Assigned Duties 1: Assigned Duties

Many years ago, there was a friendly rivalry between the high school's swim and football team. Tracy didn't realize that years later, the old football team would still hold a grudge for him. He found out when he lost his job and his old football rivals offered him a position on their boat.

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  • Chapter
  • 9,452
  • 36 minutes
  • 2011-12-03

Cowgirl Blues 1: Cowgirl Blues: The Rodeo

Daril was on the run from the law. His fondness for using women in meals, usually at their own requests, frequently sent him moving from town to town, just ahead of the mobs. One day, tired of the running, he decided to follow the invitation he got years before. To a strange ranch in the middle of nowhere, next to the Dorza border.

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  • Chapter
  • 9,428
  • 36 minutes
  • 2006-10-15

Daughter of Justice 1: Daughter of Justice

Kiba is a nasty girl of thirteen who uses her sexuality to throw good men into prison for life. The problem is, she is also the only daughter of a judge in Franome City. Sooner or later, someone is going to notice…

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  • Chapter
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  • 30 minutes
  • 2006-10-15

Father's Day Pact 1: The Father's Day Pact

It was Father's Day and Robert missed his deceased wife with all of his heart. His daughter was out for the day which meant spending time alone with his sorrows. At least until his daughter's friend, Melody, shows up wearing nothing but a ribbon and a pair of underwear.

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  • 5,341
  • 20 minutes
  • 2006-10-15

The Poor Nurse 1: Urotsukidōji: That Poor Nurse

It was an ordinary day for Michie, a nurse for a busy hospital in Tokyo. Little did she know when she put on her pink uniform that she would become victim to the lusts of demon in a man's body, a catalyst for something far more terrible than any mortal man would ever know.

  • Chapter
  • 6,321
  • 24 minutes
  • 2006-10-15
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Good Deal 3: Market Value 18: Calmer

John leaves his room calmer, but Rose offers to help him relax even more.

  • MF oral D/s
  • Chapter
  • 1,421
  • 5 minutes
  • 2023-06-18
  • Chapter
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  • 11 minutes
  • 2023-08-05