It was only six days since she first came to the mill, and three since Bass tore her open, but Merrie was happier than she could ever imagine. She opened her eyes and looked out in the morning light streaming into Bass' bedroom. It was a late morning, no doubt because Bass fucked all three of them before drifting to sleep.

If she was still a free woman, she would be rushing around trying to find clean clothes and fresh food. No doubt, the couple next door would have been screaming at each other. He would slam the door as he stormed out for work and she would scream out the window for another ten minutes before banging around the house. Merrie always left before her neighbor started drinking, usually in a sprint to make it to work to avoid being late once again.

At the mill, there was no struggle when waking up. There were screams, but they came from the bitches being fucked in other rooms of the house. In the last few days, the terror-filled noises had faded into moans and barks of pleasure. There was no rush to run out of the house or a need to go out and earn her living. All she had to do was fuck the most compassionate kidnapper she had ever imagined.

Merrie moaned softly and stretched out along the pillows. Her right nipple slipped off the fabric and bumped on the cooler wooden floor beneath. It was a shock, but one that brought a new wave of pleasure coursing through her senses.

She loved being a sex slave.

Merrie lifted her head and looked up at the bed. Sable's ass stuck out over the edge, wagging back and forth. Her head bobbed up and down on Bass' cock. The soft wet noises filled the room and Merrie felt a welcoming tingling gathering in her pussy. Her first longing was to crawl up on the bed and join Sable. She loved the feel of Bass' cock in her mouth, actually anywhere in her body, and the hunger only increased since he tore into her ass.

She started to get up to crawl over, then stopped when the longing was sharply replaced with a firm desire to crawl away. It wasn't fear that pushed her back, just a sense that she wasn't wanted on the bed. Merrie blinked and realized that it was similar to the feeling she got when she first encountered Dixie, like foreign thoughts drifting through her mind.

Merrie didn't resist the new desire. She stopped and sat on the pillow. The fabric rode up between her legs and brushed against her naked sex. She could feel moisture gathering at her cleft, even after being pushed away from Sable and Bass. Her gaze caught the sight of Licker and Sama.

Licker was stuck between a large, overstuffed pillow and the wall. Her back was arched over another pillow, thrusting the two tiny breasts in the air as she breathed deeply. One knee rested against the wall and her position spread her pussy wide open. Licker's labia glistened in the morning light and Merrie thought it was one of the most beautiful things she had seen.

Sama's head was rested on the pillow between Licker's legs, in the same position where they fell asleep the night before. She was on her belly, with the curve of her back leading to a pile of pillows heaped over her legs. Right at the junction of pillow and air was Sama's tail.

The charm finished its transformation only the night before. Rendi had come up after dinner to ease Sama's dildo out of her rear. It looked strange to see one of the new girls without a false tail, but Merrie thought the new tail's wavy brunette hairs fit Sama perfectly. Sama's new tail reached down to her knees. Whenever it wagged, her back muscles twitched with the unfamiliar sensations.

Merrie couldn't wait for her own.

The desire to look at Sama's tail and ass rose up. She let out a soft moan of pleasure and decided that Sama needed to be woken up with a blow-job. A week before, she would have thrown up at the idea of looking at a woman's nether region so closely, but now it seemed like the perfect way to wake Sama up. She grinned and crept over the last mound of pillows.

She didn't need the gloves to remind herthat she couldn't use her hands. Borias' words still sent a thrill through her. She reached out with her head and pushed the pillow aside and bared the leather boots underneath. Breathing softly and distinctly aware of the pleasure growing in her sex, Merrie nuzzled her face up between Sama's legs. She pushed aside pillows until she reached the curve of Sama's ass.

The last pillow fell aside and Merrie stopped to admire the tail. It rested limply while Sama slept. The furry part ran along the line of Sama's tight ass before dropping between her legs and covering her sex.

Merrie used her mouth to pick up the tail and push it aside. She felt it twitch in her mouth before she set it aside. Looking down at the ass, it felt strange not to see the dildo peeking out of the girl's rear. Merrie used her nose to part Sama's ass cheeks, pulling them apart until her lips caressed Sama's sphincter.

Sama trembled underneath her and lifted her hips slightly in response.

Merrie stared up at the tail that began to wag and enjoyed the play of Sama's back muscles as it waved back and forth. She decided to encourage it by darting out her tongue and circling around the wrinkled opening.

