Merrie didn't know when she woke up, but one moment she was swimming in a seductive dream of obeying Bass and the next she stared out into the quiet bedroom. The first thing she felt was Bass behind her. His thick, muscular arm was draped over her side, his hand cupping both of her breasts. His thumb rested on her nipple. He had one of his legs hooked on her hips, the steady weight of the far larger man comforting as he held her pinned in place. Between her legs, his soft cock rested along her labia. Even soft, it was far larger and firmer than anything she experienced before.

A smile crossed her lips and she looked around the room without moving. From her vantage point, the only thing she could see was the bondage equipment and windows. The wooden shutters were closed against the night, but one of them was tilted to the side and she stared out across the canopies of trees that surrounded the mill. On the distance, the sun just started its kiss of the horizon and it looked like a razor blade sparkling in the darkness.

She blinked and let her attention return to Bass. She enjoyed the feel of his body. As he inhaled, his hairy chest brushed against her back. His cock also shifted minutely between her legs and she couldn't help as moisture began to gather. He exhaled and she leaned back into him. She could feel her weight against him, and when he inhaled again, she rocked forward.

“You're awake?”

Merrie jumped at the rumbling whisper in her ear. Twisting her neck, she turned to see Bass staring at her. His yellowed eyes were dark and shadowed as they focused on her. She shivered at the look, somehow knowing that his thoughts were in a dark place. She could almost reach out and touch them, a feeling that she could do something but Merrie was scared by the desperate urge to reach out and make Bass truly and utterly her master. She didn't know how or why, but the feeling was there, just out of her mental reach.

He shifted and lifted his arm and leg. “I have to pee.”

It was such a mundane need that Merrie had to smile. As soon as he mentioned his need, her bladder decided to join in and she squirmed at the pressure. He slipped his other arm and leg out from underneath her and dumped her on the warmed blankets. Standing up, Bass smiled at her and padded into the bathroom.

The warmth of the room was nothing compared to the heat from the thriban's body. Merrie shivered at the relatively coolness and dug into the blankets. She heard a whimper as she struggled to get the blanket over her head. Stopping, she pulled back and crawled to the edge of the bed.

On the floor, Sama was writhing in the center of the pillows. Her body glistened in the dim light leaking through the windows and her breasts heaved as she panted for breath. Soft whines drifted from her throat as she rolled out from the pillows. At her throat, the copper charm glowed with faint pulses of red power. As the light brightened, tiny waves of power spread out from the collar along the woman's skin. It sparkled as the magic danced in the darkness.

Gasping, Sama rolled over and stuck her ass in the air. Her gloved hands pawed uselessly at her buttocks, as if she was trying to get some maddening itch. Merrie saw where the light gathered, tracing the line down Sama's spine. Underneath the skin, the vertebra pulsed with the same light, filtered through the surprisingly thin cover of flesh. The waves ran down Sama's spine to gather at the base where the final joint glowed almost as bright as daylight. As Sama whined and rolled underneath a pile of pillows, Merrie was struck by the sudden darkness. The brunette pawed at her back and rolled in the opposite direction and the magic transforming her body lit up the room. Her eyes were tightly closed as she came to a halt on her back, her body pulsating with light which highlighted the gasps that shook her body.

“Cunt,” whispered Bass.

Merrie looked up to see Bass standing in the bathroom door.

He was naked and half-hard. He gestured to the door. “Do you have to go?”

Merrie didn't want to wake up Sama. She slipped off the bed and shivered at the touch of the cooler wood against her leather bound knees. Crawling to the door, she sat up and begged while staring at it.

“Good girl,” he whispered and she felt the pleasure pooling in her gut.

Moving just as silently, he wrapped a long cloth around his waist and opened the door. Outside, a lantern lit up the hallway and she closed her eyes against the brightness.

Bass led the way down. She knew where to go, but it felt good to crawl down the stairs after him. He opened the door and rested his hand between her shoulders as they left the house.

