker's swollen sex. It was only centimeters away and the smell of it sent fires flickering along Merrie's skin. With a grin, she lifted her chin and gave Licker a lick along her clitoris.

Bass straddled Merrie's chest. His balls bounced against her breasts as he held his cock with one fist. The huge, swollen head dripped profusely as he lined it up to the tiny, rosy opening. It dwarfed Licker's entrance, like a giant trying to force his way into a doll house.

Merrie moaned and reached up to rest her gloved palms on his thighs.

“No, right here,” Bass picked up her hands and worked them between Licker's thighs to keep them separated.

From the pillows, Licker whimpered with anticipation.

“Licker, you aren't going to take my entire length tonight. But, I need to open you up. So, I'm not going to let you stop me, but I'm going to go nice and slow so it doesn't hurt.”

Without waiting for a response, he leaned into Licker.

From her vantage point, Merrie shivered as she saw the head nestle into Licker's sex. His precum splashed down on Merrie's face as he rocked up and down, swirling it around as he circled her sex.

Licker tried to close her legs, but Merrie's hands prevented her from moving closer. Her trembling shook Merrie and Merrie felt sympathy for Licker but an intense excitement as she watched the dark purple head sliding along Licker's shaved pussy.

The cock head seemed to find the opening and sank down a centimeter. Licker shuddered but Bass pulled back. A surge of precum oozed out from the hole at the end and splashed down on Merrie's mouth. She tasted it, salty and sticky.

Bass pushed his cock into the opening, then relaxed. He got into a rhythm, push and pull. Every time he pushed, the bare lips were dragged along with the flared cock head. When he pulled, tiny strands connected them for a moment before they broke.

He increased the pressure, working with a slow, steady rhythm. His cock pushed into the opening, but her tightness pretended him from penetrating. He was insistent as he continued. More liquid flooded out of his cock, splashing down on Merrie. She felt it coating her face as his thrusts continued to grow in strength.

Merrie felt Sama crawling on the bed and between her legs. Merrie spread her thighs as the brunette's charm bumped above Merrie's pussy. Sama backed down before she gave Merrie's slit a lick. Merrie almost cried out as she looked down to see Sama lying down between Merrie's thighs. Sama's eyes were also fixated on the sight of Bass' cock working its way into the tight, teenage pussy above Merrie.

Sama opened her mouth and planted her lips on Merrie's pussy. Without looking at Merrie, she started to lap at Merrie's clitoris.

Pleasure tore at Merrie's thoughts as she returned her attention to Licker's pussy. Bass' cock continued to work with his steady strength, the push and pull as relentless as the ocean waves. His balls dragged up and down Merrie's chest, rolling along her breasts as he moved.

Licker's pussy was responding to the thick intruder. When he pulled back, it didn't seal shut as quickly. Instead, it remained wide open, gaping, as if waiting for his cock. Juices, both Licker's and Bass's glistened off the opening.

Bass breathed hard as he pushed it back in. His cock head compressed from the pressure. Licker surged forward, gasping, but Merrie braced her with her arms. Bass held it there, his cock pulsating with his excitement. Licker's labia started to slid around it, envelop it, and Merrie felt a surge of excitement as she watched his head start to disappear inside.

With a groan, he relaxed and went back to the tiny pushes and pulls. They didn't satisfy Merrie as much and she felt excitement growing when Bass finally pushed his cock and held it there, increasing the pressure as Licker's pussy accepted more of him. Her labia swallowed his head faster this time.

Licker let out a moan, her entire body shaking with her gasps. Her thighs tried to close again, but relaxed after a second.

Bass went back to tiny strokes, but it was only a few before he ground his cock back into the opening, holding it there until a millimeter more slipped into the tight opening. When he pulled back, a fresh coating of precum glistened on the edges of Licker's gaping hole. He did it again, a slow steady beat of holding it against the slick opening and relaxing. Each time he held it there, a few more millimeters slipped into the slick channel.