The tail wagged faster as Sama stretched out her legs. Merrie peeked up to see Sama peering at her over her shoulder, a happy smile on her face. Biting her lower lip, Sama put her head back on the pillow and lifted her hips even more.

Merrie worked her mouth lower and drank in the heady smell of excitement rising up. She nestled her body tighter against Sama and applied her tongue against the girl's ass, working the tip into the clenching opening and using her tongue like a tiny cock.

A moan rewarded her as Sama arched her back and pushed back against Merrie's mouth. Merrie continued her assault against Sama's sphincter, licking and probing until the hips rocked back and forth with growing insistence. She tasted Sama's excitement and lapped the bitch from clitoris to tail.

On the far side of the room, she knew that Bass was coming close to an orgasm. She couldn't tell from the wet slurping noises from the bed, they were lazy, deep, and loud. Instead, the realization came from inside her head. She knew because something told her. And the same unknown source gave her something else: Sable was being playful. It was strange but somehow she knew that the loud noises weren't for only pleasing Bass, but also a challenge. A race to see who could make their lover come faster. Sable wasn't just sucking on Bass' cock, she was trying to make him come before Merrie could lick an orgasm out of Sama.

Merrie froze as she struggled with the new information. She couldn't even imagine how she knew that Sable was racing, but the loud deliberate noises were distinctive. As Merrie struggled with her thoughts, Sable stopped abruptly.

Looking up, Merrie saw Sable looking at her, mouth full of cock. The bitch gave her a wink, then grabbed Bass' cock with the severed ends of her elbows and took his entire cock into her mouth. Her meaning was clear.

It was a race.

Merrie grinned and turned back to Sama's ass. She burrowed her face into the soft pillows of flesh and sought out the wrinkled opening. She breathed in the smell of pussy and sweat before she dove her tongue into the opening.

Sama jerked at the touch, then moaned as Merrie lapped at her pussy. Sama's tail smacked Merrie in the head as it thrashed in all directions. It wasn't quite under Sama's control, but the rocking hips against her face and the hot juices that coated Merrie's throat gave Merrie hope she could still win.

As Merrie licked and slurped, she moved her gloved hand up to Sama's pussy. Even through the leather, she could feel the heat of their bodies. She rested the ridge right along her knuckles against Sama's slick pussy lips. At the same time, Merrie moved her mouth to focus only on Sama's asshole. As she probed the one opening with her tongue, her knuckled fist pressed at the entrance of the other.

Sama let out a gasp and spread her legs, pulling her lips apart as Merrie's fist circled the opening. Her pussy was soaked as she held her hips completely off the ground to give Merrie access to her openings.

Merrie drove her fist into the velvet friction of Sama's pussy. After four days of fucking, the cunt accepted the girth of her hand easily. She reached the back of Sama's pussy, to where the hard nub marked the entrance to her womb. Merrie pumped in and out as she used her tongue as a tiny cock to work its way into Sama's ass. It didn't take long before Sama started to come, but even as she felt Sama's pussy clenching around her fist, Merrie knew that Sable beat her by a heartbeat.

Bass let out a hard, guttural grunt. Merrie peeked over to see him holding Sable's head down, thrusting up as cum poured out from the corners of her mouth. It ran down her chin and throat before splashing loudly on the blankets.

Merrie had to focus on Sama's orgasm, feeling the woman clenching around her buried fist and squeezing her buttocks against Merrie's face. Her tail snapped back and forth randomly, smacking the pillows and Merrie. Sama shuddered twice, then slumped forward with a moan that ripped through the room.

Pulling back, Merrie eased her glistening fist from Sama's cunt. Slightly hazy juices dripped off the leather as she set it down on the pillow. It left a smear on the fabric.

A thump caught Merrie's attention. Sable hit the ground and bounded over to Merrie. Her cheeks were puffed out as she sidled right up against Merrie, then kissed her.

Merrie opened her mouth to accept the kiss, then almost choked as Sable pushed a mouthful of cum into hers. It was the taste of their master, salty and musky. The smell of a man who dominated her. She let it roll over her tongue before playfully pushing it back into Sable's mouth.

Sable pinned Merrie against the pillow, her curvy body belying her playful domination. Her tongue worked the thick, hot cum back into Merrie's mouth.

They teased each other as they rolled his cum in their mouths, swirling it around as little bits dripped down their throats. A few minutes later, it was gone except for the salty taste that clung to her senses.