Outside, the summer air prickled her skin. It was humid and hot. It tickled her throat and she let out a soft cough. She needed to pee badly so she hurried up as they approached the bathroom area. She shivered when they crossed to the spongy ground and she found a spot that wasn't slick with dew. Spreading her legs, she held herself still as she felt the false tail drape over her sex. The tiny hairs tickled her pussy and she didn't want to soak them.

“Good girl,” he said as he squatted down next to her. His thick fingers ran up both lines of her moist slit before he pulled the tail aside.

When she let go, she felt humiliated and turned on like never before. She moaned softly at the pleasure of releasing her bladder, but also the excitement fading from the magic of the collar. No matter what Borias said, she knew that she wanted to be dominated just as much as the collar made her desire submission.

He wiped her clean when she finished. “Ready to go inside?”

She barked quietly.

Back in the room, she checked out Sama. The bitch was no longer whimpering, but her buried body continued to pulsate with red power. She looked up at Bass, but he picked her up and set her on the bed. A moment later, he crawled on the mattress and rested his naked body on his side. Merrie nestled into his chest, her back against him. He reached around and cupped her breast. Bass caught her nipple between two fingers and twisted them. His hand covered both of her tits, cradling them and using them to hold her tight to his chest.

She let out a moan. Her pussy responded with a flash of heat that redoubled as Bass positioned his half-hard cock along her leg.

With a chuckle, he closed her thighs around his shaft and used his leg to pin her down. He gave a test thrust of his hips but his soft shaft didn't budge. “Comfortable?”

Merrie felt the desire to have Bass inside her rise up. It was the soft, seductive hunger to feel him tear into her, to fuck her hard, and to bury his entire cock deep into her body. She let out a shuddering breath but then gave a soft, whispering bark. Her charm clinked lightly as she settled down in his embrace.

“Just a few hours of sleep, Cunt, then another day of sex and training. Today,” he yawned before returning to whisper in her ear, “you're going to learn how to roll over and fetch.”

She let out a moan, already enjoying the idea of humiliating herself by bringing him a stick. She wiggled her ass against his hips and felt his balls rolling against her thighs. She was rewarded with a surge of his cock, a pulse that coursed the entire length of the trapped meat resting against her pussy.

Merrie closed her eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Her mind wanted to return to the dream of submitting to Bass, but her awoken thoughts reminded her that she didn't have to dream. He was right there and holding her tight. She wanted him inside her and the growing hunger kept sleep at bay.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and stared back out the window. The razor blade of light had brightened and the stars were beginning to fade from the night sky. She tried to concentrate on watching them, but her thoughts drew to the softening cock between her thighs. She wanted him, all day and all night. And, now that she was so close, he wasn't going to fuck her.

She imagined what it would be like, pinned in the device that kept her ass and pussy exposed. She saw the huge cock and pictured it against her asshole, threatening to tear it open. Her body responded to her thoughts, an intoxicating mix of excitement and heat that radiated from her thighs. Sweat prickled her skin as she tried to imagine how much it would hurt, and how much it would turn her on. And all he had to do was just ram into her with one, brutal stroke.

When she felt his cock growing hard, she tried to remain still. Her mind locked on the fantasy of being violated. Even as she struggled to freeze, her hips rocked back and forth with slow, minute movements. The cock continued to grow, pushing its way out from between her thighs.

Behind her, Bass' breathing grew deeper. She knew he was still awake and focusing on her. His attention felt like a heat brushing her skin. Unwilling to stop, she increased her movements and slid his cock between the tightness of her thighs.

It didn't take long before his precum came dribbling out. She noticed that he always produced a lot of slick fluid and it wasn't long before it dampened her thigh and he was thrusting between her thighs. Quiet slurping noises rose up from her legs as she continued to ride back and forth.

