Assigned Duties 1: Assigned Duties
Many years ago, there was a friendly rivalry between the high school's swim and football team. Tracy didn't realize that years later, the old football team would still hold a grudge for him. He found out when he lost his job and his old football rivals offered him a position on their boat.
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- Chapter
- 9,452
- 36 minutes
- 2011-12-03
Pits and Spikes 11: Further Bites
As the hunger continues to ravage Ab, Sarisin gives up more of herself.
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- 715
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Pits and Spikes 7: Infection
As the infection continues, Sarisin realizes that she doesn't have a choice anymore. There was only one thing Ab could do to save her and she would have to give up a part of herself to do so.
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- 12 minutes
Pits and Spikes 8: Painful Recovery
Sarisin recovers from having her limbs bitten off with surprising grace, but she continues to weaken from her injuries.
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- 651
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Boarding Party 4: Serving Each Other by D. Sadie
Lord Palapus is lost in his bitter thoughts when Luap comes to check on him. His mood remains dark before the woman he loved, but didn't love him back, joined him and he got to spend a few precious minutes with Hirhu along before she went on her mission.
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- 19 minutes
- 2024-11-23
Ultimate Weight Loss Program 30: Safety Check
Ajela and Emma try to get off but fail. But then they have an unexpected visitor that leads to new revelations, some of which threaten Emma's existence.
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- Chapter
- 5,696
- 21 minutes
- 2024-04-28