Merrie broke the kiss with a gasp. She saw a thick strand clinging to Sable's face and licked it clean.

“Now that,” chuckled Bass, “is how I like to wake up in the morning.”

Sable spun around and planted her ass right next to Merrie. As she brought her arms up to her throat, Merrie mimicked her position. A moment later, Sama crawled to her knees on the other side of Merrie and did the same.

Bass stood up and padded over to him. His yellowed gaze drifted to the side to Licker. The teenage girl was still against the wall, but her eyes were open as she watched the others. Merrie was sad to see a sullen look on the girl's face. She desperately wanted Licker to enjoy her position, or at least find some pleasure in her position. As far as Merrie knew, Licker was the only one who still fought with tooth and bound nails against their predicament.

“Come on, Licker. Right next to Sable.”

Hesitantly, Licker pulled herself from the pillows. She moved with slow movements, half crouching, as she crawled around the three posing girls to sit down on the far side of Sable.

“Arms up,” came the command, “you know how to beg.”

When Licker finally obeyed, Bass gave an approving grin. “Good girls. Now, what should we do today? Fuck you?”

Sable and Merrie barked at the same time. Sama joined in a moment later.

“Good girl, Sable, Cunt, and Tits.”

Merrie shivered at the collar. It was still addictive and intoxicating as the first time it hit her. Her charm clinked against the metal as she realized she never came. It filled her from the inside, a hunger desire to reach an orgasm curling through her thoughts.

“Good, because I'm in a good mood.” His face brightened. “I know, how about a picnic? Just a little fuck in the woods?”

Merrie barked but Sable suddenly surged out of place. She bounded over to the armor in the corner and planted both elbows against it. It rang out as it hit the wall. She barked twice, then spun around to beg again.

Bass watched her, then chuckled. “It is Rabiday, isn't it?”

An excited bark.

“All right, a picnic and a bit of exercise.” He turned back to Merrie and the new bitches. “Sounds like a plan. Licker's fuck will have to wait after we go on a little walk… say, five kilometers or so?”

Merrie moaned with anticipation. The daily walks always ended with at least one of the bitches being fucked. And with Sable there, no doubt Merrie would have either one of her holes filled with her master's cock or be pinned to the ground with Sable humping her face. The knowledge that she couldn't say no to either of them added to the growing desire pooling in her pussy.

She barked cheerfully.

Two hours later, Merrie crawled after their tiny pack. Sable bounded along the dirt path ahead of them, her tail wagging as she bounced from bush to tree. She stopped to squat and pee, before she ran up ahead to crawl on a fallen log and wait for the others to catch up.

Bass followed after her, walking strongly and just at the limit of Merrie's speed. He had two leads in his hand, one to Sama and the other to Licker. Like Sable, Merrie was unattached but Merrie knew she couldn't run away even if she wanted to. She was his bitch, at least her body was. As much as she surrendered her ass that unforgettable morning, she didn't quite feel that she surrendered her mind to him. There was an uneasy feeling that she wasn't ready to do so; Merrie wondered if the random sensation of reaching out for him with her mind was somehow related to her feeling that she wasn't entirely his.

He stopped at a ridge of ragged stones. Setting down his short sword and a basket with lunch, he reached down and picked up Licker. His fingers slid into her pussy as he held her breasts with his other hand. Tenderly, he lifted her over the ridge and set her down. Before he released her, he pumped a few times into her pussy and whispered “good girl.”

As he did the same for Sama, Merrie rushed over and begged to be third. She didn't have a lead, but she still moaned as he reached down and grabbed her pussy with his large hand. His middle finger circled around her butt plug before sliding deep into her slick pussy.

Merrie trembled with the feeling, almost coming on the thick digit. He grabbed her by her breasts, his hand stretching across her chest. She leaned into him as he picked her up, cradling her against his chest and setting her down on the far side.

She whimpered as he withdrew his fingers, but he added a second and third before jamming it back into her cunt. She let out a gasp, not quite coming, and then slumped as he withdrew his glistening fingers.

“Good girl.” She let out a soft, happy whine at the thrum of the collar. The magical pleasure added to the growing desire to orgasm that still pooled in her belly. She had been awake for hours and it was quickly becoming the longest she's gone without an orgasm in days.

He picked up the basket and his sword. As he walked by, she could smell of roasted meat and fresh bread drifting from the picnic. Her stomach rumbled and she bounded after him, ready to eat and get fucked.