Bass tightened his grip on her breasts, crushing them against her chest and driving her tighter against his. He lifted his head and dropped it down so he could whisper in her ear. “Horny, Cunt?”

She took a deep breath and nodded as she barked out a whisper.

“You want my cock?”

Another stifled bark.

“In your pussy?”

She didn't have a response for no. After a moment, he asked the question she wanted all day.

“In your ass?”

Merrie moaned as she barked. She thrust back on his cock and ground his balls between their thighs. She felt his cock surging between her legs, growing hot and hard. The desire for his shaft pried her legs apart as the swollen length stretched out further in front of her. She knew the cock intimately now, but looking down at the half-shadowed shaft, she ached to have it tearing her open.

Bass pulled away and she whimpered. His fingers ran down her spine until he reached the dildo embedded in her ass. He grabbed the tail and pushed her flat on her stomach as he pulled. The thick rubber resisted being pulled out.

Merrie lifted her hips as he twisted the dildo. She felt the firm length deep in her bowels twist and pull her higher. Her asshole clenched around the base of the plug. With a struggle, Merrie pushed out as if she was shitting. But, her attempts to relax didn't help.

Bass shifted to his knees and straddled her legs. She shivered as he grabbed the tail with both hands and pulled. The tight, anal ring finally relented and she felt it stretch open to release the dildo. It hurt, a good hurt, as the butt plug slipped out. It left behind a desperate ache that needed to be filled. She squirmed with the anticipation that she would soon have his cock buried deep inside her.

Bass tossed the dildo off the edge of bed. It hit the ground with a wooden thump.

She was already moving when he gave the whispered command to present. She stretched out across the pillows at the head of the bed and spread her legs. Her breasts ground into the blankets and she stretched her arms out until they bumped on the headboard. She felt her labia refusing to peel apart until she forced her legs as far apart as possible. Her hip ached for the moment it took for her to spread open, then she inched them closer until she was comfortable. She rocked her hips and her excitement dribbled down her inner thighs.

He positioned himself behind her with his knees outside of her legs. He rested his long, hard cock on her spine and she clenched her asshole with anticipation. His length could kill her as the head tickled above the small of her back. His two balls bumped against her thighs before they dragged up. She felt him fisting his length and pulling back.

Slowly, the slick head left a trail down her back. She trembled as the precum pouring out of his shaft pooled in the niche in her back. It overflowed after a heartbeat and dribbled down her flanks. The droplets clinging to her skin tickled her senses. She wanted to touch them, but she couldn't use her hands. She didn't want to use them even if she could. She had to be helpless, helpless and violated.

His thick head rounded the base of her spine and nestled in the “V” of her buttocks. She clenched her opening as she felt the dribbling head nestle in the opening. The dildo kept her loose, but it was tiny compared to the massive cock head poised to fill her. A inferno burned in her pussy, hot and choking, and she wanted to feel something inside her to quell it.

Bass' deep breath rumbled the air. Then, she felt it. The first pressure as he rocked forward. Lodged in her tiny opening, the cock head swelled as he pushed it against the ring.

Merrie whimpered as she felt her body fighting the intruder. It was too thick, too large. No matter how much she craved it, her anal ring fought the intruder. She knew he would dominate her body and force himself until her body ripped open on his shaft.

But, Bass relaxed. The pressure faded and she slid back into place. A hurt look crossed Merrie's face. She wanted to be violated, ripped open. She needed to be taken. She wiggled her hips to invite him to tear her open.

Bass leaned into her again. A heady mixture of pleasure and pain stormed inside her as her asshole struggled to keep it out. Precum bubbled out of his shaft and soaked her insides through her straining asshole. After a few agonizing seconds, he pulled back.

Merrie slumped forward and despair filled her. She knew what he was doing, he was easing her open like he did to Licker's pussy the night before. Merrie whimpered and pushed back, trying to keep the cock against her anal opening.

