Faerie Trap 1: Faerie Trap
Still mourning the loss of her unborn child, Jinatha finds herself caught at her uncle's house, cast far away from the world she was so familiar with.
- F insertion
- Chapter
- 3,921
- 15 minutes
- 2006-10-15
Good Deal 3: Market Value 12: Peeking
Being able to watch his slaves being delivered was addictive. He could turn on the camera and watch them at any time and they wouldn't be aware of his attention.
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- 1,469
- 5 minutes
- 2023-06-17
Good Deal 3: Market Value 32: Lazy Morning
John is woken up by Rose dressed as a cat girl maid. It was the perfect way to get off.
- MFFF oral rom
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- 2,144
- 8 minutes
- 2024-02-04
Boarding Party 14: Observations by D. Sadie
Lord Palapus enjoys watching Hirhu's show until he is interrupted by more pressing matters.
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- 9 minutes
- 2024-10-30
Ultimate Weight Loss Program 35: Savior
Emma wakes up back in her bedroom at her parent's house, in control of her body and with Ajela safely trapped inside. What is the first thing she does?
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- 3,747
- 14 minutes
- 2024-06-28
Ultimate Weight Loss Program 30: Safety Check
Ajela and Emma try to get off but fail. But then they have an unexpected visitor that leads to new revelations, some of which threaten Emma's existence.
- F-solo fantasy inc nosex
- Chapter
- 5,696
- 21 minutes
- 2024-04-28