They caught up to Sable at a fork in the path. One route curled back toward the mill. It was well used and showed signs of years of travel. The other was rougher and overgrown. It also headed away from the mill, toward the wilds that surrounded them.

Right at the fork were two white stakes in the ground. On their walks, Merrie saw hundreds of them scattered randomly around, but Bass never got close enough for Merrie to discere their purpose. As they drew close, she saw there was writing on each stake. The first said, “Gaping Pussy, 3/771-782.” She recognized the date, year 771 of the third age; the stake was dated twelve years before. The second part was the day of year. The day Merrie was kidnapped was 762, the end of summer, which meant today was 767. She peered at the second stake which was much newer than the first: “Titty Fuck, 3/781-795”. Merrie felt a tingle as she realized that the stake was just over a year old. Something had happened there and Merrie didn't know if she wanted to find out what.

Bass stopped at the fork. “I guess we went a little further than I planned. Well, the pond is another two kilometer away. Good thing I brought enough for all of us.” He chuckled and started down Titty Fuck's stake. A flash of sadness crossed his face, but it was gone in an instant. He spoke in a terse voice, “Those are Tabitha's. Don't worry about them. Come on, I'm hungry.”

Without another word, he started down the well-used path.

Merrie went to follow, but Sable stood in front of her. Merrie frowned and sat down with the need to wait.

Sable spun around and assumed the begging position. She barked once.

Bass stopped. “Sable?”

Sable gestured with her head toward Merrie, then the other path.

“That way is another couple hours, Sab. I don't think Licker and Sama can't…”

Sable repeated her gesture. She nodded to Merrie, then herself, then the path.

His mouth opened as realization dawned across his face. “Yeah, go ahead and take her. We'll be at the pond for a few hours. Be back before,” he grunted, “say midday sun?”

Sable panted with her sloppy smile. She wiggled her ass–the tail smacked Merrie's shoulder–and then barked three times. Spinning on her rear, she returned to crawling and butted Merrie with her head.

Confused, Merrie got on her hands and knees. She didn't know where to go until Sable reached up, grabbed Merrie's dog ear with her teeth, and tugged her down the less-used path. Merrie thought about resisting, then decided that Sable was doing something significant. She relented and let Sable direct her along the harder path.

As soon as Merrie stopped resisting, Sable released Merrie's hair and bounded forward. Even with her cut-off elbows and knees, she was very agile as they crawled over the rough, torn ground. Merrie, with her gloves and boots forcing her on her hands and knees, wondered what it would be like if she was cropped. The thought of being amputated sent a shiver down her spine and she paused to fight the flush that filled her.

Sable barked impatiently and continued along.

Merrie hurried to catch up, but Sable just accelerated. A few minutes later, Merrie was struggling to keep up with Sable who remained just out of reach. Compared to the leisurely walks with Bass, Sable was heading directly for something and Merrie didn't know where.

A half hour later, Merrie considered turning around once again. She struggled to crawl over a log that fell across the path. Her sweat-slicked skin reminded her of the first walk they were on. But, there was no compassionate master driving her. Just an urge to keep following Sable, to the end of the earth if needed.

As she hurried along the path, the dildo swirling around in her ass refused to let the passion boiling in her guts subside. Instead, the hurried rush only added to the desperate need to orgasm. She wondered if Sable would mind her stopping to masturbate, or if she would have to wrestle and win against Sable to find relief. She smiled at the idea of beating Sable, though she didn't think she would ever win if Sable didn't surrender. Her ass clenched around the butt plug and she tried not to think about Bass' cock driving deep into her willing asshole.

The path faded away but Sable didn't stop. Instead, she kept on walking through the underbrush. Her naked body disappeared quickly in the shadows and Merrie had trouble keeping track of even Sable's dark tail. She followed after. As branches scraped her, she winced. Then, as she tried to get through a dense prickle bush, she felt her tail catch on branches. She came to a stop as it threatened to rip out of her and let out a whine.

Sable stopped and sat down to look at her. There was an expectant look on her face as she gestured for Merrie to follow.

Merrie didn't think she could move. She was helpless and caught, pinned by the dildo in her ass. Carefully, she squeezed down on her ass and pulled. The butt plug started to slid out and she relaxed.

Sable barked and gestured again.