He returned to her, but it was another frustrating grind against her body before pulling away. The thick rivulets of precum added to her juices, but Merrie couldn't think past the frustration that burned in her gut.

She needed to make him understand that she wanted him to fuck her as hard as he could. She ached to make it hurt. The heat boiled in her pussy and she dug her fingers into her palms with frustration. In her mind, she screamed at him to drive into her, to bury his entire length. She could feel his hard length poised to fill her, but he continued to ease her open.

Her mind spun furiously. She knew Bass wanted to bury himself in her. She could feel his desire mixing with her own, but something held him back. It was fear and she could feel it as a dark cloud over them. Bass struggled with more than just fucking the bitch in front of him.

After a few minutes of tender ministrations, Merrie had to do something. Her mind spun as she tried to find some way to convince Bass to violate her. She tried to keep the pressure but he withdrew too fast. She tried to reach back, but her helpless hands refused to reach that far back. She slumped forward, resigning herself to the slow, steady fucking when she just wanted to be torn open.

Her breath warmed the pillow and she leaned forward as he increased the pressure. It felt good, almost deliriously good, but Merrie hungered for more. But, as a helpless, speechless bitch, she could do nothing.

Then it came to her: the collar. She remembered how he jerked when she spoke on the stairs. He also warned Sama that a shock would shove his cock into her pussy. As Bass continued to rock back and forth, the gentle master she could only dream for, Merrie plotted her own brutal violation.

Moving carefully, she planted her hands against the headboard and pushed back. She took a deep breath and tried to speak. But, as she tried, her throat froze with the remembered pain of the collar.

Bass ground his head into her ass, swirling it as the ring continued to resist him. Merrie fought against him, not wanting to give even a millimeter of pressure before she could gain the courage to set off her collar.

Sweat beaded on her forehead as she waited until the next time he brought his cock to bear. As the pressure increased, forcing the tiny ring further apart, she inhaled to speak, but once again, the word refused to come out.

Merrie gasped, her breasts heaving as she tried again. When she couldn't fight her own body, she slumped forward.

“No, I'll be gentle, Cunt,” whispered Bass. His hand released her hip and he slid his hand to curl his fingers on her shoulder. With his tender nature, he pulled her back into a presentation position.

Merrie trembled at the touch. He was holding her shoulders and pulling her back. His cock, the huge length poised to tear into her rectum was a straight line. It would only take a single word and she would impaled. She hyperventilated as she screwed up the courage.

Bass' fingers tightened on her shoulder, no doubt to keep her presenting herself as he worked his cock into her.

She felt the pressure peaking. She knew it was only a second before he would start to relax and ease out of her. She closed her eyes tightly, ground her palms against the headboard, and then screamed out.


The collar exploded into brilliance. An electrical surge burned through her mix and ignited the flames boiling in her pussy. She came hard as she felt every muscle in her frame tighten up in a magically-driven spasm. She could barely feel her own body, but in the heartbeat it took for her to be shocked, she felt Bass spasm around her.

His hands ground down on her shoulders as he yanked her back. His cock punched into her ass and thrust deep into her body. His knot came instantly after and she let out another scream as she felt it tear her open as it speared into her. The cock, in its glorious length, drove deep into her and she felt her insides tearing wetly as his balls slammed against the back of her thighs.

Pain blossomed into a white-hot fury. It was sharp and brilliant, but as it crashed against the orgasm that already exploding inside her. Combined, they both turned into a blinding burst of sensation. It wasn't pleasure and it wasn't pain, just a pure sensory overload that set her entire body aflame. Her vision grew dark as she almost blacked out, but then her senses came back with a rush. Stars swam across her vision as the last of the electrical discharge left her body with a rush.

Merrie was plastered up against the headboard, her head tilted at an uncomfortable angle and her breasts crushed against the carved wooden surface. Trembling, she pushed back against the wood and gasped at the feeling of his cock, so hot and hard, filling her from asshole to her lungs. She slumped back against the headboard and let out a strangled moan of pleasure.