Sama pulled her mouth away from Merrie's sex. Merrie felt a whimper rising in her throat, but when Sama pressed her gloved paw against her pussy, Merrie let the whimper die with a moan.

As Bass continued to grind his cock against Licker, trying to force it open, Sama did the same with her hand. Every time her moaster held it there, Sama's gloved hand worked its way into Merrie's sex. Merrie struggled to take the size of the hand, just as Licker struggled with Bass' cock.

Bass withdrew and so did Sama. Merrie and Licker both let out a whimper of longing. It wasn't long before Bass brought his cock back and Merrie felt Sama's fist entering her own channel. But, where Bass couldn't force his cock head into Licker's opening, Merrie's body could take Sama's fist.

Merrie never thought about a fist in her pussy before, but the feeling of the gloved hand forcing its way into her body send hot surges of excitement coursing through her body. She shuddered with the intensity of it as she felt Sama's knuckles rubbing against her insides.

Their master withdrew and so did the hand. Merrie felt strangely empty. She slid her hands from Licker's thighs and ran them up the teenager's flanks. Her own bound palms traced Licker's curves until she felt the hard nipples against her knuckles. As Bass pushed in and the hand slid into Merrie's cunt, Merrie suckled on Licker's clitoris and rubbed her nipples.

Licker jumped at the first touch, but then the pressure increased as Licker pushed back on the cock and Merrie's mouth. She also pushed ground down on Merrie's hands, rocking back and forth as her body grew tight with effort.

When Bass pulled back, so did Sama. Both Merrie and Licker moaned softly, gaping for breath.

It became a new rhythm. Bass pushed against Licker's opening and Sama fisted Merrie. Merrie sucked on Licker's clitoris as the girl pushed back on the cock and her palms, rocking as tiny sobs of effort flooded the room.

“Almost,” grunted Bass after a number of times, “there.”

Merrie was sticky, with precum and pussy juices coating her chin, throat, and chest. His balls dragged along her slick breasts and she could feel the tiny hairs dragging through the liquid coating her body.

As Sama's hand slid in, pushing completely into her body, Bass' cock head slid into Licker's pussy. It was a silent but epic movement as she saw the huge, swollen head compress down into a black spear as it disappeared into Licker's body. He pushed forward until Licker jerked, then held it there. The teenage girl couldn't even take half of his cock, the swollen knot was centimeters from reaching the girl's cunt.

Merrie shook with the intensity of seeing Licker's penetration. Above her, Licker's stomach clenched tightly and she froze. Between Merrie's legs, Sama had her fist completely buried in Merrie's sex, holding it there. Merrie could feel the ridges and laces of the gloves against her raw nerves. She came just as the sensations and images that assaulted her body.

“I'm going to hold it there,” gasped Bass.

None of them moved, except for their panting and the powerful pulse that ran along Bass' cock. Merrie's world spun around with her orgasm crashing into her. Even without movement, it just kept coming as she clenched around the fist buried inside her.

Then, Bass began to move. Tiny, centimeter strokes, that just dragged his cock in and out. It was a minute stroke but Licker moved as if he was burying his entire length. She matched his movements, rocking back and forth at the same rate. Bass increased his strokes and Merrie saw the cock sliding in and out, glistening as he fucked her with minutes strokes.

“It's okay, you're a good girl. A good girl.”

The collar slammed into Licker and Merrie could feel the pleasure filling the girl. The steady chant, which Merrie craved just as much, worked its magic on Licker and the teenage girl finally slumped on the pillow with a sob. A fresh surge of her excitement oozed out of the junction of their bodies and Merrie lapped it up.

“Just a few more,” grunted Bass with a distracted voice. “Just a few more.”

He continued to fuck her with tinystrokes. Without any warning, he gave her a hard stroke that drove a few centimeters inside her. Licker screamed out but Merrie was fixated on his cock as she saw it swell thicker and darker. His knot blossomed into a fist-size bulge as she watched his cum pouring down his lengths.

