Daughter of Justice 1: Daughter of Justice

Kiba is a nasty girl of thirteen who uses her sexuality to throw good men into prison for life. The problem is, she is also the only daughter of a judge in Franome City. Sooner or later, someone is going to notice…

  • f-solo plush
  • f/M asfr oral anal magic asfr
  • Chapter
  • 7,845
  • 30 minutes
  • 2006-10-15

Father's Day Pact 1: The Father's Day Pact

It was Father's Day and Robert missed his deceased wife with all of his heart. His daughter was out for the day which meant spending time alone with his sorrows. At least until his daughter's friend, Melody, shows up wearing nothing but a ribbon and a pair of underwear.

  • Mf cons rom
  • Chapter
  • 5,341
  • 20 minutes
  • 2006-10-15