She could feel Bass' heartbeat through his cock. His shaft pulsed with a powerful drumbeat, shaking her guts with a rapid-fire pounding. His balls drew up against her thighs as he let out a long, gasping breath.

She let out her own caught breath. It came out in a ragged rush of air as she felt the pain continuing to blossom inside her guts. She felt wet and swollen. A liquid heat filled her, adding to the pressure of the shaft that pierced her ass. Beyond the pain, her orgasm still raged inside her. It was an intoxicating rush of pleasure and submission. She could feel her pussy drooling with excitement, the thick rivulets coursing down her thighs and soaking the blankets beneath her.

Bass snatched his hands away. His voice was filled with horror and fear, “No, not again.” His hands, now trembling, planted against her ass, and he started to pull his cock out of her. A wet surge of liquid came out and the scent of coppery cum flooded the air. She breathed it in, struggling with the mixture of familiar and unfamiliar scents.

She didn't want to him to pull out. Even through the agony, she wanted to feel him buried inside her. It was a hunger and lust and every centimeter he withdrew left her feeling aching for his hardness. She stared at the headboard and realized it was reflecting a yellow-green light. It took all of her effort to force her head down to stare at the glow that shone off her sweat-slicked breasts. It came from her golden charm, her prize for being a good bitch.

With a start, she realized that it was the regeneration charm. The color she saw was the same when Rendi first put it on. But, if it was glowing, that meant that she needed healing. Her body clenched tightly Bass' cock with the realization that he really tore something when he impaled her. Actually, when she made him pierce her with his hard length.

She could feel the magic already pooling in her gut. The tingle of power traced out her insides as her guts twisted and molded around his length. She could feel her intestines becoming a tightly-fitting glove that caressed every bump, vein, and ridge of his cock.

Bass continued to ease his cock out. His knot scraped through her bowels, dragging the throbbing knot toward her opening. He was harder and hotter than she ever felt. She knew that he wanted to drive into her just as much as she wanted him, but he was pulling out instead of driving it back inside her. It was fear that kept him from staying inside her.

As the cock pulled out, more fluid poured out with it. It ran down her thighs and puddled beneath her knees. She could feel it lapping against her body, mixing pleasure with the pain of his withdrawal. He stopped as his knot ground against the insides her anal ring, the last gateway before he pulled out completely. She released a strangled whimper, not wanting him to ever leave.

“I-I have to pull this out.” He sounded scared, not the commanding master she expected. “Just one little yank and you'll be free. Just hold your breath and… get ready…”

Merrie smiled through the tears that ran down her cheeks. She didn't want him to leave, she wanted him back inside her. She wanted to feel the pain of being impaled. Another orgasm rushed up inside her, searing at her pussy, as she pressed her hands against the headboard once again. She knew how to bring him back.

Even as Bass' cock surged with heat and hardness, he held her hips to push out. She wanted until she felt the knot bulging out of her asshole.


Her voice grew shrill as the collar ignited. His cock punched back into her body as she spasmed around it. Pain and pleasure mixed up into a storm of sensations, assaulting her body and mind. She felt the orgasm tearing through her. Her hands pawed at the headboard as he stopped deep inside her. His cock surged hotly inside her, moments away from coming.

The second time, it didn't hurt as much. She moaned at the feeling of being filled. He was inside her, stuffing her, dominating her. Her entire body was becoming nothing but a sheath to his cock as she felt the healing magic continue to wrap her insides around his length. And she came at the realization he could use her as nothing but a hole to fuck as deep and hard as he wanted.

She opened her mouth to force him deeper, but Bass stopped her. “Cunt, stop.”

Merrie froze, her body trembling as she kept coming on his cock. She couldn't stop the pain and pleasure from mixing. It was everything she thought it would be. Wet liquid poured from the junction of her body and she kept clenching and unclenching as the world spun around her.