Merrie yanked her hands from Licker's nipples and pressed them against the teenager's belly, desperately wanting to feel it. Underneath the tightly clenching stomach, she felt Bass coming inside Licker, each jet came out with a surge that shook Licker. Licker's stomach tightened even tighter, no doubt trying to expel Bass.

Knowing what it would be like to resist the relentless force of Bass' cock, Merrie came again with a long shuddering moan. Her pussy clenched around Sama's buried fist and she wrapped her legs around Sama's head as she arched her back. It tore her apart just as much as Bass tore Licker open.

It took long minutes before Bass stopped coming. With a groan, he planted both hands on Licker's ass. His arms swelled as he pushed her off.

Merrie watched as centimeter of thick cock slid out. Then, as the cock head bulged out, it came loose with a wet, slurping pop. A flood of come burst out of Licker's pussy and poured down on Merrie's face. She opened her lips with surprise and felt it filling her mouth before running out of both corners of her mouth. She closed her mouth and more splattered caught her nose, eyes, and face. She felt the heated liquid splashing down her throat and breasts. It burned her eyes and she kept them tightly closed. The perverted part of her encouraged her to open her mouth.

She never swallowed cum like that before, never thought she could, but Merrie swallowed to clear her mouth. It was hot and slick and slimy as it left a salty burn down her gullet. She opened her mouth to gather up another mouthful of cum. It tickled the back of her throat and she had to gulp it down to avoid drowning.

The flood of cum ended quickly. Licker slumped forward, pinning Merrie's arms down. Her hips bumped against Merrie's head, then slid down until Merrie could feel the heated pussy resting in Merrie's hair.

Merrie gulped for air and wished she could see, but she couldn't open her eyes with cum pooling against her lids. She squirmed and felt Sama easing her gloved fist out of her cunt, the feeling of every lace intensely sharp as it slipped from her pussy. She arched her back, gasping for cool air.

Bass moved away. “Dog girls shouldn't be using their hands like that,” he said with an amused voice. “But,” he moved down, “good girl, Tits.”

The last bit of Sama's glove came out with a rush as the pleasure took Sama. Merrie shuddered at the last of the leather scraped at her insides, then slumped back as a feeling of emptiness filled her. She wanted Bass even more, but she knew it wouldn't happen that night.

“Licker, Tits, why don't you help Cunt?”

Merrie didn't know what they had in mind until she felt Sama's mouth against her nipple. The tongue against the hard, aching nub sent another bolt of pleasure filling her body. Then, she felt Sama licking at the cum that coated Merrie's body.

Licker got up from Merrie and a second later, she felt another mouth at her face, lapping at the cum that coated her face.

“Good girls.”

By the time Licker finished cleaning Merrie's face, Merrie was at the edge of a new orgasm. The feeling of the tongues against her skin fanned the flames and she writhed underneath their touch.

“As much as this is fun to watch,” said Bass in a low voice, “I think you all need a bath. I'll start the water.”

When Bass went into the bathroom and started the water, Licker stopped licking, but Sama didn't. Merrie moaned and reached out for Sama. Sama sidled up, their sticky bodies grinding against each other. Face to face, Merrie smiled and mouthed “thank you”.

“You're welcome” came the silent reply.

They kissed, not because Bass was watching but simply for the closeness of their bodies. Merrie moaned softly and twisted her body until they were hugging each other. She could feel Sama's perk nipples against her breasts and the heated slickness from between the brunette's legs.

The kiss ended and Merrie looked up at Licker. The teenager was sitting on the pillow, not as a dog but as a human. She watched Sama and Merrie, but when Merrie's gaze caught hers, the teenager looked away with a blush.

Merrie returned her gaze to Sama and gestured toward Licker. She wanted to do the same with the teenage girl.

Sama shook her head and made a face. Obviously Sama didn't want to force Licker.

Merrie wanted to press but then Bass called from the bathroom. “Bitches, come!”

Scrambling to obey, Merrie dropped to the ground and crawled into the bathroom. She expected to see Bass in the water, but he was kneeling by the tub. As she came in, he pulled her close and began to untie her gloves.