Merrie took a deep breath, squeezed her ass as tight as possible, and surged forward. Despite her best effort, she felt the dildo slid out and she let out a sob as she broke free of the bush. Turning around, she saw her fake tail swinging back and forth on the branch. Her first thought was that Bass would punish her, then second was the hope that she would get her own tail so she wouldn't have worry about that.

Fighting back sudden tears, she reached out and grabbed the dildo with her mouth. It was still warm from her ass. It was also as clean as the day Rendi shoved it inside. She yanked it free from the bush and crawled to Sable. As she crawled closer, she realized that Bass wasn't there, she could have just grabbed it with her gloved hands but used her mouth instead.

Sable grinned broadly. She wiggled her tail.

(Good girl.)

Merrie froze as a strange, but clear, voice drifted through her mind. It was a woman's voice, smooth and husky as a glass of single-malt scotch, but definitely female. But, Sable's mouth didn't move and there was no way that either bitch had spoken. Merrie's mouth opened and the dildo tumbled out as she stared in shock.

Sable panted and reached down to pick up the butt plug by its base. Trotting around, she positioned it back against Merrie's sphincter and pushed.

Merrie, her mind still focused on the foreign thought, let out a gasp and lowered her body into a present position to brace herself. The dildo was pushed into her body, the well-fucked rectum taking it smoothly until it settled into place.

Sable gave her a long lick, which did nothing to help the ache inside her, before headed back along the invisible path.

Feeling unbalanced, Merrie wiggled her ass to get used to the familiar intruder, then hurried after the alpha bitch.

A few minutes later, they came up to a fence cutting through the woods. It was old and weather-beaten. Where she could see the gray wood underneath the peeling paint, it was splintered and rotted. It wouldn't stop anyone, but it distinctly identified something Merrie never thought she would see.

It was the edge of the Puppy Mill.

A simple rotted fence marked the gateway to freedom. Beyond it, Merrie would no longer be Bass' bitch. She would be a free woman. Running for her life, but free. Merrie froze in mid-step as she stared at the fence. The part of her that wanted to run was only a small one, the rest of it had surrendered to Bass. She didn't want to leave her master, ever. She wanted to be his bitch for the rest of her life if she could manage it.

Sable continued to the fence and crawled through her. Her large breasts scraped along the wood as she struggled with her efforts, then she hit the ground with a thud on the far side. Turning around, she gestured for Merrie to follow.

Merrie felt the tears burning her eyes. She shook her head and took a step back.

Sable rested her elbows on the bottom of the fence, her eyes filled with compassion. She gestured with her head to her right. When Merrie didn't move, she repeated the gesture and Merrie felt the urge to look.

Merrie crawled over, stopping centimeters away from the fence and peered through the slats. Beyond the fence, in a small clearing, was a single white stake. Painted bright white, it looked completely out of place in the middle of a natural area. With a start, Merrie thought back to the last stake she saw, at the fork in the path. They were at least a half kilometer away and she had forgotten it.

Sable repeated her pointing gesture again, then pushed herself off the fence to crawl toward the stake.

After a moment's hesitation, Merrie crawled through the fence. As soon as she passed the fence, she felt an unfamiliar tingle course up her spine. It came with a sense of loss and she wondered if she had done something terribly wrong. Fighting back tears, she rushed to catch up with Sable. As they got closer, Merrie strained to read the words on the stake.

“Fuck Balls” was the name and a date from eight years before.

Merrie sat down and gestured to Sable, trying to ask if Sable was the one on the name.

Sable shook her head and circled around the stick. She sat down and stared at the far side.

Merrie followed suit to peer around on the other side where someone added a new name to the marker: Dixie. She knew that Dixie and Sable were both kidnapped like herself, but to see the name brought it into stark reality. Something happened to Dixie right there, the same thing that happened to all the other bitches. Merrie struggle with the purpose of the stake, it was right on the tip of her tongue but her mind refuse to focus on it.

Sable padded over and kissed Merrie. It was a soft but forceful kiss. Then, Sable headed back the way she came.

Merrie stared at the post for a moment, then followed Sable. As she passed through the fence, she felt the same tingle coursing up her spine. Curious, she backed through the fence and felt the tingle as a line of force right through the middle of the fence. She held herself there, rocking back and forth as she tried to explore the strange sensation. She couldn't see it, but she could picture an invisible ward surrounding the mill.

Sable barked with a wry grin on her face.

Blushing, Merrie finished crawling through the fence and bounded after Sable. Together, they headed back toward the mill. Merrie paid attention to their route so she could find Dixie's stake again.