“Do…” he spoke in a strained voice, “Did… Was this on purpose?”

Merrie sobbed as her stomach clenched. Stars continued to swim across her vision as she drowned in the feeling of being filled. His cock filled her to the limits and she never wanted him to pull out. It took all her strength and courage to let out a strained, almost guttural, bark.

“Are you sure?”

She barked again and pushed back. His cock ground deeper inside her and the charm flashed as it continued to heal her. She didn't want him to ask question, she wanted to be fucked, to become his bitch.

Somehow, Bass knew what she wanted. He grabbed her by the collar with one hand and smacked his other against his ass. She thought she heard him whisper, “Please don't die” but then he was fucking her.

It wasn't gentle. It wasn't tender. It wasn't even the strokes he punished Licker with. Merrie was fucked by a lust-filled thriban. He started with deep strokes that tore his knot out of her ass before punching it back it. Wet sucking noises filled the room as he yanked her back with one hand, then shoved her forward with the other. His cock slammed against her lungs, driving a gasp out of her throat, before he yanked the entire length out of her gaping ass.

Before she could even focus on the gaping feel, he drove deep into her. Her ass took his entire length until his balls crashed against her thighs and his cock head drove another gasp out of her body. She couldn't stop it, she couldn't even breathe as he accelerated with hard, pounding strokes that drove her into the headboard.

Merrie was helpless against the assault. Bass was fucking her the way she only dreamed possible. His cock punched in and out with ferocity, ripping her open until her body no longer resisted his length, girth, or even his knot. She came every time she felt the fist-size bump drive into her, then again when it came out with a slurping pop.

He drove into her with a force that popped her joints. She shook like a rag doll with every thrust. And he just kept on pounding her with hard, powerful strokes. Her head rapped against the headboard in a rapid-fire staccato until he hauled back on her collar.

She felt the breath in her throat cut off as the metal ring dug into the flesh. She arched her back, which only drove the cock into a different part of her raw insides. She felt his length against her belly and when she pressed her shaking gloved hands against her abdomen, she could feel his hard cock driving into her palms with every thrust.

Merrie couldn't breathe. The desperation for cool air in her lungs only increased the pleasure inside her. She tried to clench around him, but he ruined her body faster than the regeneration could repair her. She clawed at the collar with one hand and held her belly with the other. She never wanted him to stop.

Bass grunted as he released her ass. His hand thrust underneath her arm and he grabbed her shoulder from the front. His hips surged up and impaled her fully on his cock. His thrust continue as he stood up sharply on the bed.

Without the bed underneath her, she felt unattached to the world. She was suspended in the air, with only the pounding cock in her ass and the hands holding her up. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. She wasn't sure if she had one or many orgasm as her body continued to clench repeatedly around the cock that refused to stop spearing her.

Bass grunted, a primal noise, as he accelerated even more. It felt like a blur as he thrust deep into her body. Her chest ached from the punching that fought against the collar choking her.

He stopped sharply with his cock buried completely inside her. Deep inside her, his hardness swelled and stretched her out even more. She flailed around, still struggling to breathe, when he started to come. It wasn't some delicate little spurt like her previous lovers, but a hard-jetting flood that poured into her. It filled her belly and she could feel the skin stretching as she tried to accommodate the flood. The pressure added to the ecstasy and discomfort, swirling around and sending the orgasm into a brilliant, blinding fury.

She screamed out from her orgasm, not caring if the collar would activate. With the collar digging into her throat, it came out as a gasping wheeze that couldn't even being to describe the explosion that tore through her body. Her body was no longer hers to control, she just flopped as quakes slammed through her senses. Each pulse of her heart, a rapid-fire beat, pounded through her body and sent off another flares of pleasure. She kept on coming until she thought her insides would leak out of her body.