“You were a good girl, Cunt.”

Merrie moaned at the pleasure, holding still as Bass commanded her body. His thick fingers worked the laces with practiced ease and he pulled them off. She stared at her hands, unwilling to unwrap her fingers. They ached when she moved them and she thought about being cropped. Would she miss them? Would the thrill of not being able to pick up anything fade? Would it hurt?

Bass picked her up, one hand on her pussy and the other on her shoulder, and set her in the hot bubbly water. Merrie spread her legs for balance, then peered over the edge of the tub as Bass pulled Licker close and started to do the same.

“And you, Licker, were a very good girl. So brave and strong. A very good girl.” Merrie's pussy clenched at the impact his words had on the teenager. The resistance cracked in Licker's eyes and she leaned into Bass as the thriban finished pulling off her last boot. “A very good girl,” he whispered before setting her in the tub next to Merrie.

While Bass freed Sama, Merrie turned to Licker. Licker looked warily, then backed away on her hands and knees as Merrie crawled forward. The water sloshed but there was nowhere for Licker to escape.

Breathing heavily, Licker tensed as Merrie pressed her slick, naked body against Licker's and kissed the teenager. Licker looked surprise, but Merrie just kissed her again and again. Licker tilted her head away, but Merrie kept planting tiny, slow kisses along the girl's slender throat and chin. There was a trembling in the girl as the bubbles slid off her tiny breasts. Then, Licker turned back and kissed Merrie back.

It was soft, tender, and wonderful. The water sloshed around them as Bass set Sama in the water, but Merrie didn't pull her attention away from the poor teenage girl.

Merrie kept Licker occupied until she felt Bass' strong hands pull her away. She let out a whimper, then turned to Bass. She lifted her arms as he ran a sponge down her front, caressing her breasts. The water was slick and soft and it felt good against her heated skin. His eyes remained fixed on her and she couldn't tear her gaze away.

When he used his fingers to clean her sex, she moaned. He chuckled and looked away to grab the sponge. “I saw you playing with Sable this evening.”

Merrie breathed hard as he soaped her back. The water dribbled off her flanks, leaving tiny tickles before splashing into the bubbles. She wiggled a bit.

“And I think I have Borias to thank for that. You were a good girl and I think Tits and Licker and the others all had more fun because of you. I,” he paused and flicked the collar, “I wish there was more than just a charm that I could thank you for.”

She wanted to scream for him to fuck her, but didn't. She had to wait until he wanted her, she was his bitch. The realization sent a heated wave and she drank in the intoxicating addiction of submission.

He moved to watch her face and she closed her eyes. Everything he did, from the way his strong thumbs traced her lips to the way he blotted her face clean, left her aching for him even more. In the water, she clenched her fingers to her palms to enjoy the inability to do anything. She wanted to be his, and only his.

She felt a tickle, but it wasn't in her body. It was in the back of her mind. It was a realization of something was there, in her thoughts, but she never felt it before. It swirled around her, tingling through her skin and bones. A desire to be with Bass rose up, white-hot in its intensity. Even with him touching her as he rinsed off her face, it wasn't close enough. She had to be with him, in him, around him. She let out a long shuddering gasp as she tried to figure out what was happening.

Just as quickly as it came, the tickle and desire faded. It left behind an ache, a sense of loss. She didn't know what she lost any more than what just happened, but the distinct empty feel left her shivering.

“What's wrong?” said Bass.

Merrie didn't know how to understand. Something had happened, but she couldn't explain it or even understand. She gave him a pleading look.

“You're a good girl.” But, it was obvious that he wasn't saying it for anything other than to comfort her. He finished with a splash of water and moved to Licker.

Merrie turned and watched, feeling the ache of missing him even sharper in her gut. She wanted him, needed to be him, but now there was something else she could feel. There was something else… a wispy hunger that was on the tip of her tongue. She could almost reach out, but her mind refused to explain what she just felt.

Bass finished with whispered encouragements to Licker. He pulled each of the bitches out of the tub, dried them, and replaced their gloves and boots with fresh ones.