Bass continued to slam into her, short strokes to pump more cum into her guts. Each thrust was accompanied by a guttural grunt and am impact that rocketed through her body. He kept on coming, his body taut with tension, until it poured out of her ruined asshole. The thick, wet noises filled the ground as it splashed on the blankets. He dropped to his knees and he released his collar. Curling over her, he pressed her into the cum-soaked blankets and let out a sob. He buried his face in her neck as another sob tore out of his chest. “Please don't die.”

At the sound of his cracked whisper, Merrie stopped panting long enough to give a small, gasping bark.

He jumped at the noise, then clutched her tighter. “Thank you.”

She barked, tears in her eyes and a feeling of satisfaction that she never felt with any other lover.

“Thank you so much.” His hot tears ran down her chest, mixing with the sweat and cum.

Merrie barked and started to cry herself. She didn't care why, but she finally got she wanted. And it was worth the pain to feel such a high of being owned, truly dominated, by her master.

He held her tightly for a long time, his cock still pulsating deep inside her body. As his breath grew less ragged, he relaxed. Merrie just held herself still, breathing hard against the hands that trapped her. She felt the magic finishing its work on her insides and the tingling fade as it repaired the last of her injuries.

She heard a gasp. Looking to the side, she saw Sama and Licker at the side of the bed. Both of them had looks of horror on their faces. She gave them a smile and a little bark. Licker shuddered but neither looked away.

Bass chuckled and Merrie felt it vibrate her deep inside. “Rendi is going to kill me. Okay, I have to pull out now. Don't you dare say anything.”

They both groaned as Bass eased his cock out of Merrie's body. It came with another rush of hot liquid. It poured out of her body, searing the skin, before splashing down on the bed. He let her slump into the puddle that formed on the blankets. He reached over and yanked four times on a rope hidden by the post of the bed. Somewhere, a bell rang out.

He struggled out of bed and backed away from her.

Still lost in the intense afterglow of orgasms, ecstasy, and agony, she writhed on the bed and moaned softly. She reached down to morbidly inspect her asshole, but she couldn't feel anything through the leather. She returned her hand up and stopped.

It was coated in white and crimson. Eyes widening, she scrambled to a sitting position just as Borias burst into the room. Around her was a thick puddle of cum and blood, flecks of pink froth floated in the starkly mixing colors.

“By fucking Azus, boss!” Borias' pissed voice shot through the room. He was at the door, wearing nothing but a pair of black underwear. “What did you do? Disembowel her!?”

Merrie looked up, a pleading look on her face. She held out her dripping glove for Bass. She didn't know how to tell either of the men she was not hurt.

Bass continued to back away, a guilty look on his face.

Borias ignored the mess and crawled on the bed with her. He planted one hand on Merrie's belly. She jumped at the touch, but he ground hard against her skin and barked out a spell. His hand flashed as a circle of power formed around his hands. The sudden runes stretched out from hip to breasts to pussy and glowed with yellow-green magic. A tingle of healing coursed through her and soaked her insides. She felt her body twisting and settling back into place, but there was the distinct feeling of an empty place that only Bass could fill.

Almost instantly, Borias relaxed. “You are damn lucky, girl. Without that healing charm, you be dead now.”

At the door, Tabitha snapped out. “Licker and Tits, go with Dixie. Now!” The woman's voice cut through the room and Merrie jumped at the noise. A moment later, Tabitha was at the bed with an angry look on her face. “Bass, I know you were behind in ripping them open, but this? Seems a little rough for you.” She turned to Borias, “How is she?”

Merrie shied away from the glares and focused on the trepidation on her master's face.

“She be okay. Actually, very okay. Mother's healing charm is working just fine.” He lifted his hand and the runes faded. He reached up and grabbed the collar for a second before releasing it. “And her collar is fine.” He cocked his head, then turned to Bass. “Why be the collar fine? You didn't even trip any of the emotion filters.”

As Tabitha turned to face Bass, Bass slumped against the wall. His entire body from the waist down was crimson and white. He chuckled as if he didn't believe it. “She will live?”

“Aye, boss, she's going to be just fine. What did you do? You can't fall from grace twice, even for doing the same fucking thing.”

Bass took a deep breath. “It wasn't me. It was her.”

Tabitha said nothing, but Borias snapped out. He crawled off the bed and took a step toward Bass. His right hand started to flicker with a magical spell. “Right, you be telling me she wanted you to rip her like that? She isn't suicidal and you fucking know you can kill a girl on that dick-”

A flash of anger crossed Bass' face. He opened his mouth to snap back, but a sudden anger in Merrie pushed her to respond faster.

She barked.

Borias froze, then slowly turned around. A strange look crossed his face as he returned to Merrie. Bass and Tabitha were also staring at her. Bass had a look of joy on his face, but Tabitha had a dark scowl on her face.

Merrie felt fear filling her as she crawled into a kneeling position. Her knees slid through the puddle and filled the room with a wet, slurping noise. More cum poured of her ass and she felt pleasure from the sensation of it draining out of her.

“Mer… Cunt?” He held out his hand. “Why you be barking?”

“I think,” said Bass with relief, “she was answering you.”

Borias reached out and rested his hand on Merrie's shoulder. “You be saying you wanted this? You wanted him to tear you like this?”

She nodded as she barked again.

“It could have killed you.”

Merrie didn't think she could die from his cock inside her. But, as she looked down at the blood and cum pooled around her, she realized how close she could have been to death. Her golden charm saved her, but she knew that she forced him into her with all her heart. Even without the magic, she had no doubt she would have done the same thing. She peeked up through her hair and gave a sheepish bark.

“Well…” He let out a long, shuddering breath as the anger fled his face. “Well, then. Fuck me ass with a broadsword, you be just suicidal as the boss.”

She gave another bark and blushed.

Borias shook his head and she saw a smile as he turned away. The mage pointed a finger at Bass. “Look, boss, you might be like shoving your dick into holes like that, but don't be doing that to Licker and Tits, k? I know that be the reason you fell, and it be feeling damn good to rip into a girl like that, but Cunt be special. She isn't like the others and they can't be taking your pounding.”

“Are you,” growled Bass, “telling me what to do?”

“Yes,” said Borias in a sharp tone, “I be. And if you disagree, I be getting mother in here and we can have a talking. Tabby?”

Borias turned to look for Tabitha, but she was already gone. He sighed and spoke in a calmer voice. “Sorry, boss, I just be liking your girl and when I saw all that blood…”

Bass pushed himself away from the wall. He padded over to Borias and patted his shoulder. “I panicked too, Bori, that's why I called for you. I swear on any god but one that I was going to be nice and slow with her. I didn't expect her to use the collar like that.”

“Aye, I saw she triggered it twice, but she be trying a few times to get through the silence filter. She wanted to speak. She wasn't scared or angry or anything. But, hard to believe that she would want that thing,” he gestured to Bass' stained cock, “tearing into her like that. You be damn lucky she be an alpha.”

“She isn't and never will be an alpha,” snapped Bass.

“How many girls have ever done that before? Ripped themselves open on your dick? Actually, boss, how be figuring out the collar to make you rip her open. I bet she be lusting after your dick for days now.”

Bass opened his mouth to say something, then closed his mouth with a snap.

Borias patted Bass' arm and headed to the door. He stopped at the frame and turned around. “And no matter what you say, that be an alpha.”

Merrie stared at the door, shivering as the puddle cooled underneath her. She turned and watched her master. The storm of expressions on her face frightened her, but she felt content that she gave Bass something he wanted, needed. She was sated, not just physically, but also the hunger that burned in her mind was gone. She tightened her ass and smiled at the squelching noise that drifted up.

Bass sighed and came to her. He whispered softly, but without conviction. “She isn't a damned alpha, Bori.”