Merrie didn't know how he would put them to sleep, since she passed out the night before. She waited in a sitting position until he finished with Sama. Standing up, he brought them back into the main bedroom and to where he kept his perfumes and brushes.

“I know we don't have a show, but I want to make you pretty… prettier again.”

He sat on the ground, his legs crossed and gestured for Merrie. Merrie crawled forward and sat in his lap, her back to his chest. Her legs felt tiny in his muscular legs.

Bass picked up a brush and undid her dog ears. With quiet breaths and the soft chant of “good girl”, he brushed out her ears and retied them. By the time he finished the last dog ear, she was hot and slick once again. He ran his fingers through her smoothed hair and pulled her close. His cock was hard between her legs, but he made no effort to push it in.

“Want to smell pretty?”

Merrie smiled and let out a bark. She watched with anticipation as he picked up the expensive perfume and spritzed it along her cleavage and once between her legs. The cool mist tempered her excitement, but it came back quickly.

“Go on, Cunt. Licker, you're next.”

As Merrie crawled out of his embrace, she left behind a wet smear on his shaft. She sat next to Sama and watched as Bass tenderly brushed out Licker's black hair and redid her dog ears. The teenage girl's breasts were moving up and down with deep breaths as he repeated the activation words to the collar. Merrie's body clenched at the sympathetic pleasure and lowered her gaze down to the pink-dusted cleft between Licker's thighs. Bass' cock pressed against the length of the teenager's pussy and Licker rocked back and forth on it.

When Licker got up, his cock glistened even more.

Licker crawled toward Merrie and sat down next to her. She turned away from watching Bass and Sama. After a second, she crawled into the pile of pillows and dove into them.

Merrie watched as Sama was brushed out and perfumed. The brunette bitch responded in the same way to his soft words, tender hands, and kind ways. The smell of her excitement mixed with the perfume that clung around her. Merrie enjoyed the look of submission in Sama's eyes.

He finished and let her go. Sama crawled over to Merrie and kissed her.

Bass groaned. “All right, time for me to get pretty.” He chuckled as he stood up. “Well, as pretty as I can get.”

He stopped at the door frame of the bathroom. “This might be a bit. Go ahead and sleep. Tomorrow should be a bit less exciting than today. You are all good girls.”

Bass said a command word and the room darkened. Without another word, he entered the bathroom and closed the door.

Sama kissed Merrie one more time and gestured for the pillows. Merrie nodded and followed her. They found a thick pile of pillows and sank down into them. Sama wrapped her arms around Merrie and nestled her body close to Merrie's.

Merrie rested her head on Sama's neck and closed her eyes.

In less than a few minutes, Sama fell asleep. The slow, steady breaths rubbed their bodies together, not sexual but comforting.

Merrie, on the other hand, couldn't find sleep. She kept her eyes on the bathroom door and watched the shadows of Bass moving in the light. He worked unhurriedly, obviously thinking that they were all sleeping. As he continued, he hummed a popular song from ten years before. Merrie smiled and wanted him more.

Sama's soft breath tickled Merrie's hair. Merrie turned and kissed her on the cheek, but the woman didn't move. Merrie kissed her again, this time more aggressively. Sama didn't move.

Slowly, Merrie pried her body out from the woman's embrace. She crawled quietly over to the bathroom door. Her breath came faster with anticipation. She knew he would be coming out soon and she wanted to be waiting. A flash of insight came to her and she got into the begging position, hands near her collar and her thumbs teasing the golden charm at her throat.

Bass came out and stopped in the door. He was limp, but his cock twitched to life as he stared down at Merrie kneeling in the light of the bathroom. A smile crossed his face, his tooth peeking out from his lower lip.

“Happy Cunt,” he said simply.

Merrie stopped panting and gave out a whispering bark.

“Want to join me in bed?”

She nodded and wiggled her ass, rocking back and forth as she barked again. She felt her breath quickening in her chest and a smile crossing her face.

“Come on,” he gestured for the bed, “sleep with me.”